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Oregon Tiger
Last Activity:
Feb 6, 2025 at 11:41 AM
Feb 1, 2011
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Software Engineering

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Oregon Tiger

Well-Known Member, from Cambridge

Real stupity beats artificial intelligence every time. Feb 19, 2021

Oregon Tiger was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025 at 11:41 AM
    1. Oregon Tiger
      Oregon Tiger
      Real stupity beats artificial intelligence every time.
    2. Mark de Klein
      Mark de Klein
      So, I've checked the school photos and there's definitely no one called Oregon Tiger. Mind you there isn't a Mark de Klein either! Care to exchange real names? Cheers
    3. WSTiger
      I do my SUPing and Kiteboarding on the Columbia River. Kite from the White Salmon Bridge and generally paddle board down from Viento to Hood River when there is a good blow and decent swell. My wife has a cousin in Harlton just south of Cambridge we were there last year.
    4. WSTiger
      Not sure I replied to this. But yes it is taken from White Salmon. I live in the town. And like you I have paddled down the White Salmon, on a sit on top, and yes it can be quite dangerous. Got sucked into one of the caverns at one point when I overturned, pushed off the wall and came up gulping for air-phew. Nearly bought a boat after taking some roll lessons but in the end bagged out since I was already and still am spending a lot of time kiteboarding and downwind Stand Up Paddle Boarding. Where did you live in Oregon-Oregon Tiger and where in the UK are you now?
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    Software Engineering
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    Hull City
    born & bred in the East Riding & supported City since the mid-60s. education & work has taken me away from Hull, arriving in Cambridge via Newcastle, Bedford, Dallas, Bedford (again), Nice and Portland.

