It was a **** insult, but time was of the essence. Had to get to M&S Anlaby before 4pm - Glad you liked it!
No sarcasm, just pissed <doh> I meant it as a compliment, you do look at football with a very good eye and I enjoy reading your input; considering it's Macca that's training to be a sports journo, you'd think it the other way around. I thought, may be, that you found football 'piece-of-cake'!
I love what you see in football. Keep it up, we're all here to be challenged. What position do you play?
I can't express enough just how disappointed I am at you attending the 'Udders game. If I can bring myself to stop spending my cash on City, anyone can.
No hard feeling, just having a laugh on a thread that had legs! Better mates than malice! :emoticon-0105-wink::emoticon-0105-wink: