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- Birthday:
- Aug 30, 1982 (Age: 42)
- Occupation:
- Business Developer
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Member, 42, from Southampton 27 years now Bristol for past 30 month
- Imsaintsme was last seen:
- Aug 21, 2013
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- Birthday:
- Aug 30, 1982 (Age: 42)
- Occupation:
- Business Developer
I have many stories and interesting facts about SFC from being a young macot at the dell on several occasions. Meeting and chatting to my idols, Shearer, Le Tissier, Rod Wallace and Razor Ruddock.
I grew up playing football, and football helped me grow as a person. It gave me passion, confidence, belief and a whole load of friends.
I've wrestled Claus Lundekvam on a bin, played poker with Kevin Davies, had a boogie with Le Tissier. Handed a league winners medal and golden boot by Dodd (tyro days).
I'm also lucky to have a great family that all support the great red and White machine. My younger sister has sung live at St Marys prior to a big match and I've played at St Marys on few occasions myself.
I now live away from my beloved home Southampton due to work reasons but I will never forget what the great times that Saints have given me other the years and long may that continue.....Interact