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Safe Standing ? - People can't even sit safely !

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by alwaysright, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    There is a reason why we need to have 'all seating'. People cannot be trusted not to endanger themselves ( and others ).
    Many of us can remember [fondly], being in an involuntary crush, when our ground was 'terraced'. The crowd surged forward, in celebrating a goal - and everyone got caught up in the tsunami. I, myself sustained a serious ankle injury, in the Rainham End in one such occasion.
    I appreciate that the story, in the link above, may relate to an incident involving structural weaknesses - but when you add human misbehaviour - then there is potential for disaster.

    brb ( and others ), may not be in total favour of technology assisting referees in reaching the correct and just decision - but I'd prefer to go to a match with a better than 50% chance of not leaving the ground in a wooden box !

    nb - I am in favour of [properly constructed] 'safe standing,' ( and limited TV replays - as per 3 appeals incorporated in tennis - where you retain that number if your appeal is successful ).
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  2. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Can you name a match where 50% of the crowd went home in a wooden box?
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I shall credit you with sufficient intelligence as to understand my sentiment !
    Just because statistics show that it is 5 x safer to cross a road at a pedestrian crossing, it makes good sense to not just step out into the road if the motor vehicles are obviously not going to stop for you.
    I keep telling my elderly and frail mother not to stand on a stool to reach for items normally beyond her reach. She tells me that she hasn't had an accident - yet. I tell her that she only needs to fall once ( not 50% of the times ), and it will probably kill her - at at very least permanently maim her.

    I wish you a happy (and safe) Christmas.
  4. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    And i will credit you with enough intelligence to realise hyperbole doesnt help your argument.
    To continue your metaphor above, you are thousands of times more likely to be killed or injured on the way to game thsn at it. So why not stay at home?

    The over reaction that brought all seater stadiums is part of the general monetisation of the game that has all but eliminated the workimg man from attending games. Bring back proper standing, reduce the prices and get some atmosphere back into grounds....

    Getting out of bed is a risky business!
  5. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Anything in life is a risk, if there are ways to minimise risk then they should be seriously considered. Safe standing has been proven to be viable and there is no reason why it shouldn't be adopted, however this does require agreement from government.
    As for prices, that argument is not a very good one aimed at the Gills, it is possible to watch a game for just £10 for a adult, or £25 for 2 adults and 2 children under 18, hardly out of reach to most.
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I'm pleased that you understand that hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally - that it is an exaggeration to emphasise a point - ( which was my intention ) - i.e. safety - whether that be in football grounds, roads or one's bed.

    Whilst I may share some of the other 'politics' regarding pricing - I can be just as 'atmospheric' from a seated position as standing ( just ask the linesman on my side of the pitch ) - it has a lot to do with what is being provided on the grass - and there is less chance of being unwittingly at risk from the actions of just one idiot who cannot stand without being a danger to society.

    Thank you for your life lessons. I am probably much older than you - and I have had much experience of Life - professionally as well as personally. I have been at closer quarters than most with the consequences of when people fail to appreciate the fragility of the human body. This doesn't mean that I spend my day in bed - or wrap myself in cotton wool - but I will embrace sensible measures that promote the well being of everyone.
  7. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    If your mother is still alive as you suggested earlier I suspect you are not significantly (if at all) older than me, and although I dont want to start a willy waving contest I doubt very much that you have more life experience than me.

    Removing standing at football was a bad response to poor policing and druken gate crashers. It should be brought back in its previous form. Let the market decide. You want to sit then buy a seat, you want to stand then pay to stand.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  8. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    chippy glory - our respective ages are irrelevant ( unless the furtherance of them is compromised by the actions of others ).
    I beg to differ with your affirmation regarding the reason for the Taylor report. Many aspects were considered - including drunken gate crashers, when the policies were finalised.
    It is interesting to note that you quote 'drunken' people in your post.These people ( and it only takes one ), are exactly the idiots to whom I refer - that forces the rest of society to take extra precaution for the sake of their health.
    I shouldn't need to use hyperbole in any argument -because, by then, the recipient will probably not be able to see the 'bleeding obvious' point of my case.

    Just to finish off - here's some more of my hypebolehttps://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiywMaL3ozRAhWXNVAKHTArDvYQFgg9MAY&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tsmplug.com%2Ftop-10%2Fworst-football-stadium-disasters-in-history%2F&usg=AFQjCNFFDQ_AtijCGoTiLDA4ZP5nQi7JUQ&sig2=X6QLh-6aSYC4mFQlLtqHKw

    I'm pretty sure that the victims would love to have some retrospective hyperbole.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  9. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    I wont try to match your verbosity but I will respectfully refer the honourable gentkeman to my previous output and reitterate that **** happens........ And then we die.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    chippy / glory
    I respect your verbal skills. It makes a pleasant change to have an argument with dialogue that doesn't just immediately descend to an invitation to 'distant fornication' - or where people upload pictures of scantily clad young ladies in seasonal attire !

  11. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    I appreciate your sentiments even if the substantive point of your postulation is in my very hunble opinion unquestionably incorrect.
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I could direct people to the Leeds forum - no incorrect postulation going on there ! - now if you don't mind - it's family time ( until 3pm on Boxing Day )
    Hope you ( and everyone ) have /has a happy Christmas :emoticon-0139-bow:
    Chippy / Glory likes this.
  13. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I'm completely against all seater stadiums and always have been. Thatcher saw it a way of social clensing the game and succeded in leaving a legacy of middle class clone minded individuals sucked in on pampered comforts - which in turn make the financial rewards even greater for the investors true supporters never wanted, cloned from the American ideals.
    Chippy / Glory likes this.
  14. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I for one am in favour of safe standing and providing it can be implemented correctly, then I do not see why it can not be a problem across football stadiums. It certainly doesn't seem to be a problem on away days, even Tottenham allowed 3000 Gillingham fans to stand throughout the game and no trouble occurred. Aslong as all safety standards can be met and appropriate contingency plans are put into place by the club with the help of the governing bodies/authorities then I would certainly back the idea to be pushed through.

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