Dont want to stop cross board debate but cut the wuming boys. We are trying to attract new members and its not helping. Help me out lads.
i used to have some good debates with paolo and col u mike on bbc site ,they could give stick and take it back so whats the problem,its all rivalry
paolo and col u mike were always giving it large on our site,we didnt mind we gave as good as we took.nothing vicious,so hopefully that will continue on here ,another thought maybe paolo has changed his name from 606 i dont know ,i was banned on there for constantly promoting not 606 so i havent been on there for months.
Nobody from Wycombe has been on there for months Rocky. It was dead long ago. I've been popping over there to see if anyone got left behind but it was dead. I think we must have been the earliest and fastest mass exodus.
col u mike has always been a source of great entertainment on our board here and 606. His wildly inaccurate predictions of how we will fare have been a real shot in the arm While I think he might still be a bit bitter about Paul Lambert and more recently Marc Tierney I don't think he means any real harm. Welcome on our board anytime
WE WANT PAOLO WE WANT PAOLO!! Please come pack Paolo - you amused me. Also why is hoadie boy not on here as much now