Looks like it's gonna be close but the bookies don't think so. Who's closest, the opinion polls or the bookmakers?
Hopefully the bookies...I would like to see a massive no vote and then hopefully Salmond will disappear into the political abyss..
If you are for it you will actively go and vote - if you are against it or not fussed either way you might not bother. I don't agree with all these promises for greater powers if you vote No - what about greater powers for the North of England? Cameron /Salmond et al should just accept the vote however it falls.
I was pretty sure it would easily be voted against a few months ago. Not now. I bet the total vote is over 80% as well. I think they're going to vote YES and it's going to cause problems for years to come.
Well indeed but what about the oil? Who paid for the building of the rigs, the drilling & the extraction? Scotland?
Well if they vote yes then they have to stand on their own. It could have major repercussions. Glasgow's two remaining shipyards should lose any contracts they have with the Royal Navy. They should no longer be part of the British armed forces. They shouldn't be allowed to fish English waters. And after that we should twat the ****s like Israel does with Palestine. I'm quite looking forward to renewing hostilities with the jocks. Might watch Braveheart tonight. Haway Longshanks!
I totally agree with you on this...I think that it is a disgrace that one part of our nation is getting more benefits than the rest.
Have to say, one of my major concerns was if you were gonna sit on the fence/wall on this subject. True to form though pal! We should also outlaw Burns Night this side of the border! Why the hell do we celebrate it here anyway? And haggis - what the hell is all that about as well? Ban that south of the wall too! Edit: And bagpipes!!!
Salmond created this mess for purely self serving reasons. He realises he is a nobody in political terms in the current UK but can be king of Scotland if he forces this split. If the Scots can't see through this smug slug then **** em. I'd like to see how long their free university education, healthcare and prescriptions last without the rest of the UK to fund it.
They are lovely but they're bastards to catch. Maybe he should speak to the last king of Scotland, Idi Amin.
the thing is if scotland goes tits up economically then whos the ones going to be bailing them out? i hope we ****ing dont! let them stew and lets start rebuilding hadrians wall
A yes vote is not an endorsement of Salmond. It is an endorsement of a future in which scotland is governed the people who live here. Scotland will be around a lot longer than salmond. It will be around a lot longer than any of us too. I will be voting yes. And I have no qualms about it.
And you don't think that it is utter madness that a small island such as ours could be split up into separate nation states!
No I dont. I dont see how its relevant either. What does the size of the island matter? The only relevant facts are how we can create a better, fairer society without being governed by a government that doesnt represent Scottish interests.
the govement only represents its own interests, by scotland leaving puts the north in even more ****, it takes all the power of labour as a major force away and leave the torries with complete control, and leaves us ****ed, tbh scotlands better off than the north on england atm least you get free university education and prescriptions, we have non of that
An independent Scotland would be a boon for northern industry and the economy. Edinburgh wiuld be foolish not to forge close links with the north of england. Franklu. I think.we should go with them.
So will you have to apply for membership to the EU? What about the health service? Army? Currency? A lot will have to paid for from a significantly smaller amount of money. You don't really know how good you've got it compared to the rest of the UK ATM. Biting the hand that feeds? Suppose independence doesn't work out for Scotland, what then?