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Sep 9, 2024 at 4:10 AM
Jan 24, 2011
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East Yorkshire

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Mod Moderator, from East Yorkshire

Staff Member
originallambrettaman was last seen:
Sep 9, 2024 at 4:10 AM
    1. tigerpants54
      Hi there, one of your posters on here 'allan ben arfa' has wished me to die!...i dont feel this is very good behaviour for a social forum, I'd respect if he were banned or I will report this forum!...as these words are shocking beyond anything!
    2. spesupersydera
      Alright Lammie, nowt to do with this forum I know but I know you're pretty clued up CI wise too - is CI site down again ? When I try to access it I'm getting the following;

      ''Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.
      Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request''
    3. spesupersydera
      Pick your brains a minute Lammie ?
      I'm long standing season ticket holder & got my ticket for the Final. I went to the semi with my wife as a +1 on my ticket, with her going to all the other FA cup games (Southend & Brighton included) she'd like to go to the final, here's my question ........ I'm happy to queue on Thursday to get her a ticket, so as to get her sat with me I'd hand my single ticket back and buy another one sat alongside her ... do you think the club would go for it, and who would I contact at the club to confirm my ''plan'' if you think it might be a goer ?
      PS I'm not REALLY superstitious BUT we've got to the Final the ONLY time my wife has been to every cup match !!
    4. Erik
    5. Erik
      Currently doing the countries of the world. Got 79/197 and still have 11 of my 15 minutes left. This is war, Lamby. This is war.
      1. yorktiger1904 likes this.
    6. Erik
    7. Erik
      I tried to join up to City Independent twice yesterday, so I could tell that ****witted 'Tenfoot Tiger' **** what a mong he is, but was thwarted on both occasions by the wee devils that live in The Internet. Tell him from me, please <ok>

      PS. Also tried to send this as a PM but your box is stuffed to the brim *chortle* *guffaw*
    8. Erik
      You know I love you really <hug>

      Hugs and kisses to all connected with the OLM family

    9. robingram02
    10. robingram02
      Hi olm, have you still got any spare by any chance? I now live just two stops from Wembley central. If you've got two going spare that would be brilliant, but one would be great. I realise I may have been to slow, but your generosity is appreciated regardless!
    11. TygerTyger
      Good move I think. Thanks.
    12. Paderborn
      hello, i signed in today and write a post in the proschwitz thread. There was written that i must be checked by the mod.
      When you, or the other mods, will be give the ok for the message.
    13. PLT
    14. The Omega Man
      The Omega Man
      Sorry the twitter was a fake account.
    15. The Omega Man
      The Omega Man
      I think that I have just read a twitter that gives the game away re the striker! He had a meal out with two of our players over the weekend. I will not post it. But it does fit. Just wanted to put it on record somewhere.
    16. City
      In reply to "Another bloody name change"
      I was Pearsons Flat Top had to change it.
    17. SouthYorkshireTiger
      You don't sleep, you're like a machine!
    18. SouthYorkshireTiger
      Are you ever offline OLM?!
    19. Elmos_right_peg
      sorry OLM still new to posting threads will remember in future
    20. City
      Ill take my lad if youve still got them original?
      [email protected]
      Never mind if theyve gone great gesture and thanks
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