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Match Day Thread Super bowl

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by swanseaandproud, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Just curious if anyone watched the super bowl last night/morning ? I watched the Falcons who were the underdogs score an impressive 21 points with no reply and they were dominating the game so i thought im going to bed as they won this.....But to my amazement when i checked the score when i got up the Patriots had made a fantastic comeback and won 34 - 28......I enjoy American football and im gutted i never stayed up now to watch this amazing turnaround....<wah>
  2. Nosugarman1

    Nosugarman1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Can't stand American football and the Yanks are so loud.
  3. aswan_dam

    aswan_dam Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Watched the first half, Lady Gaga at half-time and saw the Falcons get a touchdown at the start of the third quarter, 28-3. No comeback from that I thought and went to bed about 2am. Couldn't believe the Patriots had won this morning. <ok>
  4. swanee

    swanee Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    That`s why I tape it. Belichick is a master technician, most of the time ! And of course they are Trump`s favourites, make of that what you will. <ok>
  5. 55282

    55282 Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Sorry but its rubbish.
    trundles left foot likes this.
  6. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    It's subjective, like all sports. Saw the NY Giants & Cleveland Browns live many years ago in Giants Stadium. Great day out. Don't watch much these days though. I saw some tweets with SJWs crowing about Trump at half time then crying at the end. Hysterical.
    swantastic and swanseaandproud like this.
  7. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    It's a matter of taste. I like American football even though im clueless on the rules but just like thousands in this country who cant stand soccer it's all about what you like.....I love watching all ball sports but my favorite is Rugby....
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  8. 55282

    55282 Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    And mine.......Rugby League where the ball is in play all the time.Rules you can understand.Fantastic athletes.
    trundles left foot likes this.
  9. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I do like watching Rugby league a lot but i prefer Rugby union more i must admit having played to a high standard when i was young....
    Taffvalerowdy likes this.
  10. 55282

    55282 Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Oh fuk

  11. aswan_dam

    aswan_dam Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I got into American Football in the mid-1980s - Joe Montana, Dan Marino, the Refrigerator. And in those days the Patriots were the whipping boys. And Randall Cunningham of the Philadelphia Eagles - a brilliant scrambling (black) quarterback which was quite a rarity. I really hate rugby though - never did understand the rules and still don't <laugh>. And I was brought up near Bath which is definitely a rugby city.
    DragonPhilljack and Kifflom! like this.
  12. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I got into yanks football when i went on exchange with the US Navy back in the 70's. It is a hard game to really understand properly and took me a while to figure out what was going on. I have followed it from then but i don't really have a favorite team....
  13. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    This could have been my post. The Refrigerator - what a monster he was. Dan Marino was awesome wasn't he?

    I was forced to play rugby as a kid and hated every minute of it. As a result I rarely watch these days other than internationals if someone asks me out for a pint.

    When I was in Australia, League was the biggest game by a country mile and the NSQ v QLD game was always worth a watch. But Union? Not so much. I remember being in a Sydney restaurant with a bunch of Aussie friends and none of them knew who David Campese was, despite the fact he was sitting on the next table. <laugh>
  14. Nosugarman1

    Nosugarman1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    I used to like rugby union and used to have a season ticket for the Whites as well as the Swans but haven't seen a live game since the regions were formed. Don't like it so much these days and call it pseudo American football. All this nonsense rolling mauls, crossing the gain line etc. Come back the dancing feet of Phil Bennett, Gerald Davies, David Duckham and the like.
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  15. trundles left foot

    trundles left foot Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I think the problem is with a lot of sports I used to watch, when it was on Channel 4 and once a week I used to enjoy it. Now it is saturation and has become so common it is boring and the same can be said for a lot of things I used to watch, like Snooker, Golf, cricket. They are now on everyday and it is just so boring now, when it was on now and then like The Crucible, like Sunday league cricket I used to watch, wouldn't give them 5 minutes mow.
  16. 55282

    55282 Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    It is because of age.
    I feel the same.
    We remember when sport was played for love and dedication.
    Not money.
  17. Stumpy

    Stumpy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Always recorded it to miss the half time puke fest which was particularly nauseating this year by all accounts.

    Not really big on NFL and the Superbowl much preferring NHL and the Stanley Cup but that was one of the most incredible games I've seen in any sport. It was so boring, Atlanta were cruising then a God named Brady came to play with the Patriots and a miracle happened.

    The Pats were down by 25pts in the third quarter losing 3-28 but Brady played the greatest half of his or any QB's life and the Pats won 28-34 in Overtime, it was something else. The Yanks really do have something to eulogies over in this game and the press have a highlight reel bursting with impossible catches, interceptions, steals and a second half performance from Brady which has made unequivocally the greatest QB of any time. He's beyond the hall of fame, no one will ever get close to him, Brady is truly immortal and walks with gods.
    swanseaandproud likes this.
  18. Monty Fisto

    Monty Fisto Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    I stayed up to watch it. Never seen a whole NFL game before. Was thinking to myself at the end of the 3rd quarter what a terrible advert for American football. The pundits were apologising for how awful and uncompetitive it was. The 4th was quite surreal, woke up the next morning thinking I had dreamt it.
  19. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Rugby was a dictatorship in school when I was a lad, if you dared to bring the round ball to school, it got confiscated, lost a number over the years, I hated playing Rugby, because it was always cold wet and miserable, I can still remember shivering on the wing waiting for the bloody lumps of lard to get the ball out to me so I could run and get some warmth, most of the time I was frozen on the spot, with nothing to do but freeze, hated it....................<laugh>

    Used to go and watch Neath at the Gnoll, when I lived in Beachwood Avenue, Neath, after moving to Swansea, I followed the Whites for a good number of years, my best mate had a medical supplies business, and I used to help him take the boxes of oil and liniment into the Physio room, and dressing room, and enjoyed the banter with the lads, the little Trebanos boy played for them then, (Steve Davies Captain?) forgotten his name now.............<ok>
    Stumpy likes this.
  20. seabreeze

    seabreeze Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    New England didn't win , Atlanta lost . Two plays late lost it for them . 1- Atlanta had a chance to wind down the clock a bit , when they were on the New England 20 yard line , by running a few plays and kicking a field goal making it near impossible for New England to win . Instead they attempted to pass and the quarterback dropped back to pass and got sacked 15 yards back making a field goal not possible and stopped the clock . 2-There was a crucial pass that all the Atlanta defenders had to do was knock the ball down but instead one Atlanta defender tried to catch it with his legs , after players jumped to catch it and it was falling to the ground , and another Atlanta defender got his hand under the ball stopping it from hitting the ground so the New England player could just grasp the ball like it was sitting on a golf tee. Terrible decision making by the Atlanta defence late IMO

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