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Off Topic Weight Training/Cardio

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by TheCasual, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. TheCasual

    TheCasual Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I bought some weights last April and up Christmas I trained five times a weekend, Monday to Friday. I love did one set until failure.

    This year I've reduced it down to three times a week but doing three sets instead of one.

    My cardio last was 21 minutes was on Indoor bike. I'd do 15 minutes at a steady pace and the 5 minutes at a steady but higher resistance and 1 minute sprint. But this year I have chanced to 2 minutes steady 30 seconds sprint and repeat 8 times.

    I would just like some tips from people? My goals are just lose weight. I'm not interested in looking like Arnie.
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  2. TigerMarv

    TigerMarv Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Make sure you go to failure. Most people think they are but actually stop well short. Don't sacrifice form for weight vanity training gets you nowhere.
    You say you don't want to look like Arnie but muscle burns a lot of calories even when resting
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  3. TigerMarv

    TigerMarv Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    I found more success weight training to lose weight than cardio.

    Protein powder and creatine are your friend but do research into which Protein powder as some aren't very good and full of calories
    Howdentiger2 likes this.
  4. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    The boring answer is that its dependent on your body type, age and genetics as to what is the best way to exercise - it's different for everyone.

    If there was any danger of you looking like Arnie, you'd know about it already, as after six months training with your weights, if you had the body type and genetics that packs on muscle, you'd already have done.

    For weight loss, it's simply about a calorie deficit and so for you, the kitchen is more important than training - it doesn't matter what type or amount of exercise you're doing - if you're burning off 2200 calories a day, but eating 2300 calories, you won't lose weight. Again, the boring answer is that how to lose weight is dependent on age, genetic and body type, but from the young adults I train, having them eat their day's food over an eight hour period and then not eating for 16 hours (ie. Have an early dinner around 1600 and then not eat breakfast until 0800) seems to have the best effect. You just have to try and see what works for you - data is your friend.
    Ric Glasgow and Howdentiger2 like this.
  5. tigers1970

    tigers1970 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The only way to lose weight bro is keep off the kebabs etc....only booze four days a week and get plenty of walking done....works for me
  6. Howdentiger2

    Howdentiger2 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    I know you're saying your goal in lose weight, but I would go with building some muscle as you'll look and feel much better, you'll tank yourself in later life and the huge plus of all this is the fact your building more muscle ( which need to be fed more and use more calories, you will lose weight pretty quickly ) With this in mind then high protein intake is paramount. I'd also ask the PT in which ever gym you're using to maybe put you together a plan to follow and how a session with you to make sure your form is correct etc. It will 100% be a benefit and money well spent for you.
  7. x

    x Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    try some fasting days. set a time on your phone for 36 hours and don't eat till it ends. give yourself 12 hours to eat and then start another 36 hour timer. i reached 14st for the first time last march. i was near 13st by july when i started the 36 hour thing and below 12st4 by the end. i did a lot of long walks last year. trouble is that since the weather got worse and i stopped doing the fasting days, i'm back over 13st again. intending to do h.i.i.t on my exercise bike as well, but not got round to it yet. good luck
  8. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I’m no interest in weight training or bodybuilding but I know there has been a lot of research into different techniques and the more progressive coaches tend to recommend not going to failure anymore and instead favour low intensity high volume as there is far less chance of injury but the gAiNz are pretty much the same.
  9. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    You're absolutely right. You don't need to go to failure to build muscle. You're a lot more likely to cause an injury/strain that will stop training. Having said that, some body types respond well to training to failure... So again, there's no set rule. I would suggest you probably don't want to be training to failure if you're over 35 and haven't trained professionally before, as will be a lot more susceptible to injury.

    I think, as HT mentioned, going to a decent PT is the best course of action - 5 X 1 hour should be enough and will save a huge amount of time in the long run. Certain body types respond and build muscle to different exercises.. for example, a bench press is no good for me, because of my build, but I can use an incline bench with dumbbells instead... Many things like this can be seen and corrected by a PT and save years of pointless training and potential injuries.

    It's no different to using an accountant to do your tax return - you can do it yourself, but it takes a lot longer, will make mistakes and miss out on things that you can claim, so you save money using professional help...
    Howdentiger2 likes this.

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