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How long do we give him ?

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by KIO, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Sorry but the question has to be asked ;)

    IMO he has the next two games to save his skin, lose 'em both and it should be P45 time.
    I would also suggest that it would be time for the board to resign and Delia and MWJ to officially put the club up for sale. Successive amateurish decisions have cost this club dear and it would be time for a sea change.

    OTBC .. CTID
  2. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Until the end of the season at least. <ok>
  3. tipsycanary

    tipsycanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    We should also get rid of all the players and start over
  4. Walsh.i.am

    Walsh.i.am Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Anybody still have Peter Cullum's phone number <whistle>
    (Be careful what you wish for)
  5. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    After getting 'flamed' by some a short while ago for asking the same thing, I will be watching this one carefully to see what the reaction is.....

    My mind is not made up yet, and part of me still wants to give NA a decent fist at management. I am not too fussed if we get promoted or not, as another season in the PL is going to be equally as painful as what we are currently watching, if not worse.

    It all depends on what the board feel..is promotion 'the be all and end all' for DM? and was this NA's remit when he was given the job? If yes, and things do not improve, I would imagine action will be taken around mid-December.

    As for the board....I am not sure what to think. Were they really telling the truth when they said there was no one else available, with all the qualities they were looking for? Hard to imagine that being true when there are other far more experienced managers out of work. If things do go bad and NA is P45'd, the next appointment will be a better indicator of the boards ability to get the right person in.
  6. Home on the range canary

    Home on the range canary Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    My mind is made up, in that he has not imposed a style or blended the team in a cohesive unit- I think given time he might be able to achieve this, but he requires more time to learn the managerial craft to an extent that he can benefit the club. He should fall on his sword, now and if he can't recognise that he is out of his depth, he needs to be helped to recognise that fact ASAP.
  7. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The "no-one was available" statement made my fecking blood boil, anyone and everyone is ALWAYS available and Darren Eadie agreed with me on Radio Norfolk yesterday. It was nice to here a well respected ex player tell it like it really is and not be a perenial arse licker like that knob Rob Butler !
  8. I_Clean_holtys_boots

    I_Clean_holtys_boots Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    We will not be promoted with Adams in charge. So my mind is made up!
  9. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS !

    I feel sorry for Neyul as he really does have yellow and green blood flowing through his veins and is a top bloke. However, as Longsight says; "he is out of his depth"
  10. tipsycanary

    tipsycanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I cannot wait for the day players take some responsibility. Surely they are as much to blame for any bad performance as the manager is? Especially considering several of the recent matches we have been well on top, lots of possession and created numerous chances. Only to be undone by sloppy individual errors. Yes the manager picks the players, but the players owe it to themselves, the fans and their team mates to go out and give their all. All football clubs seem to have a go to strategy of "things are not going well so lets sack the manager". Surely you cannot be so simplistic. Football must be the only "business" where people expect immediate results. Any other business you would allow time for it to develop and improve. This maybe a few months or a couple of years. Not 10 weeks.

    I am not saying Adams is perfect by any means. As people have said he has a lot to learn. But if the board truly believe he is the right man they should stick by him as a long term option and help him to develop the club and the team. We are not that big a club, we don't have unlimited finances, as such we must develop our club and squad over the long term. To compete we must work hard to develop and maybe look to more innovative solutions that other clubs who throw money at problems will ignore. People seem to expect overnight success, fans are just unrealistic with their expectations. We have been poor recently but incredibly only 6 points off top. If someone offered that at the start of the season many would of taken it. So perhaps some support would be more helpful then calling for a manager to be sacked.

    As for the team. The worst thing I can see is the lack of intensity from the players. They don't all press as a team and some put in much more effort then others. As many of the Ipswich fans have correctly pointed out, the real way to get out of this division is from a strong team ethic. I don't think our team is bad, but they must play with a greater intensity and get into players faces. Hopefully that would cut out the sloppy errors.

  11. Walsh.i.am

    Walsh.i.am Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Odd that you mention that, saw this on twitter this morning - can't comment as I didn't hear any of it first hand.

    No guarantees it would have worked, but a more logical option than a complete rookie who is looking progressively more out of his depth with each game that elapses :(
  12. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I suspect the job description we were offering was different to that which Neil Lennon would have accepted. At the time we seemed to want to take a lot of power away from the manager, which I suspect Lennon would have disagreed with. With Royle leaving shortly after he joined and not being replaced, it seems we've ended up with a managerial set-up which isn't that out of the ordinary, which Lennon may have accepted.
  13. carrabuh

    carrabuh Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    For those who were happy for Neil Adams in charge it would be ridiculous to turn on him this early. Adams is nowhere near being sacked. I don't think the squad is bad enough for him to go on a run that would pull the trigger.

    He shouldn't have been put in charge and any failure to not gain promotion lies firmly with the board. They could well have put this club back 8-10 years with this one decision.

    I still think the decision has Smith and Jones grubby fingerprints over it as they have history with heart over head stupidity.
  14. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Can't argue with that, they're the ones who should fall on their swords. Like I said, they should take retirement and officially put the club 'up for sale' <ok>
  15. carrabuh

    carrabuh Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I know most seem to think the sun shines out her arse, personally, I still find her and her husband intensely irritating and quite clueless.
  16. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    In all probability we wouldn't have a club to support had it not been for her money, that's why so many still won't say a bad word against her. However, football is a ruthless business these days and she, her husband and yes even McNally have real questions to answer IMO. Their decision making, or lack of it beggars belief sometimes <ok>
  17. Superman wears Grant Holt pyjamas in bed

    Jan 24, 2011
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    he was the wrong appointment in the summer, he's still the wrong appointment now and he'll still be the wrong appointment in two games time.

    get rid now if he won't admit he's short of what it takes and let's bring in a football manager who can get a load of decent, top-end championship quality players to play in their correct positions, as a team instead of individuals doing their own thing. we still maintain many of the advantages three years of premier league football afforded us, so if we remove the handicap of having a novice in charge we should still be able to take advantage of those. someone mentioned on twitter last night that if we'd been told in august that we would be sitting 10th in mid-november, behind the likes of brentford, bournemouth and ipswich, what would your reaction have been? i'd have been more than a little frustrated but the fact we actually made a good start makes it all the more galling because this division is piss-poor this season and totally there for the taking for any club who gets their act together.

    as for the board, it always did scream of a smith and jones appointment. whether that is true or not we may never know but it certainly wouldn't be the first time they'd gone for a '[ooh] football friend'. either way, the board need to act immediately and correct their wrong.
  18. Home on the range canary

    Home on the range canary Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    remarkable level of agreement for this site
  19. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I agree<ok>


    Jan 24, 2011
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    We all know whos fault this is KIO , you stopped making the MDT and we went to ****. STOP blaming NA and his players...:cheesy:

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