Kerala. Has quite kick depending on the chillies. Unfortunately Imam restricted on those things as stuff I consider bland has the wife complaining she feels like her throat is burning.
In the spirit of Wimbledon fortnight I bought a punnet of strawberries and looked on the internet for the best way to serve them. It said remove the stalk, cut them in half, dust with a little icing sugar and pile cream on top. Word to the wise, pile cream tastes disgusting.......
As do shop bought strawberries, grow your own and when they're ready to harvest eat them within minutes, far superior to shop bought. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
After the pile cream you're not supposed to eat them , you're meant to stick them know the rest.
Cooking things from scratch and even growing your own food... Where do you all live? An episode of the Good Life?
'Good' and 'TwoWrights' are very seldom, if ever, seen in the same sentence. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
Funnily enough no, nine times out of ten though when I have to give my surname the daft twats will ask if it's Wright with a 'w', rankers! The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.