Thanks for that Gordon....fantastic photo! I was at the Locarno loads in the late sixties...many of the great bands were there...many great time of my life!
Smug are you green and furry and dislike the Whos from Whoville ? Haway stop being a Grinch and get into the festive spirit
Dunno if you've got any houseplants around but the one in our living room sometimes produces really annoying tiny flies that like to hover in front of your face. Dodgy/old batch of compost I believe. Have to leave it to dry and it kills them off.
Every year I say the same thing. “ I’m not using that de icer spray on the windscreen . But I had some handy and still used it this morning. So the frost disappeared , but by the time in the car. , the de icer itself has turned to ice and I’m worse off than when I started. Same for everyone , or do you know of any that actually works ?
My old Ford Focus used to have a heated windscreen and it worked a treat - why the hell is this not standard on all cars these days? My newer Qasqai windscreen freezes on the inside if there’s a frost It’s a diesel so takes an age to warm up.
Just sent this WhatsApp in response to a message from a Sunderland mate in Devon and now posting it on here ... ... I've had a drink so feeling a bit nostalgic, if you don't like it sue me 'Scotland is a very strange country and the people are interesting. I don't think they realise how different they are. I met a fella, on my way to the Coventry game, outside Edinburgh train station who was on a fold-up chair and had a little cup for anyone to put change into. I stopped and apologised because I didn't have any cash, few people do these days. He said 'That's OK, I'm just happy you stopped to talk because it makes me feel part of society'. That really touched me so I shook his hand and told him I'd catch him next time before heading off for my train to the match. Before I left for the West Brom game I made sure I had a fiver in cash but, when I got there, I couldn't find him. I had a pint in the Spoons then had a look round before I went for the train but couldn't find him. Now I'm fretting because it's been freezing and he's an old man, I'll be looking for him when I'm across for the Stoke match. I have a little robin who comes to my kitchen windowsill, every morning when I make my porridge, and I put him a bowl of porridge oats out because he can't manage the bird feeders that the tits love. He's such a proud little bird and hates waiting for the scraps that fall from the bird feeder. Now he doesn't have to, he has his own bowl of oats plus any other tasty scraps I have for him. I feel like we have an agreement and mutual respect, I put out the food but it's sharing, not just charity because he gives me a lift every day that's worth everything he gets. Just like the proud old beggar in Edinburgh, myself and this robin just want to be a part of society. The beggar and the robin have taught me a valuable lesson, that being part of society and helping each other is more important than clinging onto your money and your oats. I feel humbled by them and will continue to give, wherever I can, and to count my many blessings. You're a blessing Dave, you, your lovely wife and family, have enriched my existence and I'm truly grateful. I hope I've been a good friend to you and your lads, I love you all'. P.S. I've found that the greatest advantage of WhatsApp is that people can't put the phone down on me
Wow this is a historic moment I feel for the UK. I'm all in favour of it and have been for a while as long as there are strict controls in place. I've always said if it gets to the point where I'm suffering I don't want to continue. I'd rather be remembered for how I was and nobody should be forced to suffer, there also shouldn't be any repercussions for family members who don't want a loved one to suffer.
I thought I'd put Mastermind on to see if I can beat them all in the general knowledge round. I usually do quite well tbh. I'm sitting here shaking my head at these grown up adults ... ... their specialised subjects are Robbie Williams, the Chronicles of Narnia and the Matrix films. What made it worse is how little they often know about what's clearly the most important thing in their lives.
I sometimes watch the Australian version and think exactly the same. Then when they move into the general knowledge part it’s clear just how dense some of them are.
I'm sure many of us have seen the Christmas lights on the massive cranes near Meadowhall off the M1. We first noticed them decades ago, driving to matches, when the crane operator had dragged a Christmas tree up there and stuck it on the end. It was, we thought, a great example of how the rugged British working man will often do something sentimental simply for the pleasure of others. We'd be driving back from Huddersfield or Leeds and see the lights, year by year, increase and now, apparently, it's become a big thing for the locals ... ... great to see people can appreciate their local identity and enjoy something that isn't just corporate and intended to drag in paying customers.
The first picture's canny, but the second one's much better . . . . congratulations, Snaggey (and Mrs. Snaggey and Mam & Dad etc.)