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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. floridaspearl

    floridaspearl Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Unfortunately the leftwaffer have been trying to cancel GB news from advertising, with constant threats to woke corporations and complaints to offcom.
  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Dental treatment advice

    If anyone (or a member of their family etc) requires some serious dental treatment (and we all know how expensive that can be) the place to go is Turkey. Why? Because they have the most advanced facilities and specialists in the World and they charge a fraction of what it would cost in France or England. So how do I know this? Well, Amanda has just been to Istanbul for a week for major dental surgery and she was amazed at their facilities. The Dental hospital was enormous and very modern and hygienic with the most modern equipment. Amanda is scared of dentists but she swears by this one, really impressed with the painless way her treatment was carried out - without even anaesthetic. The cost was €7,000, most of which is covered by insurance, which even paid the air fare. For the same treatment in France or England that treatment would cost €30,000 <yikes>. No wonder the place was full of French and English customers who go there for treatment. A couple of French TV presenters are also customers

    This particular company will be opening up in England in the not too distant future and they will obviously be able to charge a lot more there but it can almost be guaranteed that they will be nowhere near as expensive as the "locals" so worth watching out for if you don't fancy a trip to Istanbul

    I don't know how many watch this thread but hopefully the info will be useful to someone
    LG, SwanHills, OddDog and 1 other person like this.
  3. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Very interesting indeed, Ron. Don't know how Oddy has found dental treatment in Germany, but we think basic work is not bad. However, the serious stuff is a different kettle of fish. Missus had one of the best dentists in Munich (recently retired) and we just could not afford a very expensive 'bridge' (or whatever) not covered by insurance that she needed badly. So, this clinic regularly sent an assistant down to Romania for a much-cheaper version of the piece in question. The item ordered was eventually sent back to Germany with the same assistant on his regular visit. It was of excellent quality at a fraction of the cost of a German-made one. Wife very happy with everything and has had no problems since.
    Ron likes this.
  4. Janabelle13

    Janabelle13 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Friend of mine had dental work done in Turkey. Does help that she has a house out there and through her contacts found the best place to go. On return to the UK she had a check up at her own dentist who informed her that he could not have sourced the materials for the price she paid in Turkey and okayed the work she had done
    Ron likes this.
  5. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I think I’ve been to the dentist 3 times in the last 30 years. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

    Mate of mine needed some serious work done (partial reconstruction of jaw bone etc) and was quoted €30K in Germany. He got it done in Poland for half the price.
    Ron likes this.
  6. Tamerlo

    Tamerlo Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    It seems the Forum’s old faithfuls like getting their teeth into dental reconstructions.
    I could write a book about my dental history, but my first venture to the dentist’s chair at nine years of age was the harbinger of ‘once bitten, twice shy.’
    My junior school sent all pupils with toothache to the school clinic.
    No fillings were carried out. Solely extractions.
    After seating me in his chair, the dentist presented a full size pneumatic drill- as used by roadside navvies, and said…
    “Right, where do we start, laughing his head off?”
    And I thought I had a sick sense of humour! <yikes>
    Ron, SwanHills and OddDog like this.
  7. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    “Sky Glass: smarter than smart TV”
    £14 a month for six months; £40 a month thereafter.

    That’s £27 a month for the first year and £40 a month for every subsequent year:
    “Sky Glass: for stupid people who don’t understand simple arithmetic for being fleeced by Sky” <doh>
  8. LG

    LG Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Beware any ad with the word "smart" in it, it usually isn't
    redcgull and Resurgam like this.
  9. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Swiss village of Aarwangen in ding-dong over challenge to cowbells

    So it seems that the workers in the city who have rural country homes over in a really nice part of Switzerland are upset with the constant ding-donging of the traditional cow-bells that all of the cows wear...!! Bloody out of towners spoiling the local yokels traditional; way of life, they know nowt do they...:emoticon-0102-bigsm:emoticon-0102-bigsm:emoticon-0102-bigsm
  10. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I lived out in the country at my father-in-law's place (not too far from Füssen) for quite a while before moving to Munich. I liked the sound of the cow-bells and they did not bother me one bit. The city people with country homes should mind their own damn business and be told to 'shove it'. :(

  11. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    How is the weather wherever you are?

    Gale force winds up to 170-180 kph through the night have caused complete havoc here. The town and all around is blacked out with no electricity, apart from the supermarket which is packed with people stocking up. All candles and torches sold out. All ATMs out, petrol stations out of action. The roads are gradually being cleared of trees, telegraph poles, electricity cables etc. In our district there are well over 1m households with no electricity, no mobile phone access, no internet

    Yet here am I, less than 5 mins from the town centre, on a 50 acre farm with electricity, TV, internet, mobile phone (via Wi-Fi). No problems, other than a couple of Populars down in our bottom field, cutting off elecricity to one of our paddocks (so had to get a horse in), 5 tiles off one of the stable blocks, outside table and chairs blown everywhere (table smashed). Drive blocked by a couple of fallen trees but my son came over and cleared it with our JCB. He lives 12 mins away but took him 90 mins to get here this morning with diversions all over the place. There was a pole with electric cables swinging back and forth across a country lane and he had time when he put his foot down to get passed <laugh>. He went home tonight but came back because the whole area is still blacked out. One amusing (and amazing) thing was that amongst all these (record breaking) winds our starlink, which is temporarily perched on top of our horsebox, with cable passing through my bedroom window, is still sitting there providing us with internet access <laugh> Good old Musky. The only problem with that was the window is held virtually closed by a pile of heavy encyclopaedias and the force of the wind burst the window open (inwards, as they are in France) and blew the pile of books all over the bedroom making an almighty clatter that woke me up and I slept the rest of the night with the window wide open. Of course, my wife is away (again) with Amanda, at an international equestrian event in Lyons where the weather is fine

    I feel considerably lucky to be sat here as though nothing has happened
    Chaninbar and OddDog like this.
  12. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    And now, all is calm, the sun is shining; crazy. I can only assume that nightmare has moved on to some other unfortunate area, although hopefully not and it just went away
  13. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The other thing I forgot to mention about my son's journey was that he came across a whole shed that had finished up in the road, the entire side of a commercial building had been ripped down, leaving it completely open, and an entire roof of a building had been removed. Never seen anything like it here before. In fact I didn't witness any of this because I am confined to the house at present
  14. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Stay safe Ron
    Ron likes this.
  15. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cheers Oddy. I'm fine thanks. Just a stinking cold and hobbling around with a groin hernia and bad back but the ibrupoféne and doliprane (paracetamol) mix is helping a lot with both.; Not only am I lucky with the weather but also health wise at my age. Apart from an attack of Covid last year, which was very swiftly dismissed with antibiotics, and this bloody hernia (which I think has contributed to my lower back pain), no problems at all. I might decide to pop into hospital and get shot of this hernia, then I can start playing football again
    LG, OddDog, SwanHills and 1 other person like this.
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Still no power at many places, including my son's and daughter's homes. My son had been staying here but on Saturday his 2 children returned from holiday in Wales and my wife, daughter, 17yo grandson and 7 month old grandson returned from Lyons; so that was interesting. 17yo Ok as he went to a party and stayed with his girl friend. Wife, daughter and baby stayed in a hotel (and again tonight). Son has bought some LED lights so he and kids can stay at home overnight, otherwise here for things requiring electricity. The wife must be psychic as she cooked me enough meals to last until tonight. Hopefully things will be back to normal by tomorrow night. Some people have been without water supply, presumably due to bloody great trees taken out of the ground and breaking water pipes. Can't believe how I got away with it; we would have been well and truly in trouble. Lots of people not so fortunate so can't complain. Sun shining brightly again today :emoticon-0102-bigsm
  17. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    So, what do we call GB News, the rightwaffe? Bloody bunch of fascists, they remind me of Trump and his ignorant gang of followers.
  18. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I wish we could just revert to the good old days when all you could hear during a football match was a commentator and the noise of the crowd. They now have 3, sometimes more, know-it-alls discussing who should and shouldn't have done what. And it goes on and on ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and on. Before the match, during the play, all through half time, and forever after the game. The good thing about being here on my own is that (not just football matches) if anything/one is getting on my nerves I can just say **** off and press the mute button. It feels so good
    Tamerlo likes this.
  19. Tamerlo

    Tamerlo Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Silence is golden <ok>
    Ron likes this.
  20. QuarterMoonIII

    QuarterMoonIII Active Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Why does Black Friday now appear to last three weeks?
    Five years ago it never even existed this side of The Pond.
    When do we start getting Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday? <laugh>

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