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Rose's Interview

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by No Kane No Gain, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. No Kane No Gain

    No Kane No Gain Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Think it's worth a thread of its own.

    What does everyone think of it?

    It looks like the quotes are full of choreographed agent talk. I have no doubt his agent has got to him over time and this was their attempt to burn bridges with the club and force a quick move. It's all "poor me" and there's only a half-assed attempt at recognising the dues he owes Pochettino and the club.

    He has a point on the fans but that's the same everywhere you go. He's clearly angling for a move to United but their fans booed Fellaini after one mistake. The only way he finds a fanbase that isn't fickle at times is to move down to a level where they're going to be eternally grateful to have a player of his quality.

    Luckily for us, we hold all the cards. He's on a long contract and with left back being competitive in the England team, he can't afford to throw a wobbly and not perform. We'll keep him for this season and hopefully we'll spend it finding the right replacement because there's no way back for him long term. It's a shame because he's a great player to watch and always seemed a likeable and down-to-Earth bloke. Oh well, we'll move on.
  2. NSIS

    NSIS Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Wtf is he doing?

    As Neville has said, imagine not having played for months and months and then walking into the dressing room next morning.

    Morning lads!
    No Kane No Gain likes this.
  3. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The thing that annoys me is rose should be talking to poch and levy not some reporter.he has been out injured for a while now and spurs have been paying his wages all that time.why did he sign a long term contract if he is not happy.spurs hold all the cards here as he signed the contract and we can ask for top money IF an offer comes in.bad timing for this to come out just before the start of the season. Personally I want Toby to sign up an extension to his contract because he is a class act and would be very hard to replace. My message to rose would be to knuckle down and get fit and get that famous spurs shirt back on .I really can't see why anyone would want to leave spurs at the moment with the squad and training ground as they are and the move to the new stadium next season. But then I am not a money grabber I'm just a normal run of the mill bloke.in my opinion does jumping up from 65 grand a week to 150 grand a week really make a difference. RANT OVER
    remembercolinlee likes this.
  4. LockStock

    LockStock Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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  5. The RDBD

    The RDBD Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Pochettino merely ensures that the physio team continue with their
    best efforts to get Rose match-ready ASAP. ***

    Meanwhile he is going to face a media sh*t storm on this for a few
    weeks (not pleasant - but it will be good practice for him) .

    *** Which AFAIK has an estimated time AFTER the transfer window
  6. LockStock

    LockStock Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Such a snaky move.

    I think it's been engineered by somebody at one of these 'elite' clubs.

    No one in the traditional top four likes the idea of us disrupting things. They'd rather Leicester do it in a blip. These clubs don't sell to us, but they do strengthen each other, and when they're ready they persistently poach our players.

    Someone has had a word in his ear. Clearly. Since when does Rose, or any other player, go to the media twice in a window like this?!?

    I actually agree with a lot of what Rose said, but to blurt it out to the media is harmful to Tottenham, and benefits nobody, aside from those who are in desperate need to unsettle and dismantle our squad and eject us from the top four.
    redwhiteandermblue likes this.
  7. Spudulike

    Spudulike Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Great, on the eve of the new season the press have the knives out and Danny has had a rush of blood to the head. I can understand his frustration but there's ways to do this and this is piss poor. FFS... the haters have gotta hate ain't they so now they're trying to destabilise our squad, wreck our season and turn players heads by influencing their thinking.

    If the alarm bells aren't going off in Levy's head right now, then when will they?
  8. NSIS

    NSIS Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    For a guy who hasn't kicked a ball for us for seven months and looks like being out at least one more, this is monumentally stupid.

    Unfortunately, if he goes true to form, MP will cut him dead for this.
  9. KingHotspur

    KingHotspur Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Rose knows he can go to either Manchester club or Chelsea and earn double what he is on now and been involved with a team where winning trophies is a must.

    I don't like that he's spoke to the S*n but agree with what he's said.
  10. SpursDisciple

    SpursDisciple Booking: Mod abuse - overturned on appeal
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Is there a press conference today?

  11. Spudulike

    Spudulike Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Which means we have to add a left back to our ever growing shopping list. If he is sold, I'm done with Levy.
  12. PleaseNotPoll

    PleaseNotPoll Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 31, 2011
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    He has to be sold. He's utterly burned his bridges and done so deliberately.
    Keeping such a poisonous presence in the dressing room would be a disaster.
  13. SpursDisciple

    SpursDisciple Booking: Mod abuse - overturned on appeal
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Why? Levy is trying to run the club properly. When you come up against this type of player - what can you do. We cannot pay him £120k per week (I believe) and so what can Levy do. He's between a rock and a hard place. I'd tell him to apologise or **** off frankly.
  14. The RDBD

    The RDBD Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    But not this transfer window (or the next necessarily) .
  15. NSIS

    NSIS Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I'm 99% sure he's as good as finished at Spurs.

    He may well not get what he seems to be angling for however. I wouldn't be surprised if he's forced to stay for the next year while we look for a suitable replacement.
  16. PleaseNotPoll

    PleaseNotPoll Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 31, 2011
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    I want him gone in this window.
    He's still injured anyway and keeping him around allows his ****ty attitude a chance to spread.
    If Utd or Chelsea are behind this, which seems likely, then flog him to City. Hopefully he'll flop horribly.

    Bringing in a suitable replacement will be hard, though.
    Going back with a biggish bid for Sessegnon and getting in a more experienced placekeeper might be the way to go.
    Not a lot of good left-backs around.
    Spur of the Moment likes this.
  17. The RDBD

    The RDBD Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Nope. As with Modric, the law has to be laid down.
    I am not allowing any Spurs player to engineer an exit in this manner,
    currently injured or not.
    Huddlejonny likes this.
  18. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Not really sure about what there was to agree with tbh.
    Should we be paying a player more than we can afford?
    Is a player really in need or deserving of more than £65,000 per week?
    We're we wrong to buy him, Dier, Dele, Walker, Vertongen, Son or start with players like Kane, Winks, Oonamah etc all of whom were not "big names"?
    Is Chelsea up north?

    He is just another in a long list of very greedy footballers who is obsessed by money.

    I want to win trophies is bollocks as an excuse if we had won a trophy last season he would still have done this imho.
    7 months without playing and this is what he does 2 days before the start off the season.

    He's gone imho and will simply be another happy and rich footballing mercenary.
  19. deedub93

    deedub93 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I wonder if the Sun journo has put the words into his mouth, i.e. Are you committed to Spurs for the rest of your career or if another club came in offering to double your salary would you consider it? I don't believe what Sun Journos say. think we should take leaf out of the mousers book and ban the cnuts.
  20. Blue and White

    Blue and White Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I believe China is nice.

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