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Paul Clement is 8th - well done!

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by aswan_dam, May 14, 2017.

  1. aswan_dam

    aswan_dam Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    We've had a very successful second half of the season - here's putting some numbers on it.

    Current league table

    Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 18.35.46.png

    League table after 19 games

    Screen Shot 2017-05-14 at 17.52.45.png

    Subtracting one from the other, here's the league table for the second half of the season to date:

    1 Tottenham 41pts
    2 Chelsea 38 pts
    3 Everton 34 pts
    4 Man City 33 pts
    5 Liverpool 30 pts
    6= Arsenal 29 pts
    6= Man Utd 29 pts
    8 Swansea 26 pts
    9 Crystal Palace 25 pts
    10 Leicester 23 pts
    11= Hull 21 pts
    11= Southampton 21pts
    11= Bournemouth 21 pts
    14= West Ham 20 pts
    14= Stoke 20 pts
    16 West Brom 19 pts
    17 Watford 18 pts
    18 Burnley 17 pts
    19= Middlesbrough 10 pts
    19= Sunderland 10 pts

    Huge congratulations to Paul Clement for masterminding this achievement and keeping us up <cheers>
  2. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Well he will have his own stamp on a full pre-season, and team for next season, so let's hope with some momentum he keeps going with the same win ratio!...... <ok>
    swan_and_only likes this.
  3. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    Now his work really starts and must shine through as we cant take another season like the last couple we have been put through. I want to see Clem take control of who we bring in and who leaves and not that idiot Jenkins, I want to see the owners plough some decent money in on the playing side so we can actually buy quality and and not go bargain basement shopping for players, I want less interference from Jenkins in anything to do with the playing side and i want to see some serious bids for targets......Im expecting our pre season to be states side and for once i want to be ready for it with all the players we need in place and ready to give us a much better season than we have had in the last 3 seasons.....
    Last edited: May 14, 2017
  4. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Well, Mr. Clement fully deserves his £750k bonus for keeping us up and preventing a loss in Revenue of some £65m.......
  5. seabreeze

    seabreeze Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Very confident with Clement , now that he's through the hard part . Hopefully he gets more than 7 games next year to get the team up and running well . The biggest thing he has going for him is there is not another recognizable American manager around I suppose . If he can pull off a victory against West Brom , he will have 26 points in 18 games . Over a season it would be in the 50 something point range .
    DragonPhilljack likes this.
  6. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    At this time im happy for him to take us forward but the Jury is on the fence with me until i see what he does when the season finishes and the first 10 games of the new season, He probably wont have Llorentte or Gylfi to rely on and i want to see how he deals with that in recruiting players especially with the contacts he has in his locker......So for the time being i will support him 100% and will do that from sitting on the fence until he really proves his worth.....
    seabreeze likes this.
  7. Mono

    Mono Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Well considering it's been a poor season, we are only 7 points behind 8th (WBA) at the moment.
  8. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Dai - that presupposes that PC will have the final say on targets. It could well be that the Yanks haven't learned any lessons and leave Huw with the transfer authority.....
  9. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    That's what is bugging me, the Yanks look clueless to me, regarding the game................<ok>
  10. swanseaandproud

    swanseaandproud Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
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    And this is one of the reasons the jury is still out for me......If Clem is nothing more than a yes man to Jenkins like all the rest of the managers have been then he wont be good enough with his hands tied.....Our club needs a strong manager that demands respect that he is the manager and its his head that is on the line through his own mistakes and not because of the lack of backing of Jenkins and the owners.......If i was Clem and i was not allowed to do my job to the best of my ability then i would say... pay me what im owed and would be out of the Liberty like a shot to a club that trusts and backs their manager....

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