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World Cup Pussies

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by TampaBayBCFC, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. TampaBayBCFC

    TampaBayBCFC Active Member

    Sep 10, 2011
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    Before anyone gets excited that this thread is about a bunch of hot looking women in Brazil....sorry.

    Am I the only one who has been watching the World Cup games in utter disbelief at the ridiculous play acting that has been going on? Anytime a player makes any physical contact with another, one of them will go down in absolute agony, rolling around and making out like a mortally wounded beast. Get a free kick and up they get....all sprightly like an Easter bunny. These are grown men acting like pussies.

    I have played football all my life and had more than my fair share of crunching tackles. Some of them bloody hurt including trips to the A&E. But you get up, dust yourself down and get on with it. I would be embarrassed to act like these fools.

    I'm sick of these prima donnas doing it. FIFA needs to get a grip on this nonsense and fast.
  2. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yep, couldn't agree more.

    I am beginning to get fed up with the face holding and nonsense thats going on, this game will eat itself soon. FIFA will do nothing cos its prevalent in the countries where they get the most backing.
  3. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I am with you on this one Tampa because I have watched every blood curling scream when tackles go in just to see the complainant be up and ready for action when he realises the referee hasn't bought in to the fraud.

    Time to stop this nonsense by dishing out yellow cards followed by a quick red if the idiots do it again. Another complaint I have against today's players is that they tell the assistants that every throw should be given in their favour even if it is clearly obvious to the rest of the world that it shouldn't. The dissent and play acting has been allowed to grow to epidemic proportions and the time has arrived for it to stop and the authorities need to control these idiots even if they earn lots of money.

    Two of the biggest culprits are Suarez and Balotelli and having them play in the best league in the world doesn't make them any more likeable.
  4. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    In the last 16 games red card an individual who does it..........
  5. Mind the gap!

    Mind the gap! Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2013
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    In the Greece game yesterday, a dive got a man sent off, killing the game for those staying up to watch it.
  6. Supcon72

    Supcon72 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    It's shameful, no wonder down here in Australia they say it's a game for ****'s, hard to argue that when you see some of the over reactions of these players.

    They make Julian Clary look like f**in Rambo!!!
  7. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    And still the Italians roll around acting like they've been shot. Give me a gun and I would give them cause to roll around, but they wouldn't get up and have a drink 5 seconds later.

    This is the country that invented cheating in sport, politics, and most other aspects of life. They remain a world disgrace.
  8. Supcon72

    Supcon72 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Get that golf cart back out and have four stationed around the pitch and stretcher any player who is "injured" straight of to the sidelines for treatment and that will

    a. Allow games to flow
    b. Stop the play actors

    Ref's won't show cards for this sort of thing as games will finish with 7 or 8 per side by the time fouls etc are added in as well.
  9. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    England players v Uruguay were clearly also at it. Seen City players dive in the past. Should boo any who do it in the red of City and white of England.

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