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Paperback Ruiter's Recent Activity

  1. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked 7Mackem78's post in the thread Summer '24 transfer window.

    Inter are my Italian team from Football Italia on Channel 4 years ago. Agree Recoba was a great player.

    Jul 25, 2024 at 3:45 PM
  2. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked Essayyeffcee's post in the thread Bally leaves SAFC.

    Bally was awarded the freedom of the city last night...

    Jul 25, 2024 at 3:07 PM
  3. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter replied to the thread Off Topic Joey Barton.

    Perfectly summed up

    Jul 25, 2024 at 12:12 PM
  4. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked Frazier the Lion's post in the thread Off Topic Joey Barton.

    Anyone who genuinely thinks that racist little pseud is actually intelligent has a much lower bar for intelligence than I do, mind....

    Jul 25, 2024 at 12:11 PM
  5. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked CR17's post in the thread Summer '24 transfer window.

    i'd rather us did what it takes to do well than any of that like but each to their own I suppose

    Jul 24, 2024 at 2:40 PM
  6. Paperback Ruiter
  7. Paperback Ruiter
  8. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked Smug in Boots's post in the thread Mags embarrassing themselves yet again.

    The Mags aren't quite as stupid as they appear tbh. Staveley was the perfect foil and meant they could avoid the fact that they're...

    Jul 21, 2024 at 2:29 PM
  9. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked Snaggey's post in the thread Off Topic Ray Reardon, RIP..

    Ray Reardon has passed away, aged 91. Used to love watching Pot Black when I was a kid, and he was one of the regulars. He was one of...

    Jul 20, 2024
  10. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked young2077's post in the thread Summer '24 transfer window.

    Far too many uses if imminent or variation there of in that post for my liking!

    Jul 20, 2024
  11. Paperback Ruiter

    Paperback Ruiter liked Culinary's post in the thread Summer '24 transfer window.

    I’ve spent part of the morning reading the Caen forum (yes, I’m that sad) and they seem to think the two years remaining on his contract...

    Jul 20, 2024