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Why do Colchester fans class Ipswich as rivals?

Discussion in 'Colchester' started by billypockets 606, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. billypockets 606

    Feb 5, 2011
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    As the title asks, why do Colchester fans class Ipswich as rivals? It's not like we've ever been regularly in the same league as each other for most of our histories. I ask for two reasons. Firstly I'm starting uni at Essex this term and will be wearing my colours with pride like a true fan should. Secondly Ipswich fans see Colchester as more or a little brother than as a rival, particularly as many players have moved between the two teams. There's clearly no animosity from our end so I fail to see why there is from your side of the fence. Please correct me if I'm wrong. All the best for this season and I hope that there is a promotion party for both clubs come May!
  2. monarch

    monarch Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Hi Billy, can only think it goes back to the George Burley saga. I used to watch ColU one week and go to Ipswich the following week,always enjoyed the banter with the Town fans in the old Churchmans stand.
  3. Colch_Steve

    Colch_Steve New Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Well I suppose its mainly down to the close proximity of the 2 towns. However I wouldn't class them a rivals, that accolade goes to Wycombe or Southend!!
  4. Bilversack

    Bilversack Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    :smiley-finger007:I think it's because people in Ipswich are a bit more intelligent and you know, ignorance breeds contempt.

    SIR_KENNY_KLOPP_KING Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I don't know the answer but it goes much further back than the George Burley saga.......it was around 30 odd years ago when I frequented layer road on occasions.
  6. billypockets 606

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Thanks for the responses. Loving being at uni even though I'm commuting from Ipswich and working full time on top which is a proper ballache! Hope to see col utd get promoted while I'm at uni as would be awesome to have a couple of rivalry games to add a bit of spice. I'm sure all the fair weather fans will come out of the woodwork too :p
  7. Rocky blue army

    Rocky blue army Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    monarch is the only decent col u fan on here
  8. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Some of them even class us as rivals but no idea why. We have only played them a handful of times in the last 50 years and do not even register on the Norwich radar!
    Some of them are still bitter we took Paul Lambert from them though and having done that, went on to take David Fox & Marc Tierney from them too for next to nothing and are proving to be two little gems <ok>

    ColU Mike is a favourite of ours too, every time he predicts Norwich will screw up the exact opposite happens but he still visits us with a gloomy forecast <laugh>
  9. monarch

    monarch Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Hi Thai, Personally i dont think anyone is bitter that you took Lambert, whilst with us he made some right cockups, releasing Johnnie Jackson on a free, letting Hammond go to Southampton for virtually nothing, paying Hamilton Accies 125k for a complete waster of space, who by the way left on a free and has never been heard of since.
    No i think the bitterness was aimed at your board of directors who lied through their teeth that no illegal approach had been made to not 1 but 3 of our staff, and then thought they were above FA rules. A fact that was proved wrong when we got 450k in compensation, City got a heavy fine and i think you'll find that you are still on the FA's list of naughty boys who have to behave themselves or you could get hit with a further fine that was suspended.
    Other bitterness was to certain City fans on the old 606 site who again were adament that you were above any FA discplinary action.
    Fox and Tierney, as you say proving to be two little gems, and good luck to them, Tierney especially has improved beyond recognition and you may struggle to keep him,
    as i said no bitterness to City, keep playing as you are and i'm sure you'll finish way above the drop zone, perhaps even in the top 10.

    Good luck for the rest of the season.
  10. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Hi Monarch, it's always good to see input from you either on here or on the City board.
    Your comments are fair and valid and perhaps in hind sight I could have worded my initial remarks a bit better. It was indeed the board who the bitterness was aimed at as opposed to our team or fans. I do not know the ins and outs of it all as I was going through a torrid time when that all happened and football was way down on the priority list for many months.

    There are nearly always 2 sides to the story and seems unlikely the whole truth will ever be revealed. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying our board are/were above such actions as I really do not know but whatever happened it wasn't the first time (or the last) within football.

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