I couldn’t watch it either. Also had to turn off that Modri’s India the other night when they set about that Muslim taxi driver and the ****s all stood there laughing.
Yeah I heard him, he said it took 20 days to suspend the black cops, and that should now be the set standard. Personally for me that's not quick enough.
He made a valid point, also thoroughly condemned the coppers saying something along the line of it took a lot of years effort and struggle to even have black men allowed in the police and for them to do something like they did was beyond shameful Summin like that anyway
I'm sure he was the lawyer for George Floyd and some other black guy that cops killed. He seems to deal with all the high profile cases.
****ing fist bumps after between cops The man slumps over no longer able to even sit up following the 3/5/minute beating he took off six dudes whilst handcuffed behind his back and no medical aid is given. Then ambulance arrived and didnt treat him for 20 fuking minutes while he lays there deteriorating further. Whole ****ing thing is vile, if thats a raper, or a molester, ill ****ing join in. But no man its a dude going home in his car doing **** all wrong whos set upon by 6 ****ing pussy bullies in uniforms.
From memory when I went to Memphis it seemed a place with a lot of poverty, probably more obvious than other Cities I've been to. Majority black population, black guy done by black cops, no blaming the white boy this time.
Only seen the News footage ... but absolutely sickening ... anyone of them that kicked or punched him whilst he was on the ground is joint and severally culpable for his death and should be convicted of murder ... end.
Its worse than that mate, hes held up from behind while he takes full head shots. And held up again for more. And thats just the beginning Worse than the Rodney king vid imho
Put the whole black on black thing aside ... I just don't get what motivates supposed peace keeper's (or anyone else for that matter) to beat a fellow human to that degree... I get that some men get off on a scrap (more of a lover than a fighter myself) ... but if it's a scrap you want fair enough ... take the guy on one on one ... but to have him held defenceless while you take uncontested shots at his face is the worst kind of cowardly barbaric behaviour imaginable ... I hope these guys are put away for life and spend the rest of their days looking over their shoulders fearing somebody administering 'real' justice...
I think it goes to show that for a lot of cops this isn't actually a race issue. The issue is you give a bunch of ****ing meatheads, black or white a load of power, no ****ing repercussions and deadly weapons what do you expect. Also they're now always in gangs, 6 offers responding to a person driving too fast. Yank cops are atrocious in general like
You say put the whole black on black thing aside, but I disagree - if people are going to start shouting 'white' then it was not anyone on here that raised the topic, but those close to the family, whether that be a lawyer, preacher or a politician. Before locking them away for life, we need to establish why they did what they did, are they just evil monsters, were they overworked, did they harbour some sort of hatred towards policing within Memphis and if so why, due to things they've seen, such as violence, death, or a continual social deprivation cycle of human behaviour that made these officers stoop to the level of the damned. Did they have history of complaints against them much as we have discovered with our own MET Police against women, that was probably covered up from the highest level. Take the now disbanded name of the unit 'Scorpian' is that an appropriate name for a law enforcement unit, a sting in the tail that led them to believe they were licenced to go around killing people. Hence fight the sword with a sword, regardless if the individual is actually completely innocent. It's alleged the city has a high murder rate, what affect does that have on individuals that have to deal with it, it's all well and good passing judgement from the sunny lands of England, but out in America, you make one wrong move as a cop and you are dead. Sometimes the difficult questions have to be asked, whether we like it or not, if it is then proven to be orchestrated by the white man, then let's hold them to account, but let's investigate the whole case, including the social deprivation in the area, but let's not allow that deprivation to be an excuse to dismiss the actions of black individuals either. Looting and burning cities is never the answer, because it masks those abit closer to home, nor is it right to play the race card until facts have been established of this barbaric act.