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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. brb

    brb Guest

    This thread has been created for a trial period.

    Why did I name it the Gordon Road Stand, when I was a young lad, I use to attempt to watch matches from various parts of the ground. However, I have never experienced the GRS, solely because I was once told it was home to the 'shut up and sit down brigade'. People that I deemed as a breed of old wise grumpy men.

    This is not a matter of whether there was any fact in that statement but it is what I truly believed as a youngster, in the days of when you used to be able to walk from one end of the ground to the other for each half of the game.

    So to kick off proceedings for the Gordon Road Stand, a few words from this now ageing grumpy wise man:

    1. The aim of this thread is for the debate of topics and events that affect our every day life.
    2. This is not a virtual pub and anything of that nature will be moved to 'blues rock cafe' thread or simply deleted.
    3. No swearing, racism or abuse of any nature.
    4. No porn.
    5. No libel.
    6. Please avoid picture uploads and emoticons (smiley's), keeping this area to typed debate.
    7. Avoid repetitive posting, allow other users to join in the debate.
    8. Gillingham FC related topics are not for this thread and will be moved or deleted.

  2. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Ok I'll kick off preceedings......

    Did anybody actually vote in the Police and Crime Comissioners vote??? I did not. Other than thinking it's not right for someone without in depth police knowledge to be essentially running the service, it was the complete lack of any knowledge of the people running. What actually we're their plans? Who are they? Why should they be the one to get my vote?

    I felt their was a complete lack of effort from any of the people standing to connect with the people that vote. Did anyone else feel like this or were there any other reasons for non participation?
  3. brb

    brb Guest

    To be completely honest, I went to work and it was not until I had come home, I realised I had forgot! However, I probably would not have voted anyway due to the lack of information. I know I could have done my own research but like all situations of this nature we are lazy and unless the candidates throw it in our face, then we will not sit up and take notice. Her indoors voted while I was at work and later told me what some of the candidates were offering but they did not fall completely within my own personal beliefs, so it would have been the usual case of seeking an alternative as I always do at the voting polls.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Gordon Road Stand eh ? old wise & grumpy ! I suppose it was a coincidence that you christened this thread in the full knowledge that I inhabit that part of the ground ?
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Children in need !
    Firstly I'd like to state that I currently 'give away' about 15% of my annual income in various forms of charitable donations ( because, thankfully I can afford it. )- so I do not have a tight bottom ( complying with the no swearing rule ) -- BUT --
    I did not contribute to this annual event, nor did I watch any of it on TV.
    I have the utmost admiration of those people who participated in various activities to raise funds for the cause - but I cannot bring myself to give more money than is already being taken in direct taxation - that should be more than enough to ensure that NO child in Britain is ever in need.
    I wouldn't mind if this annual event was soley used for the plight of children in the 3rd world - but in a country with our current benefit system there should never be child that is starving.
    I have bought my 'charity' Christmas cards for this year - and like in recent years, I will not be buying useless presents, but donating all the equivalent cash to Oxfam - but, sorry - not to yesterdays event.
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Heard in the news that one polling station had nobody come to vote - I hope the Chief Constable didn't live in that area -he/she wont be long in the job if he/she didn't bother to vote.
  7. brb

    brb Guest

    You read my thoughts well but my thread story is true.

    Also people if you press the 'Go Advanced' button at bottom right of post before saving it should allow you to add a title, this will help when topics are forever changing - if that makes sense.
  8. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I was quite surprised at how poorly advertised it was this year. Most years there is heavy impetus put on it but there was hardly anything this year. Also don't worry about on not watching it this year. It was extremely poor. Had to feel sorry for Sir Terry Wogan that he was wheeled out and dusted off for such a poor programme.
  9. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I'm not sure if I'm allowed in that stand, don't the stewards ask to see your library card before you can enter.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    What a lovely woman ( not )
    She lives in Reigate and claims thousands in 2nd home allowance for that residence - bacause she is MP for Maidstone.
    I appreciate that she is not on her own - but I cannot believe that the claim for these expenses are in the spirit of the law.
    I'm glad I don't live in Madstone !! And another way that residents in our county town are being screwed is the way that a lot of you pay for your water services. I have an elderly, widowed aunt in Maidstone - who lives in a flat ( that cannot have a water meter .) She has to pay fees to two water authorities ( one for supply and the other for waste !! ) Her current annual bill is about £ 500. My mother ( widowed and in a house on a water meter in Gillingham ) pays about £120.
    I hope that Ms Grant can live with herself in making her claim for expenses. Those of you in Maidstone need to remember that next time we go to vote.

    edit - I understand that the mother of Ms Grant lives in Maidstone ! mmmm I wonder where she kips down on the odd occasion she has to stay over in Maidstone when she can't drive the 34 miles home to Reigate.

  11. brb

    brb Guest

    In regards to the comments re water meters, I personally am totally against compulsory instalment of them. Water meters probably benefit the elderly living on their own or a household with less/equal occupancy people per room against rateable value. Otherwise you will pay more.

    The government and energy companies continue to want to control our lives through the links to our income, this is just another form in which they do that.

    I am on a water meter, therefore I ensure I use less water than I use too, also this summers hosepipe ban did not affect me, because basically I can no longer afford to use it for items such as car washing, watering the garden, filling a pool etc, etc. Even taking into consideration that conservation of water, it still costs me more for my water on a meter. Therefore I have absolutely no time for energy saving propaganda from the energy companies or government.

    In simple terms look at this way, if everyone played by the rules and was 100% energy efficient, the energy companies would still put their prices up because it affects their profits every time we save a £1 to keep in our pocket and take out of their's. In the same way the government gradually bring in more and more restrictions on highly taxed tobacco, as the revenue for that declines the shortfall has to be made up somewhere.
  12. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Just had a letter from Southern water to let me know they're fitting a meter in the new-year, guess washing will have to go by the wayside.
  13. bristol407

    bristol407 Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    No water meter====leave the tap running, no financial incentive to turn it off. Water meter====Turn the tap off its costing me money to leave it on.
    So with meters there is less cost of production to share amongst customers and the big cost of building a new reservoir is deferred for a few more years. brb and grumpy make the case (unintentionally) for what they are arguing against.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I hate the idea of a water meter, I know it will be coming soon as a lot of roads around the area have been done, I think that it is a joke how much you end up paying once they are fitted, I know they fit them so that you think about how much you use but I think the rate they charge is a joke, I am totally against them unless they were to drop the rate down a lot.
    I get what you mean brb that they don't really want us to save water because if we use less they make less money so the prices have to go up they know that we need it so they can fix to whatever they want it to be.
    I know someone who had a bill which used to be £50 a month but now with the water meter they make sure they use less but they pay £90 a month which is a scary figure.
  15. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Can I start out by saying that Exeter deserved their win So it's not that I'm upset that the Gills lost tonight.
    On the way to the game I got caught up in the horrendeous traffic problems on the M2. I know that the police would have alerted the Club - to warn them that there would probably be some latecomers. ( I know of some who gave up and turned around to go home.)
    I was 'lucky' enough to do a detour - and got to the ground just as the whistle was blown to start the game.
    I had taken 2 extra people to the game - and we tried to enter via Gordon Road ( as per my season tickets.) The turnstile operative allowed the two of us that were season ticket holders to enter the stadium via Gordon Road - but not the other two - whose tickets were for seats in the Gordon Road ! WHY
    Because the ticket said you should enter the ground via the Rainham End. What a load of testicles! ( and I've always held that thought about this situation ) -AND - it wasn't as if there were ANYONE else outside the turnstile when we arrived - and the circumstances were exceptional. But the operative wouldn't budge - and my two guests missed Whelpdale's goal. Thankyou you, turnstile operative for your attention to detail.

    if anyone is interested in reading the unedited, uncensored version of this post please let me know - I'll send you a pm - or you could use your imagination.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I think I can imagine the rest and that is a shame as the first 5 minutes was the best of the game for us.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Has anyone got Football Manager this year, if so how are you doing, I am as Gillingham like I normally do in the second season with them in League 1 after winning the league on the last game of the first season (that was the first time I had topped the league as I had been between the Play offs and 2nd and 3rd place, but a bad run of form by the top 2 and Gillingham on form I won the league, this season I have 10 games left not playing consistent but 7th, 10 points off 2nd so that looks out of reach for me but Play offs should be what I aim for.
  18. brb

    brb Guest

    We already have some of the highest alcohol prices in Europe, successive governments have destroyed publicans through taxation and here we go again, blanketed as usual under every excuse the politicians can think of to justify their means.

    This is nothing more than further government interference that through the minority will affect the majority. Whether it only affects me by nothing more than a mere few pence or not, keep your continued interference out of our lives.

    I guess this will be yet another reason to travel abroad to buy your bulk purchases and avoid our taxation system, without doubt we are moving deeper and deeper into this government/police controlled state.

    JAMES THE GILLS MAN Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I actually think it's a good idea, stops the idiots drinking "white lighting" which is peanuts in price. A decent bottle of wine will only increase by a few pence.
  20. brb

    brb Guest

    James - I am always happy to increase my knowledge through other people's experiences, so bearing that in mind, I would not have thought a drink such as white lighting came into the category of people this was aimed at?

    I would have thought and maybe a wrong assumption on my part, that particular 'type' of drink was deemed within particular reported views as having a wider health issue with a price increase, with alcoholics moving on to white spirit. These views came from a doctor who actually supported the changes, however, considered this segment of society as outside of this debated issue.

    The people this increase is aimed at are the people that fill our hospitals during Fridays/Saturdays (75% I believe) and the drain on resources. Some of these people may think nothing of spending huge amounts of £££'s on their night out and where consumption may take place before leaving home, hence the targeted individuals.

    The problem is that affects your law abiding moderate drinkers, if Strongbow was my tipple which it is not, according to this report...http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/mar/23/alcohol-minimum-price-supermarket instead of picking up any Christmas/New Year celebration supplies at £20 per deal, you would now be paying £37 per deal if I have read it correctly. Ok, worst case scenario maybe but £17 is far more then a few pence that the government wish to portray, those prices were based at the 40p per unit category not the 45p - 50p. I believe the pence prices quoted are a measure per unit method used to disguise the level of pricing a bit like under different circumstances the way we adopted the European method of pricing in litres.

    Successive governments have completely destroyed the Great British Traditional Pub and now they want to attack our supermarkets and off licences.

    More importantly the revenue generated will it go back straight into the strain on resources NHS and Policing or even AA, I doubt it.

    I know this is purely all my own opinion and I admit to having a distrust in any legislation Governments bring in by taxation methods.

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