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St Arsehole's Day vs St Totteringham's Day?

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by Hoddle is a god, Apr 1, 2017.


What will it be this season?

  1. St Arsehole's Day

  2. St Totteringham's Day

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  1. Which will it be, this season?

    If we remain 12 points clear, St Arsehole's Day will fall on the 34th game of the season, because we play Arsenal on 30 April, and if we can get even a point from that game, Arsenal will not be able to surpass our points-tally.

    I am confident that this season will see the first of many St Arsehole's Days being celebrated, but it is up to the Gunners to fight to stave off that day for as long as possible.

    What do you lads think?
  2. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    So is Spurs Arsenal the day.

    Power shift Sunday
  3. Some would argue that the power has been shifting for quite some while, CFC.
  4. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I think there's finally more chance of Spurs finishing above Arsenal than there is of Everton beating Liverpool. It's been a close run thing for nigh on two decades, but it finally seems that Spuds are slightly less of a bottle job than Everton.
  5. There's no comparison.

    Spurs are not bottling it - quite the opposite, as our win at Burnley amply demonstrates; and Arsenal are doing nothing but bottle it.

    Chalk and cheese, Trebs.
  6. Zanjinho

    Zanjinho Boom!
    Forum Moderator

    Sep 10, 2014
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    I think it takes more than one season for it to be deemed a power shift. I'd say Spurs need to actually win something tbh
    Highburyal and gooner4ever like this.

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Don't rob HIAG of his once in 20 years trophy <laugh>
  8. Bollocks!

    Arsenal haven't won anything of note for an eternity; they just kept coming 4th every year.

    All Spurs have to do is keep finishing above them for the next couple of seasons, and that will be evidence enough of a power shift.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Wenger won the FA cup twice in the last few seasons. So that's another **** up clocked up for you :)
    Even when he's past his best, he still out wits the trophy-barren Spuds.

    <laugh> Power shift
  10. I do feel your pain and humiliation, Pix.

  11. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    As a Spurs fan living in Arsenal's shadow, I can see why ...
  12. It's you who is in the shade, now.

    Your board is in complete darkness, Pix. Where is everyone?
  13. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    <laugh> I'm not at all surprised at your delusion.
  14. Arsenal must consider Celtic's Brendan Rodgers as a candidate to replace Arsene Wenger as manager, according to Charlie Nicholas.

    Nicholas, who played for both clubs in his playing career, thinks the former Liverpool boss has boosted his reputation since taking the Celtic job ahead of the 2016-17 season.

    Personally, I think you lads may well have to put up with the likes of Rodgers.

    On the plus side, he did manage to get 'Pool to finish above Spurs once.

    What do you reckon?
  15. Zanjinho

    Zanjinho Boom!
    Forum Moderator

    Sep 10, 2014
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    Nothing of note? From a Spurs fan? You'd give your right testicle for a FA Cup win <laugh>
    PINKIE likes this.
  16. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    If HIAG is now discounting the FA cup as 'nothing of note' then how many years is it since Spurs last won anything of note ?
  17. For a team like Spurs, winning the FA Cup in recent years would have been a great achievement for us, and a nice addition to our overall improvement as a club; but, for a team like Arsenal, that has had the benefit of playing in the CL for the past 20 years, with all the revenue that you've earned, a couple of FA Cup wins is scant return. Over the last decade, Wenger has been an abject failure.

    Do you think Fergie would have lasted so long at United, if that was he had to show for a decade's work?

    Why do you try to justify Wenger's failings by reference to Spurs? We are not the yardstick against which any of this ought to be measured. It's United and Chelsea, and most latterly, City. These are the sides that Poch's Spurs has in his sights; Wenger is content if he finishes above us. It is laughable!

    Well, let us all hope that, this season, he finishes below us as well as outside the top 4. It looks like he's staying at your club, so let's see how well he operates without CL prestige, and against the backlash of continually adverse publicity.

    Yours is the only club, in the World, where it's the tail that wags the dog.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  18. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    So in summary, you are confirming that Spurs are a small club. <ok>
    Zanjinho likes this.
  19. We've certainly been smaller than Arsenal.

    I don't think anyone would seek to deny that.

    What cannot be avoided, by you or any Gooner, is the fact that Arsenal have had the lead on Spurs for two decades. In that time, you did so many things - build a stadium, training centre, pay higher wages to attract and keep better players, etc. That we were chasing your shadow ought to come as a surprise to no one, and to brag about that is rather hollow.

    The real question that you ought to be asking yourself is this. Has Arsenal's dominance over Spurs come to an end?

    Last season, it was Spurs who challenged for the title, not Arsenal. This season, it is Spurs that is challenging for the title, not Arsenal. We haven't even built our new stadium yet.

    Only time will tell if we can claim to have surpassed you, but only an imbecile would deny that Arsenal's star appears to be waning.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  20. PINKIE

    PINKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Easy. No it hasn't, not until you actually win trophies and do it consistently.

    If you finish above us this season, then it will simply be one season out of 20 years that you've managed to do it, whilst winning practically **** all, compared to Wenger's 3 titles, 6 FA cups including 2 doubles.

    I know you will celebrate it like a trophy, but that is simply an indication of a small club mentality.

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