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Sports Science

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by TIGERSCAVE, Mar 21, 2017.


    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    For once a really good phone guest on Brazil Brekkie Show today on TalkSport. A Dutch guy cant remember his name who was talking about fatigue, based on Mourinho comments about 9 games in 30 days.

    He came up with some interesting stats amongst which were a team playing with a 4 days rest period has 40% more chance of victory over a team who have a 3 day rest period. He then added that even teams with a squad big enough to rotate falls into this category as the first choice right sided partnership when separated affects the % too. He highlighted Liverpools woeful January and predicted the same for Man Its in April.

    He also mentioned the benefit of a break and pointed out it actually had detrimental affects leading to sloppiness, what appears to be tiredness etc, all to do with the brain going into rest time instead of game time. Christ knows Ive seen that with out lot...!!!

    Don't know how to link it, but if you get chance to listen its quite informative.
    PLT likes this.
  2. augustatiger

    augustatiger Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    I remember reading an article in a broadsheet about 10 years ago when Manchester U were all over Europe.The focus was on diet as there was a confusion between recocery diet after a mid week match and a preparation diet before the weekend end match.All seemed plausible.
  3. BlackAndAmberGambler

    BlackAndAmberGambler Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Recovery diet is lager. Preparation diet is Guinness.<cheers>

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