It's a bit of a schoolground debate to argue who is the best, but it's the most engaging debate wise because I think everyone would likely say Fury was the most technically gifted if I asked that, Wilder would probably be described as the hardest hitting, and until his recent No Mas episode, AJ would have been declared the best manufactured all round heavyweight. So, in qualification, who do you think will be regarded as the best from this era of heavyweights in future? Who will have left the best legacy?
Won't be AJ. He is too pedestrian and has a dodgy chin (reminiscent of Frank Bruno) Doubt it will be Fury as he doesn't have the vital finishing power. if he did have, it would be him Wilder has the finishing power and is not too bad defensively. I think he just about scrapes it unless one of the new ones blows it all apart As we have seen anything can happen. Fury was out cold and rose up to get a draw against Wilder and matey boy made a right mess of him. AJ was given a thorough beating by fatboy; it wasn't just a lucky punch. Wilder was temporarily rocked by Ortiz I don't think there is a standout heavyweight at present, unless Wilder goes undefeated