I read it today on BBC and talksport said something about it too Shaper so, I thought it hot off the press Spain not even in top 10 either, I just cant stop laughing. Really looking forward to the game tonight. C'mon WALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure this is new news, as England were one spot above Wales but have just dropped. This is something I would NEVER have imagined possible... but it's actually real! I've also never taken the FIFA rankings seriously either. Until now that is
Just heard on sky that WALES is the highest ranked home nation. I never thought I'd hear a commentator say that, brings a tear to my eye. C'mon boys 3-1 to us
Dear Libertarian A POINT OF ORDER. In your post #10 in which you replied to my post #7, it would appear that YOU HAVE DELETED A LINE THEN ADDED A LINE OF YOUR OWN to my original post #7 and passed it off as a quote from me in your reply. For the record, I did not say "Robbie Savage had an orgasm on air. Where's Pintado when you need him ? " what I did say was "C'mon boys 3-1 to us" What was said may not be all that important in this case but the issue is highlighted is a very important one. Just so you know, When replying to a post via the reply button, the standard is [QUOTE.] [/QUOTE.], everything written between is the quotation you are using in your post. Anything else written within those tags, such as your words, views or opinions, then appear to be part of the original quote used. I imagine this was an error on your part and if so I suggest you learn from it and you won't do it again as tampering or doctoring the quotes of others could lead to their views being tainted by yours. Even if an error it inhibits the free and fair exchange of ideas, views, opinions, freedom of speech even, which we are all staunch advocates of on not606 and which you allegedly subscribe to. Please do not tamper with my quotes or my views in future either on purpose or in error. Good boy
I took that as an error Lib but I think if people want to take offence in all walks of life it's pretty easy if you want to look for it.
I just can't stop laughing and it winds up my colleagues so much I just have to laugh more. You wont believe the consternation its causing over the bridge. I was abroad, in England, this week and went out with a bunch of rabid Englishmen and football fanatics; predominantly Spurs and Arsenal and a token Man U fan from Dundee. Apart from him the rest were apoplectic about our FIFA rankings and with no sense of humor about it what so ever; just layer upon layer of hurt. They feel like we've broken into their homes, nicked their records and crapped on the carpet. They are angry and its so sweet it makes me laugh more which annoys them more which makes me lau........... Re us though, they are quite respectful about us but are worried about Swansea City and how good we've become and how unstoppable our progression has been. They are actually using us as an example that Wenger should be looking at for inspiration. We appear to be the begrudged second team of North London. This is the best time to be a Welsh Jack