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Brighton remembering the victims of Shoreham Air Show

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Hull City OSC, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Hull City OSC

    Hull City OSC Member

    Feb 17, 2015
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    Hull City Official Supporters Club will be laying a floral tribute to Matt and Jacob before the match on behalf of our members. Please can all fans who are attending the match read the following information which has been sent to us by the club. Thoughts and prayers remain with all those effected by the Shoreham air crash.


    Brighton & Hove Albion are asking all supporters coming to Saturday’s match against Hull City to arrive early and be in their seats by 2.30pm as we join together to pay tribute to Matt Grimstone and Jacob Schilt.

    At the request of the Grimstone and Schilt families there will be a minute’s applause immediately ahead of kick-off, but prior to that the club will be paying tribute to Matt and Jacob as follows.

    Soprano Donna-Marie Hughes will sing Abide With Me prior to the teams coming out.

    We will then be joined pitchside by representatives of the ambulance, fire and police services, St John Ambulance and the A&E departments at Brighton and Worthing hospitals – and we will ask the crowd to show their appreciation for the job they continue to do in the aftermath of the crash.

    Donna-Marie will also sing Sussex by the Sea as the teams emerge, and at this time those supporters in the east stand lower are asked to raise the placards they will find placed on their seats.

    Once the players are on the pitch, we then ask you to join us, Matt’s and Jacob’s families and many friends, both teams and representatives from Blackburn Rovers – our opponents on Saturday 22nd August - in the minute’s applause. Chris Hughton and Steve Bruce will each lay flowers on behalf the two clubs and their supporters – with Hull City’s Supporters’ Club bringing their floral tribute.

    During the minute’s applause members of Worthing United and the Robert Eaton Memorial Fund football team will hold two giant shirts in honour of Matt and Jacob. They will be joined on the pitch by Matt’s Albion work colleagues, along with 11 fans, each holding a candle and flowers – kindly donated by Flowers Unlimited – in respect of all 11 men who lost their lives that day.

    Fans can write their own messages of condolence on the two shirts prior to kick-off between 12.30pm and 2pm at the bandstand opposite the club store.
    Happy Tiger likes this.
  2. tigerrev

    tigerrev Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    At last - for once a clear message about what to do on a day of tribute. I don't mind a minute of silence or a minute of applause so long as everyone is clear what is happening on these occasions. I'm sure all City supporters will respectfully pay their tributes as requested.
  3. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Can't see teh City fans being in their seats by 2.30.

    I'm thinking of the likes of Guzzler here.
  4. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Seems dignified and organised.

    It'll be nice if it's well supported.
  5. Chilton's Hundreds

    Chilton's Hundreds Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2012
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    Isn't this a bit over the top ?

    I know the loss of 2 young lives is tragic but young men and women die every day of the week in this country due to tragic circumstances.

    It appears more like a funeral service in a football ground.
  6. Qatartiger Cambridgetiger

    Qatartiger Cambridgetiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    To me is just a club showing respect to them and the familys in the best way it can.
  7. Chilton's Hundreds

    Chilton's Hundreds Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2012
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    Yeah but half an hour of it ?
  8. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think the incident is more notable to the people of Brighton, and most of this is what they have initiated, so I reckon we should respect their wishes on that.
  9. ElTigre

    ElTigre Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Brighton being involved I understand but City fans leaving a wreath is way over the top. How about City fans just look on quietly without singing offensive songs?
  10. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If City fans want to do that, I'm sure nobody would object. It seems to be pretty much what they're asking anyway. The bits on the pitch are just one community showing a bit of respect to another's loss as they're sharing the occasion.

    Not my cup of tea, but I can't see what the issue is.

  11. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    You sir are an utter **** for writing this. Glad you did cos its my thoughts too you bastard.
  12. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    You'd hope (and expect) that City fans would respect the minute's applause, but the rest of the stuff is for the Brighton fans, it's really nothing to do with us.
  13. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I was looking at the threads and saw this was still going and thought to post my two penneth worth; then I saw you had.

    I totally respect grief and good intention, but I really do wonder when the co-workers and PC merchants are going to call a halt. Can we no longer go to a sporting event, leave our grief at the doorstep, enjoy the occasion and then depart to whatever the world will throw at us? Does grief have to intrude into everything? Does respect have to be so obligingly coordinated; so eloquently pervasive?

    I can feel and respect the grief of a loss of life; I can feel the joy and excitement of a goal, but I find these repetitive silences and clapping just as cringeworththy as goal music.

    Sorry, I don't wish to offend anyone, but where will it all end?
    BlackAndAmberGambler likes this.
  14. ElTigre

    ElTigre Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I think a lot goes back to the death of Diana when supposedly everybody was grieving just as though someone had died in their own families. Putting on a show of grief has become common in Britain for people not connected at all with those who have died, when people aren't really grieving but indulging the ever present need to have a feeling of belonging. I think there's an element of entertainment about it too.

    That's not making any reference to the relatives of the dead in the air show. They will be devastated.
  15. Seagull2907

    Seagull2907 New Member

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Brighton fan here

    I don't expect you to feel the same as we do about tomorrows events.

    One of the victims of the crash was a groundsman for the club another was
    a season ticket holder.What were the club supposed to do to pay their respects
    to what happened?
    If you want to take your seats early or if you want to have a beer on the concourse we don't really care.
    As long as you act in a Respectful way during the pre match build up.
    Come 3pm you can do what you like.
  16. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I will not be there, so nothing will impact on me; if I were I would respect your act of remembrance, I wouldn't need your guidance.

    You ask what should the club do? Why not do the same as others and simply offer dignified condolences, help the bereaved, if appropriate.

    My question is more a general question than one directed at your particular gesture; but would you do the same for a steward or a season ticket holder who might die in a road, work or home accident, or someone who dies of illness?
    If I were a friend/family member of either of the tragic victims of the accident, I would be looking to do something that would take me away from the grief, something that would be light, enjoyable, something that doesn't prod the grief.
    Each to their own, it doesn't matter what colours you wear. I wonder what silences or clappings were held for the other victims.

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