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Duathlon for Hope

Discussion in 'Crystal Palace' started by ChampagneCork, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. ChampagneCork

    ChampagneCork New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hey all, Southampton fan in peace.
    I am taking inspiration from Benali’s Big run and doing a Duathlon to all 6 London clubs, running from West Ham to Spurs and then Arsenal, then cycling to Palace and Chelsea before running to QPR. In total this will be around 38 miles, 18 on foot and 20 on bike and will take place at the start of December.
    I am doing this to raise £800 for ICS Lattitude and their football for hope programme that promotes the development of young people through the use of sport.
    It would be great if you could donate as much or as little as possible, please visit www.duathlon4hope.weebly.com or www.justgiving.com/joevanharding for more details. Thanks for reading, its much appreciated.
  2. Blackheath Redcoat

    Blackheath Redcoat Active Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Would you like my bank details, pin number and credit card details as well while you're about it..?

    Part of me hopes you are a genuine person, but there are too many scammers around to trust anything that pops up on the internet, asking for money for any cause.

    If you are genuine, good luck. If not, drop dead. Either way, I'll pass on your request. On this occasion.
  3. ChampagneCork

    ChampagneCork New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hey Blackheath Redcoat, I think just the Pin number long number on your card will do.

    In all seriousness, thanks for your post and I understand your concerns, even if you don't sponsor your support is appreciated.

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