Well my hobbies include . Making homebrew wines and beers. Well it's more a chore. My hobby is drinking the fooker Classic scooters. I have two lambrettas. Sold my vespa. Thinking of gerrin a motorbike. I have quite a few CB and PMR radios. I'm a nosey fooker And I'm currently trying to get a little spare room sorted into a modelling, radio, playstation, drinking den And @Snaggey I went to Lidl late on just before they shut. I'd forgotten about these if you're interested and any left tomorrow
Reading. I started a thread about six months back about the literary experiences of the board. I love reading. Playing guitar. I got one for my birthday last year. Still learning and still ****e but I persevere. Cycling. I have a road bike a time trial bike and a mountain bike. I love to get out on them but if asked to choose it would be the road bike. I’m the typical MAMIL. Swimming. A bit similar to cycling inasmuch that I try to get at least one swim in a week. And lastly supporting a football team that plays in red and white stripes and which will be the death of me.
Golf is my main hobby. In the summer I also play Bowls (have done for the last 5 years) which is great, with cheap beer afterwards in the Pavilion. Walk a fair bit too, via a pub whenever possible. Bart
I used to read a lot as a kid/younger but never seem to bother as I got older. I have too many guitars according to her indoors. I've got three road bikes (ones an old classic in bits) and a mountain bike. Haven't cycled for a few years or bothered with guitar much. It's like COVID and ensuing full time nights sucked my enthusiasm away. Used to love swimming too. Haven't done that for many years. First thing I'd do when I got up Shields was usually straight in the sea I used to cycle a lot to work when on 4 on 6 off, about 17 mile round trip. Mostly night shifts, sometimes days. And a 20-30 mile run on one or two of me days of. Bike was handy for a couple of times I got pìssed forgetting I was back at work the next day too. Although sweating like a pig
Golf is a big thing for me. Love it. Now I dont coach anymore I am out 2 or 3 times a week. I have an affection for watches. Love buying old ones and trying to get them ticking again. Can make a couple of quid along the way too. I have an allotment - not a habit, but an escape.
I like just pottering about at home doing DIY or gardening. Out walking with the dog. Need to get back into exercise as I'm getting podgy. Aiming to clear the junk out of the garage this year and turn it into a gym. If I have a space set up ready, I'd be more inclined to use it. Really want to get a punchbag. Love travelling and having adventure holidays.
This might make you laugh becs. Eldest daughter was round today with the eldest grandson. He polished off his Sunday dinner for the first time I've ever seen. Even Carrots peas and cabbage FFS I egged him on as he's normally fussy and then he ate a bowl full of my Bombay mix Then they were chatting with the Mrs about lack of tidiness. (They're all untidy fookers) I piped up. "When my three kids were bairns and the mrs was in long term hospital. I had them trained to come home from school, put their shoes coats and bags away tidy and do their homework". It was like clockwork compared to the chaos. The Mrs retorted. "They went to school scruffy and lived on beans on toast" I countered with. "You see what we could of achieved if we worked together "
That amused me Apparently when I was 5, my Mam was in hospital for a while. My Dad was no good with hair, so I organised popping into the neighbours house before school and the lady next door put my ponytail in for me
Swimming is my new hobby. Aim for 5k per week, usually done across 4 sessions during the week. Absolutely love it, but rotator cuff and calf injuries are hampering my progress.
I used to have to do my daughter's hair when she was in Primary School as the wife left mega early for work. Even now, aged 15 she still refers to the days where I did a "raggy ponytail"
Hobbies, I like to make models, you know the airfix type of things, though ironically, I've only ever done one Airfix one. Building up a canny collection of them now: cars, bikes, ships, military planes and vehicles, trucks, even a Saturn 5 rocket. Saying that, I've got a big stash of ones yet to complete. Keep saying i won't get anymore, but they keep appearing. Also like to do jigsaws. Mainly music based ones like album covers, music stars etc. Also have a few SAFC ones. Some I frame and display. Tried guitars but that's kind of went by the wayside. I'm gonna sell the ones I've got, an Epiphone SG, and also a couple of bass guitars and amps. I prefer building them to playing them. I've recently bought a keyboard with the intention of learning, and quite enjoying that. Also like a bit of astronomy...I find it fascinating.
I'm one of those weirdos in lycra that do Peloton and cycle. Also do a lot of hiking long distances. Used to be a ultramarathon runner but I have popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (the condition which forced Kieron Brady to retire), and after 4 surgeries its still not fixed. Can't run for more than 5 mins without agony . Can still hike and cycle though.
Golf main hobby apart from walking my 2 dogs. Like to play 3 times a week with a good group of lads although one of them is a Leeds supporter. Dogs take a canny bit of walking. Like going on walking holidays with Mrs W and the mutts. Bit of a passion for watches older ones fascinated by the watch movements. Also a lover of single malts and like trying out different ones but not a lover of peaty ones. A nice speyside is champion. Then there's following this football team around the country . Love it and made some really good friends from around the country over the years.
Watching Sunderland of course! Walking, swimming, travel, concerts, Zumba, reading, cooking (not the day to day kind) painting…….but my husband reckons my main hobby is shopping
When younger i swam and played water polo for the Army and England and before I moved back to England I represented Rhineland in Longbow archery, I also shoot an ILF recurve. I love to make and tune my own arrows for my various bows
I play a fair bit on my PlayStation, very boring for most but have played the same game for years now. Its an open world game so there's no missions just survival. Our lass plays it as well, so it's a joint hobby. Childish I know but perfect for switching off from the stresses and strains of real life. Plus it has dinosaurs