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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    As someone who previously worked with the administration side of the Blue Badges for Kent I can back up what grumpygit stated in that it is down to what you include in the forms.

    Of course I can't speak on behalf of Medway in terms of the content of their forms but the eligibility will still be the same in that they are Automatic Eligible reasons such as 20 PIP points or above or War Mobility Assessments which guarantee a Blue Badge. For anyone else then the medical details need to be completed correctly so that an Independent Mobility Assessment can be undertaken. This is normally done as a desktop or telephone assessment but this could also require a 1:1 assessment with a registered Physio who will then make the decision on the eligibility for a Blue Badge.

    From the details you've already stated @alwaysright the chances are she would have to undergo one of these assessments when you apply so if you have/make copies of any doctors/hospital letters of her conditions, that will only help support the application for a Blue Badge.
    alwaysright likes this.
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Thanks ( and you- grumpygit ) for your input.
    I won't bore you will the current status of my mum's health --- ( she can't walk ONE step without extreme pain ). We have a LOT of recent doctors/ specialist / hospital reports and MRI images etc etc - I am confident that we will get her a Blue Badge......... it will be a 'genuine' application - not one for somebody who has got bad breath or a hairy armpit !
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Half time entertainment.
    There was a time when we had the GFC Gems. Where are they ? Are they in some sort of contractual dispute with Scally ? -not enough 'flip-overs girls?
    We used to have the penalty shoot out competition - was it costing Scally too much in free tickets ?
    Now all we get is a bunch of Tits ( Titmarshes ), forking about with gardening implements. These people really are Dim ( Dimmock ). They hold their tools ( not necessarily their forks or rakes ), as if it was a dowsing rod ---- which might be a better way of watering the pitch than the embarrassing routine we are given with their hose pipe.
    These forkers barely know which way up the grass is supposed to be --- Scally has actually replaced the divots with a different sort of sod - well, I suppose the grass does need pricks.
    What really irritates me about these DimTits is when 2 or more occupy the same ONE square yard of the pitch ( usually at the Rainham End - except for the only chap, at the Town End, who appears to know what to do.)
    Yesterday, 2 of them were forking about in the corner quadrant at the Rainham End -- I suppose they'll claim a 'secondary' assist for preparing the ground for Martin's corner which led to Byrne's goal...... Well -- that goal is the entertainment I have come to see - not your inability to leave the pitch by the shortest route whilst the referee is waiting to restart the game -- why don't you just fork off.

    ...... it's not as if they are not getting paid along with free admittance.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
    brb likes this.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    GRAPES !
    Using the above letters you can make other words, such as apes and arse -- which is exactly what the Metropolitan Police have made of themselves and British justice !

    The trial of a student, Liam Allan has recently collapsed. He was accused of 12 ( twelve ) counts of rape and sexual assault............. I would have thought that the Met Police might have been a little suspicious of the accuracy of the allegations against Mr.Allan - was the 'victim' unsure if she'd been raped on the first 11 occasions ?
    It seems that this didn't make the Police reluctant to proceed with bringing the sexual deviant to court - How dare he commit such awful crimes against a woman - once - let alone 12 times ? - but - the Police obviously had a distorted view of who was the real victim in this incident.
    During the investigation in this matter, Police searched the mobile phone records of the people involved. It appears that there were 40,000 messages on the woman's phone - in which she pesters Mr.Allan for 'casual sex.' Details of these messages were withheld by the Police (( often to be seen in court, swearing an oath to tell the whole truth )).
    It could be that when Mr.Allan decided to 'oblige' the woman's pestering, she decided that she didn't really want casual sex with him - and told him " No" Obviously Mr.Allan is deaf - because he didn't hear her - the first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time etc etc............ " Officer, I've been graped." -- Surely madam you mean Raped. " No, it was 12 times."
    .................. so - there you have it - the law is an arse and being administered by apes
  5. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    It depends where it happened, if it was Sainsbury's, then singular is not possible, it would have to be plural, I've never seen a prepacked carton of grapes with just one in it. Now if it happened at the local greengrocer, then yes, singular could be applied, although i think in that case it would just be classed as a taster you may not have decided yet whether you are actually going to buy a pound of grapes. In FACT, yes it's that FACTUAL word, did you know that in a pound of grapes you get 80 seedless grapes! <<< how did i know that you think...I just googled it. Out of interest, was it red, green or black grapes?

    Now for something that is true; DO NOT give grapes to your dog, they are toxic, true that.
    alwaysright likes this.
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - I think you'e confusing grapes with gropes ! And if you tried a 'tester' of gropes you'd probably end up with black and blue plums.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Is it too late to ask Santa for a money tree ? ------- We're going to need one ---- 5.99% ( I can't wait )
    .......... that is the LOWEST amount of increase, planned for the Council Tax for 2018 -- " happy New Year."
    I don't expect my local authority to provide services for nothing. I am (reasonably) happy to pay a fair amount. To some degree I am happy to subsidize those in 'genuine' need / low-income / unable to work ( as opposed to those who won't work ),but ...................
    How the hell do the politicians think I'm going to 'magic' up an extra 5.99% AND more for extra funding for the Police ? --- and this comes on top of other rocketing bills as well as the 3.1% inflation rate ( just after an interest rate rise which will put £££ onto mortgages.)
    If my memory serves me right, I have had a 1% ( one ) rise in my income in nearly 3 years- during which time my bills ( and yours) have gone into orbit. ........ I might have to join the ever-increasing number of the local population with begging bowls outside the shops in my town.................... next Christmas I may have to rob brb of his hoop and stick to give to my family - at least Scrooge had money --Brexit - Bah humbug !

    I told you it was Grapes ! ( at least 30 )
  8. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Can Santa Scally afford 88 pints ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42434109

    I would have thought that it would have been a nice gesture by Mr.Scally to reward the 88 fans who went to Carlisle, with a free pint at the next home game - or - better still, offer to pay their coach fare to Fleetwood tomorrow. The cost of football is crippling fans - and with two epic journeys in the space of 4 days, it will drain the wallet.

    The gesture by the Huddersfield player isn't quite as generous as it first seems ! My cynical head suspects that it might be a clever marketing ploy by the Chairman --- to get one of the players (( probably more closely 'connected' to the fans )), to make a gesture to a few fans ( who already are forking out a lot of money to travel to Southampton ) - to 'ensure' that they fork out even more money to see the next home game ( only at which the 'free pint' voucher can be redeemed ).
    I wouldn't be surprised if many of the 2500 fans can't afford to see both games - so making the voucher 'worthless.' Also, by making this 'token' gesture - Huddersfield only need to hope that about 250 - 300 of these fans attend the next home game - thus recouping the cost of the free drinks ((the cost of which I am sure the Chairman will refund Jorgensen - and claim it as a business expense in the accounts )).
  9. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Nowt wrong with nice gestures <ok> I did see the comment on twitter about refunding the 88 fans, my view, controversial as usual...No! To refund the supporters would be an insult to Carlisle fans, as an expectation that we expected to beat them. Now if we were to reward the Gills supporters for their efforts, I would have no objection if it was based purely on the basis of thanks for making the journey.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - I too was thinking it as a gesture of appreciation for the supreme effort by the Gills fans -- you can imagine just how much the trip to Carlisle and Fleetwood would cost.
    I never gave it a thought that it was to be some sort of peace offering for losing at Carlisle - or expecting to win-- I never expect Gills to beat anyone these days - especially in the FA Cup ( Brackley )
    brb likes this.

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    This one's for brb -- " TURN ON THE OVEN" - don't be a turkey !


    ( still on the Christmas sherry - second bottle - celebrating Gills win ) <laugh> - Happy Christmas....... and the same to all my readers. <cheers>
    brb likes this.
  12. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Always' as you've raised the subject of old, elderly, senior citizens, am I the only one that gets blighted by these doddery old gits getting in the way? they shuffle along at a leisurely pace and go into a sideways wobble every time you try to pass, and as for following one up the stairs then give up! pulling themselves up using the handrail gives you time to go for lunch before they reach the top. Probably the worst thing of all about them, is that one of these euthanasia candidates have taken up residence in my bathroom......whenever I look in the mirror I can see him staring back at me.
    alwaysright and brb like this.
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    grumpygit - pass me that mirror ( before I hand it to brb ) <ok>
    grumpygit and brb like this.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Where else can you steal £73,000 a year - and the police won't come after you ?

    If crime doesn't pay - where can I get a job paying ANY money for nothing - let alone a small fortune?
  15. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Personally I think retailers get too much protection, I wonder if their profits go towards making any sort of contribution to the CCTV. How many times do supermarkets week in week out overcharge their customers through poor pricing. I think next time they overcharge me, I'll go and nick something to value of the overcharge, see what reaction i get <whistle>
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Keep it to under £200 -- the Police won't chase you.
    Talking about supermarkets overcharging - how come All of them were doing Every vegetable for between 18p and 29p last week - whereas the week before the prices were triple ( or more ). I suppose these were "loss leaders" to entice you to overspend on other crap........ So I might start a 'poll' - asking for suggestions as to what loss leader local councils should offer to compensate for the 5. 99% increase in council tax in April (( plus 2%extra for the police ))
    Perhaps a life -size cutout of a policeman outside every supermarket (( YOU will probably trip over it as you try to run away with your stolen groceries ))
  17. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    On raising the point of vegetable pricing, the problem being as you know it is a perishable item. Now you will get certain every day low cost supermarket chains that will offer you that price everyday...basically the Germans. Whereas the larger chains will only offer those prices as you say, as an enticement. The food retailers know that if you do not keep adequate stocks of the perishable items, people will shop elsewhere, problem being it only has a short shelf life, some chains were still stocked to the brim on Xmas Eve, if they don't sell them, then they have to go in the bin. Which leads to another question, why is that?...Veggies never used to have a 'best before' - you kept the items cool, ie a fridge, garage, shed, cellar, they would keep. So what's changed?...plastic, the very same supermarkets that want to charge you for carrier bags, because they want to be 'eco friendly' - stuff our winter greens, in unfriendly plastic that make them either sweat, creating a build up of condensation, leading to the items perishing, quicker than they should. Crazy world eh! So why don't they get rid of the dreaded plastic bags, causing the problems...huh...it's called profit margins, we don't want you picking up enough carrots to feed your family, we want to sell you more than you need. I'm sure you get the picture by now. Gullible customers, look it up in the dictionary.
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Brb - you are in danger of me hating you before the New Year -- overselling!! -- I know I'm stupid to buy a 2 year season ticket <wah><laugh>
    Happy New Year
    brb likes this.
  19. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You think that is stupid. I assume you have never owned an I Phone...now there well and truly is a bunch of muppets. What happens when your battery dies?...you buy a new battery, simple eh?...No, not if you are an Apple customer! Well it's easy enough to replace the battery if you have the proper kit, and it probably would not cost you more than a few quid, if an idiot like me can do it for people, then anyone can. Well that's unless you are the owners of the brand, what do they do?...They slow your phone down, so the battery does not die <doh> In simple terms it's called throttling, no i didn't make that up, it really is. They throttle your old I Phone, so that it runs slower, supposedly to help save your battery. AND absolutely nothing to do with encouraging you to spend many hundreds of pounds on it's latest Apple versions....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL <<< read that Apple Lawyers, nothing to do with that at all <whistle>

    Currently 8 lawsuits pending <party>
    alwaysright likes this.
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I recently changed my Apple iPhone to an Android - it was at that time that I felt like throttling my new phone ( just getting used to knowing how to annoy people again )
    brb likes this.

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