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Ched Evans

Discussion in 'Bristol Rovers' started by Captain Jack Sparrow, Oct 17, 2014.

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  1. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Evans was found guilty for rape and given a 5 year sentence. However he has now been released serving half of his time in prison.

    There have been talks of him returning to Sheff Utd but over 150k people have signed a petition urging Sheff Utd not to sign him.

    He has always denied the offence and now says he will continue to fight to clear his name.

    A statement on his website says: "Next week Ched will make a very personal and profound statement by video. Ched is now adjusting to normal life after serving a sentence for a crime consistently denied."

    Do you think he should be allowed back in football?

    I have read the details on his website and I actually believe Evans is innocent. That is my opinion of course. What do you think?

    If you want to read his website, here are some links.....

    Key and Undisputed Facts - http://www.chedevans.com/key-and-undisputed-facts

    Judge for yourself, CCTV footage - http://www.chedevans.com/judge-for-yourself

    Tweets from the 'victim' after the apparent rape and before the court case - http://www.chedevans.com/the-disputed-tweets

    The trial - http://www.chedevans.com/the-trial

    Note what it says in the 1st point in the trial link:
    When the trial started in Caernarfon, the main thrust of the Prosecution’s case was that the complainant was so intoxicated that she would have been unable to consent and that spotting her vulnerability the two accused targeted her in a predatory fashion.
    Note what it says in the 5th from bottom point:
    Approximately 50 minutes later the Jury returned two unanimous decisions - finding Clayton McDonald innocent and Ched Evans guilty. Clayton McDonald was acquitted. Ched Evans was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment.
    Then note what it says in the 3rd from bottom point:
    One could conclude that if the jury found that the complainant had consensual sex with Clayton McDonald then the sex that occurred with Ched would be consensual as well as the issue was over her ability to consent and she of course could remember no sexual activity at all.
  2. Gasheadseamge79

    Gasheadseamge79 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Forest Green will sign him I expect they like vile scumbags
  3. Trowgas

    Trowgas Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    CJS I am shocked and horrified by your response. What you must understand is that the evidence you have read about and made your assumptions on are press release's of probably about 5% of the evidence produced by the defence and prosecution and without taking into account a jury who heard probably 60% provided that was not suppressed through legal argument. This arrogant produce of sociality was guilty by a court of law full stop and this is why we are proud of being English. UTG
  4. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    i respect your opinion trowgas <ok>

    90% of the info i have is from his own website so obviously it will be biased towards him and will try and paint him in a better picture.

    however it is factually correct that the prosecutions entire claim was based on her being too drunk to give Evans consent.
    * You have her very own friends who have testified that she wasnt that drunk and claims she drank a lot less than usual.
    * There is CCTV that shows she was able to do a lot of things that a drunk person wouldnt be able to do.
    * Evans mate Clayton McDonald was cleared of rape. He admitted have sex with her. How could she be fit enough to give consent to him but then within minutes too drunk to give consent to Evans? Either both is guilty or both not guilty. You can have 1 guilty and 1 not guilty.
    * She apparently took to twitter claiming she will buy cars and go on holidays, when she wins big!
    * Night porter testifying that he heard her squealing and groaning with joy and shouting "F*** me harder" to Evans. This wasnt with McDonald as he was with the night porter outside the room.

    Sorry but based on these facts that are actually in the trial notes, so not made up, I am gobsmacked that he was sent down. Again just my opinion but its an opinion based on the above. I dont mean to offend/upset anyone about my opinion.

  5. Black Sea Gas

    Black Sea Gas Member

    May 14, 2014
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    IMHO I dont really feel that this is of any relevance to BRFC and as such does not warrant a place on this board. Everyone is entitled to their personal opinions as to this individual who had been found guilty by a Jury following a Court Case but do we really want to be disecting was it the wrong verdict on here ? Just my thoughts.
  6. Sapphire

    Sapphire Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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  7. Gasheadseamge79

    Gasheadseamge79 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    CJS your so naughty :D
  8. Gastronomic

    Gastronomic Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    He's damaged his reputation and the reputation of the club so he'll probably get the sack and will struggle to get another job as a pro footballer. He's also on the sex offender's register, which will prevent him from getting some jobs. It's tough for him, but that's the price people pay for these sorts of convictions.
  9. Gasheadseamge79

    Gasheadseamge79 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If he was just an average every day Joe people wouldn't be supporting him just because he's a footballer some seem to thing what he done was acceptable
  10. Sapphire

    Sapphire Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    His case is to be reviewed by the CCRC as a potentially 'unsafe verdict'.

  11. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wow, this thread was 2 years ago! I got some stick for making this thread back then but I feel I have now been justified.

    His retrial has just finished. He has been found INNOCENT. Exactly how is should have been from the start.

    Now let the real justice start. Make the woman pay him all the wages he has lost during this whole period.

  12. Hounded Out By Morons

    Hounded Out By Morons Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    Totally ill informed. He was found not guilty which is totally different from innocent. The girl never said she was raped..the CPS thought it was likely. https://thesecretbarrister.com/2016/10/14/10-myths-busted-about-the-ched-evans-case/
  13. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ever heard of 'you are innocent until proven guilty'? Well he was wrongly found guilty. This retrial has shown this. He was found not guilty. Therefore he is 'innocent until proven guilty' again. Now feck off you knob.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  14. Hounded Out By Morons

    Hounded Out By Morons Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    That is the sort of idiotic reply I would have expected from you. Try actually reading the article by a barrister who ought to know. There is no such thing in law as innocent until proven guilty otherwise the plea would be guilty or innocent,not guilty or not guilty. The prosecution have to make the case beyond reasonable doubt and in this case there was always going to be reasonable doubt which doesn't mean to say Evans is innocent.
  15. old timer

    old timer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2014
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    I suspect that Ched Evans and the unnamed lady will always be found guilty, Evans through the stick he will get on the football pitch and from what I read in the press she has changed her identity and address about times already. If ched Evans signed for a club that played us don't you think he would be reminded of the case at some point in the match
  16. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Blah blah blah, go cry me a river you pleb. There was an understanding between us that we keep out of each others way after you went crying to the mods a few years back because you couldnt handle it after I was made mod, although me being a mod on the Rovers board had anything to do with you. How did that work out for you hey? Seems like no matter how long you disappear for, you just keep coming back for more! You cant help yourself can you. Go back to your tinpot village and support your ****e tinpot club :emoticon-0172-mooni

    Last thing, when you come on our board, you are a guest. Show respect or feck off back to shagging your mummy <ok>

  17. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    We will soon find out about how our fans treat him as he plays for Chesterfield <ok> I certainly wont join in with the taunts if there is anyway. Being accused of rape when wasnt guilty of doing so and having to serve time in prison too, I think taunts towards him is a step to far for me personally <ok> I think football fans across the country should let this drop now. Also I think Jessica Ennis-Hill and a few others should come out and publicly apologise to him.

    The accuser had to change her name because she got named/shamed on social media when she had rights to been given anonymity. A lot of people got into trouble for that!
  18. Hounded Out By Morons

    Hounded Out By Morons Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    "Last thing, when you come on our board, you are a guest. Show respect or feck off back to shagging your mummy <ok>"

    What a fouled mouthed ****er you are? You don't deserve any respect unlike all the others who frequent the Bristol Rovers board who are all without exception decent people. Time you learned from them.
  19. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Im only fouled mouthed towards total knobs <ok> By the way, dont act all surprised by my replies to you. I been like this with you for years. You seem to have forgotten who started this. Few years ago, you stuck your big nose into something that was nothing to do with you. I was having some banter with AJ and for some dumb retarded reason you got involved and got personal. I rightly put you in your place and then you went crying to the supermod claiming that I shouldnt be a mod. They then put you in your place too, remember? Obviously not. It was then agreed that you and I stay away from each other. Have I gone on your board to carry on with you? No. But every now and then your ugly rear shows itself here on our board and you have to throw digs at me. Each time you did that, I defended myself. The last few times and today, I decided to treat you like **** for 2 reasons. 1) You deserve it and 2) Its fun :). You got yourself to blame. Dont reply to me, dont reply about me and then its done with. Keep turning up for no reason and throw digs at me, I will treat you like the knob that you are :)

    Why come on this thread today and reply to me the way you did? Previous history would tell you how I would respond to your crap. Why put yourself through it? I reckon you must be on the blob or something. Just because your tinpot club is ****e, dont take it out on me. You need to get laid.

    Goodnight princess <smooch>
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  20. Hounded Out By Morons

    Hounded Out By Morons Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
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    I agreed to nothing. I wanted an apology. The mods agreed. None was forthcoming. You have convenient selective memory. I never got personal (try looking it up). In the face of a losing discussion you throw the toys out of the pram, as is the case now. Grow up.
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