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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. itstimupnorth

    itstimupnorth Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Saves money on deploying police to do speeding checks.

    Nobody in their right mind would speed on those roads.
    brb likes this.
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  3. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Maradona, he's just an absolute fruit cake, all that coke has frazzled his brain as well as his manners.
  4. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    alwaysright likes this.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Blood is thicker than water - but money is greater than blood relatives !
    The woman claims that her nephew is 'like a son to me' .................... whether he is a son or nephew, to 'shaft' him is illegal !............. the young man would do well to tell his aunt to shove the money up her ar se!
  7. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Based only on what is said in that report, she would be best advised not to waste her half on lawyers.
  8. itstimupnorth

    itstimupnorth Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Oh ****. I've got steps in my garden at the back. Will I have to take them out in case a burglar falls down them and injures himself?

    And what about if they fall off the half roof trying to get into the upstairs windows and fall onto the patio - which is rather hard..

    FFS this is abrogation of self responsibility taken just about to its logical conclusion.
    brb likes this.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Knock me down, gingerly. -- mrs alwaysright has confiscated my catapult ! ( but she doesn't know where I keep my 'super soaker!'
    It's the beginning of the school holidays - a time of year when I used to measure the boredom level of the youngsters in area - to see how long it would take for them to be a nuisance until they return to school -- but not anymore !
    These days the kids are too lazy to get out of bed to be a pain in the backside. From the comfort of their beds they can watch their TV sets, play their video games, and meet and speak to loads of their friends using their mobile phones. It must come as a chore to stagger out of bed for food and calls of nature.
    I suppose it's as well that kids don't play football or manhunt in the street - and I'm not unhappy that they're not out there making a load of noise ( the vocabulary isn't The Queen's English - more Anglo Saxon .)
    Kids have become more nocturnal - and their social lives seem to involve alcohol at the sort of age when I was only into scrumping..... Why was it possible for people to get Police to attend when I was up to no good ? On one occasion, I was chased by a policeman who picked up wooden fence stakes -- and used me for target practise. I ran away ( could run then................sigh ) - and went into a back garden and managed to bolt the gate before the copper reached me. He demanded that I open the gate. I was annoyed at his 'dart throwing' antics and told him to go to the front door of my house. -- the idiot did ( it wasn't my house !! ) - and I made good my escape.
    Talking of darts - reminds me of the grass 'flea darts' that all the kids of my time used to pick and throw ( with remarkable accuracy ) at their peers -- the points of these plants would give a nasty little sting..... but it was just a bit of harmless fun - mum never saw the funny side when my brother and I would pick on her whenever she hung out the washing -- she was just a sitting duck.
    One bit of childish 'fun' which I didn't (and don't ) engage in was the ringing of doorbells and running away - to be out of sight by the time the resident opened the door. I actually couldn't see the point -- if I was going to do something which would annoy anyone - I wanted to be around to see the irritation on their face ( nothing has changed as far as that maxim is concerned !! )............. But my two boys were different to me. I remember (fondly), when I started to take them to see Gills games. I used to park up in the same road for each match. On the way back, we would pass the house at the corner of the road - and the dog therein would bark for no reason -- until my boys give it a reason ! The owner of the dog would shout at it to be quiet - and he seemed annoyed at the animal's noise. My boys quickly sensed this and decided to make mischief for the dog owner. After each game my boys would stop at the house and they (both), would lift the letterbox flap and call out to the dog -- which duly responded with much barking - which would send its' owner 'barking mad.' I really should have stopped my boys from terrorising the owner of the dog ( a man in his 40s ), but it was only a bit of childish fun -- although I warned them that the chap would get fed up and seek revenge ! My boys tormented the dog ( or was it the man ? ), many times - but they were stopped in brilliant fashion by the long-suffering resident. On that day, my boys approached the letterflap. Both of them lifted it and pressed their mouths into it, and called out to the dog. The house owner was ready for them ! Suddenly my boys reeled backwards, away from the door - followed by a massive jet of water which was giving them a soaking --- and I nearly 'soaked' myself with laughter......... my boys never messed about again. I told them that if it had been me, I would have have shoved the dog's excrement* in their face....................... and it's a pity that I don't own a dog ---because I can think of a fitting 'victim' ----------- yesterday my neighbour ( no, she hasn't gone away), made a ridiculous accusation. She demanded to know why I rang her doorbell the previous night at 3am !!! I decided to see if I could extract much irritation from her. I told her that the reason why I was** ringing her bell at 3am, was because I needed to awaken her from any nightmare she was having - because I realise that her obsession with me had now extended to dreaming about me.

    * human excrement will work just as well - although DNA evidence will incriminate you !
    ** wasn't ! ........
    ................... happy days.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
    grumpygit and brb like this.
  10. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Made me laugh <applause>

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Je ne comprende pas
    So - what did the moronic driver think as the officer gave him the ticket ? He knew damn well why the officer stopped him - or was he confused by the speed limit signs ?
    If you're involved in 'accident' at 40 mph, you are 10 times more likely to be killed than if your speed was 30 -- that is why the Highway Code tells us that if you are involved in accidents at 40 pmh ( or more ), you can expect it to be fatal - and the chances are that it will be you who is killed.

    So, just in case the motorist is reading this post; je ne sais ecrire pas frrancais.
    What is there not to understand ? Speed kills ! - vous dick.
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    ik weet niet waarrom. ik weet niet waarom. ..... Dutch - (double Dutch) -- Been pulling my hair out today !
    Three months ago, my widowed and extremely frail aunt asked me to renew her Blue Badge. I did this for her 3 years ago. On that occasion I applied to the Department for Works & Pension for a certificate of entitlement of Disability Living Allowance . The information was included with the application.

    It's now renewal time again. I have to obtain an up-to-date certificate from the DWP. This has been a problem - because it has not arrived ! I have repeated the request over the last few weeks - it still hasn't been received by my aunt. Today I made a 4th application for the certificate - which the DWP won't ( under the circumstances ), use Recorded Delivery - to ensure personal receipt of their letter.

    I have contacted KCC to ask if they could communicate directly with the DWP - to electronically obtain the information........ THEY WON'T -- but advised me to contact DWP for them to communicate with KCC............. so I made another call to DWP.----- They WON'T help with direct communication with KCC. - stating that the certificate has to be sent to the applicant .

    at this point I don't want anyone to mention Data Protection - I know all about that ! -- but -- the applicant ( my aunt ) is giving permission for the relevant information to be electronically sent from one Government office to another Government office..... why is it compulsory for bureaucracy to cause even further delays ?
    ............ ik weet niet waarrom (( I don't know why ))
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    If you had an opportunity to 'screw' Mr.Scally (financially). ! What would you do ?

    Readers will know that I am not exactly enamoured with Mr.Scally's treatment of season ticket holders. A basic argument of mine is that all the 'deals' during the season and the freebies that he hands out are, at very least, slightly insulting to fans who have paid 'up front' - with the value of discount being diminished.................. ( to keep things short, I won't elaborate further. )
    ......... so - if a chance came your way to save a few quid at Scally's ( the Club's ) expense, what would you do ?

    My brother is a STH, along with his (under 18) son. Their seats are next to me in the GRS. Neither can attend the Sunderland game due to being on holiday = poor planning ! My brother has given me his season ticket books - so that I can use them for my sons ( both are adult ).
    I note that the tickets in each book are exactly identical - irrespective of the age range. Even the book covers are the same. The only distinction is to be found in the card held in the cover - with the personal details of the STH. ( not seen by the turnstile operative - they just want your matchday ticket -- which, despite the T & Cs, fans often tear out before they enter the turnstile ).................... basically an adult could buy a season ticket in the cheapest age bracket and use it to gain entry.

    ............. So - do I 'upgrade' my nephew's junior ticket - to make it an 'adult' ticket ? This would cost me an extra £15 and I would be further inconvenienced by having to go to the ticket office to surrender the matchday ticket in the book - to be given an ordinary printed ticket for the game, OR do I save myself the hassle AND save myself £ 15. I know that I can guarantee that the turnstile will not ask to see the personal detail card in the ST book - that has never happened in all the many years I have had a season ticket.
    Well - what would you do ?

    grumpygit and brb like this.
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I would use the tickets for your family without the upgrade. Then after the game tell your brother you have binned the tickets to save him furthering his life with stress, along with saving him a fortune on match day expenses.

    Once your brother has believed your plausaible story, you then give me the books for free, just so i can wind you up at every game and also wave to grumpygit from the opposite stand <laugh>

    grumpygit and alwaysright like this.
  15. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I clearly should have gone to specsavers!
    I didn't realise the Gordon Road Stand was still in use. :emoticon-0127-lipss
    alwaysright likes this.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I'll tell you what I did

    People who know me a little better ( e.g. brb ), will know that I hate cheating / injustice etc. I hate to lose by somebody else cheating. With regards to Gills matches, my blood does boil when the officials do not ' see ' some of the blatant offences committed against us - I often maintain that they choose to ignore ( a lot ), some of the cheating that exists................. and I have said - more than once - that I do not want Gills to profit from any cheating our players perform. ---- I have always said that 'that wrongs do not make one right - they create two wrongs that need to be corrected.'
    Of course, many of you may say that two wrongs will cancel themselves out. In some way I can understand that logic - but - in my experience, it will only lead to a situation where one 'side' will attempt even greater cheating to exert supremacy over their rival. That sort of social behaviour is a recipe for disaster - it's how wars are started !
    Despite being able to metaphorically strangle the match officials when they permit cheating, alwaysright is actually a person who would dearly love to see peace in the World - where nobody wants to get one over on the next person -- so -- so as to not be a cheat and hypocrite..........................

    I paid the £15 for the upgrade
    ( brb - can you 'canonise' my username )
    brb likes this.
  17. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    grumpygit - yes I was P'd off ............... but not with the result !

    In reply to the news that the Club is to hold ballots each month to give away 50 match day tickets - I will be honest and say that the logistics of the scheme has P'd me off -- not the idea - per se.
    I support many charities - some very robustly. I am in the fortunate financial position to be able to set aside a substantial part of my income to support good causes !
    I also set aside a fair chunk of money in my support of The Gills ( not necessarily to be considered a 'good cause.' ) -- so -- the idea of charity, or giving something for nothing is something I do on almost a daily basis - without flinching - except - when it comes to being told that my money will be used to be given away ----

    When I say 'my money' - in this case, I am talking about the 'investment' made by us fans, into the Club. WITHOUT any money from sponsors, it is very much the money that we give to the Club, that pays its' bills...... So, despite being a benevolent sort of creature, I am not impressed when somebody plays loose and free with my money.

    You will all know that I am a ST holder. I am a committed supporter of the Club -- other, non-STH are fans who are prrobably just as committed as me - but ( for various reasons ), do not make an 'up-front' financial commitment -- which, apparently, Scally has said is vital for its' survival - ahead of each season (( where he can't guarantee any more money coming in from 'casual' supporters )). YET,

    Scally chooses to antagonise STH with his arrogance ! He takes what should be a good idea to endear himself to the wider public, into something that will again alienate STH ---- WHY is the ballot to be restricted to certain sections of the community ? Why are STH not to be allowed to be in the ballot ? (( it's not as if the STH will be using any free ticket for individual use - they already have a ticket ). Why can't STH be allowed to be in the ballot for a ticket for THEIR family or friends ( as a possible opportunity to reward their COMMITMENT )

    I should point out that my argument is NOT because of anything PERSONAL - I do not live in the community - geography will disqualify me from being in the ballot -- perhaps I should move closer to Medway - and then I won't have a 100 mile trip just for a home game.

    Great idea Mr.Scally - unfortunately - along with much of the play of the team - you've made another balls -up !
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Would you like to see what hat a complete arsehole wears in bed ?

    He also probably wears the rest of his uniform.........
    Wouldn't it be fitting for the local constabulary to wait outside the house of this fine member of the community, to escort him as he goes to work each day......... ( I am sure that they wouldn't give him a speeding ticket if he drove at 1 mph above the limit )

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    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
  19. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Jeez what was going through the parking attendants head (actually you don't need to answer that lol)! However, I would have liked the camera to of panned round to what the guy was pointing at when talking to the officer. I couldn't see any traffic in the background, did they come up through a no entry and i didn't see any blue lights on the car. Ok, ok, he still shouldn't have given the ticket but it would have been nice to hear his version of events in the media report.
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Girth ! - " Honest ref - I didn't leave my technical area."
    You won't need VAR to see that Steve Evans, is clearly standing inside his technical area.........

    ........ so - what part of him wasn't ?
    1. Stomach
    2. Mouth
    3. ................. I can't think of anything else

    edit - oh, I know - number 1 and 2 could change places

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