That prick O’Brien was ranting on about the “salute” on LBC yesterday and ironically put his arm into the same position
I think the problem isn't right or left but an obsession with WW2 and all the things that surround it, if you think about it, both left and right place it at the centre of the universe and all morality sort of revolves around it, for example right wing means Churchill good, why? He defeated evil, left wing venerates Marxism (defeats evil), maybe USSR (defeats evil), maybe freedom fighters (che guevara etc) and what is the centre point of evil? WW2. We need to get over WW2 because here we are almost 100 years later and it's rotting brains and still dictating what is good and bad even though all of those men are dead.
They’re all massive hypocrites mate. I remember when most of this board not only defended Corbyn but they voted for him too. A man who turned Labour into one big antisemitism movement and done the Nazi salute. But Elon Musk doing it in another country sends them into meltdown
It's also to do with the language, and it's appropriation. With most of the MSM , "right" is kept to deserve something bad, beyond the pale or undesirable. It was not always this way of course. Mussolini, creator of Fascisn would be undoubtedly thought of as " right wing" now, despite the fact that he was a revolutionary socialist, twice deported from Switzerland for activities in that name, long time editor of Ill Populo, which though little recognised now regularly lionised the Communist movement. So much so actually that Lenin praised Mussolini in Pravda before his death, calling him " the future of our movement". It's all in the language. Stalin knew what he was doing when he excoriated fellow communist Trotsky as " right wing", before having him bumped off. But a nutter is a nutter is a nutter, no matter what strip he wears.
I agree left and right are now redundant, the think about a "racist white communist" example exposes that social issues trump economic ones in 2025. The issue of WW2 needs to be put in the past (where it actually is) at this point as people are unable to move past it.
In what sense do you mean "WW2 needs to be put in the past" it should never be forgotten about, lessons are still being learnt from this conflict almost 100 years later and the sacrifices made should never be just confined to history, too many lives were lost and that should always serve as a reminder that no matter which side you are on, a loss of life in that magnitude should tell us all that war is not the answer.
Yes but it's sadly also the dominant dialectic of 2025, people cannot fathom what this or that political motive means without using WW2 metaphors to tag and label things because we're apparently too stupid to see things for what they are. Unfortunately I think all of this is in vain, everything is going to be reversed, your good will become the bad, your bad will become the good and we'll use WW2 metaphors to convince people.
This reversal of meaning, and butchery of the language has already taken place in many areas. And it moves constantly. George Orwell was right.
The warmonger about to stop another war by turning up the heat against his ‘mate’ Putin. Why couldn’t Sleepy Joe have sorted all this out?
People on here defending Trump and Musk. The blokes are refusing to work with the rest of the world on health and on risks to our planet. They pretend to be religious and are vile to other humans and nature in their pursuit of the dollar. It underlines that there are a handful of absolute arseholes on this site who pretend to be otherwise.
Meanwhile you like this guy And… You also made a post condemning one of the women who was trafficked, plied with drink and drugs then repeatedly raped by the grooming gangs when she was a child. You aren’t the nice guy you try and pass yourself off as. Far from it.
What bile is that? You get outraged with anyone that sees things differently to you. You absolutely did put a big black mark next to the rape victim because she was on a stage with (The prick) Tommy Robinson.
Did Musk not play a huge, massive role in the development of electric cars, his aerospace company use reusable rockets which will enable mankind to explore space quicker and cheaper which can only benefit mankind, it is also more planet friendly. His solar power systems provide environment friendly power to a lot of American states, I think its just his Trump relationship that sticks in your throat, at least be honest. The man is a genius.
No, Musk has bought into most of the companies that he's run. He's not been responsible for starting them or developing the tech that they produce. What he is really good at is securing funding from the government to finance the companies. It's a neat trick, as he's not playing with his own money. He's undoubtedly clever, but he's not the genius engineer that he'd like to make out.
There is plenty wrong with the WHO now mind. It has morphed, like it's parent body the UN, into a nakedly political organisation. They hardly covered themselves in glory during and after COVID and have been way far too cosy towards China in a number of ways. As with some other things, just because a deplorable man says something, it doesn't automatically make it wrong
You don’t step out of the world consensus, you work within it. The reason he wants out is that his mates are conspiracy theorists and want corporations to own health. The motives for leaving are not in the interests of having a healthy world.