I think it’s good that we now have two decent keepers that are fairly young and can push each other for the starting spot, with two other young keepers behind them. I’m definitely not writing Pandur off and I think signing Racioppi will do a lot of good by easing the pressure on him.
Imo Hayden could be a very good signing. Maybe season loan with option to buy. Experienced quality DM, and with some height / presence. Good player to bring along Simon's and Zambrano
Never had legs when he was here... in the Seri sort of mould and if thats not working for TW, then why should Haydn...
Haydn would be a good bit of business, 29 with prem and champ experience? Astute and straight into the starting 11.
Despite the people slamming him Pandur has steadily improved. We're so hyper-focused as fans wanting immediate success. I remember Jak playing against Wednesday and stinking up the joint yet he eventually came good. He is decent and this competition will be good for him
Talk about destroying young players before they’ve had a decent run in competitive games with a settled team - if you have a son or grandson playing any sport like this at a young age some of you ought to reflect on this continued assassination.
Nobody has seen fat Tony and play yet, people are talking about him like they were talking about Pandur in May and June. By the end of August he could be the most useless **** in the world.
I'm not writing him off yet and as you imply he may just be taking a bit of time. But as of yet I've not seen anything to suggest he's decent. It's all opinions and would be boring if they're all the same
He's shown flashes. His save against Newcastle and a couple against Fiorentina were smart. Plus he seems like he's adjusted well to playing out and playing more as a sweeper. He's maybe conceded 3 in the preseason where I thought he could have done better
Eh noooo, weird as I know my polish neighbour’s name, age, height, favourite food, her favourite dress, team ( just happens to be city ) and a few other things I could not possibly mention, oh and her name begins with K…. Go figure