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Season Ticket.

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by DickPlumb, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. DickPlumb

    DickPlumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I have decided that enough is enough. I am sick and tired of the Supporters of Charlton Athletic being treated like ****. Lies by Murray, Duchatelet running the Club down to the shambles and laughing stock we have become. No Manager, no new players, selling our better young players, no CEO, no CFO. The Takeover saga that resembles Peyton Place in its longevity.
    I have decided that I won't be watching Charlton next Season. I have today bought a Season ticket for Welling United. They are my local club and within walking distance.

    I had intended to get a Season ticket at Charlton when two shats sells up. But I am totally pissed off with the fake news and false dawns. Those that are supposedly ITK have let down the Charlton fans by posting imminent, done deal, happening at the end of the week etc. They have been used by the Club and the Aussies.
  2. Sat In Greenwich

    Sat In Greenwich Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    how much was it at welling? i'm about a 10 min walk from there
  3. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    I try to get to Welling 3 or 4 times a season, my problem is parking as I hate parking outside people's houses
  4. DickPlumb

    DickPlumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I live fifteen minutes walk away, standard of football is not a lot different.
  5. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    That must be a problem considering you live in London ?
  6. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Excellent post. Scanning Charlton social media these last 24 hours it’s clear that a lot of Charlton fans feel the same. Supporting Charlton has become a singularly unattractive hobby - it will only be sheer tribal loyalty & not letting that cvnt beat me that keeps me going.
    Ken Shabby and DickPlumb like this.
  7. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    I have an 'in/out' drive at home..... I read an interesting article where some low life parked in a person's private driveway, the police refused to help and warned the householder that if she moved the other person's car and damaged it then they would charge her with criminal damage... perhaps something that our government should consider changing!
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  8. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Had that problem regularly when I used to live in Bromley - despite paying for a dropped curb, morons used to park across my drive. Regular rows used to ensue ....
  9. lardiman

    lardiman Retired

    Mar 6, 2016
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    This is a post I can understand and respect.
    It is no surprise to hear that large numbers of other Charlton fans are expressing their feelings in similar terms.

    Personally I am now resigned to the likelihood that there will not be a take-over.
    There might be one at the end of this year or perhaps next summer, but I would guess no more than 20% likely in either case.
    Conditions for a take-over are as good now as they will ever be. It will only become less likely from here on in.

    It looks like Lee Bowyer will be our indefinite caretaker manager.
    Chances are he will receive a very modest budget, and he will have to work very hard to build a competitive squad for this coming season. My personal expectations no longer include promotion. Even avoiding a significant decline from 6th place and 71 points appears to be a major task for LB and JJ now.

    I'm going to hope for a few interesting signings and a decent start to the season, because I cannot help myself and its what fans generally do.
    But I acknowledge this coming season could be a grim affair, a real slog through the winter.
    Remaining clear of the trapdoor to League Two will be the most important thing.

    And I would expect ST sales to drop off to almost zero now.
    Fans had hopes for a new, better future. Right now however there is nothing to suggest this coming season holds much to look forward to.
    Ken Shabby and DickPlumb like this.
  10. Miketyson2007

    Miketyson2007 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I got my season ticket in May think I’ll be very lonely next season
    DickPlumb likes this.

  11. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    You can't break the bond. I'm playing it by ear.
    Beware of the virus likes this.
  12. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    A sad collection of posts, but totally logical. Muir is supposed to be loaded, yet he can't scrape up the funds for RD's asking price. And we are now saving money by cancelling a pre season tour. What next? Moving winter kick offs to 1pm to avoid using floodlights? Playing without subs as the squad is so depleted. And Murray continue's to front this out. A shred of dignity would see him gone.
  13. ElfsborgAddick

    ElfsborgAddick Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    More dough in Dushitelet's pocket<doh>
  14. lardiman

    lardiman Retired

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Bexleyboy reckons Charlton have already sold 5,000 season tickets so far for 2018/19.
    (a lot of those may have been bought early on by fans hoping we would gain promotion and/or expecting a new owner to have taken over by now, but that's beside the point).

    Let's say the average price of a Charlton ST this season is £250.
    If we also take BB's word for the number sold we end up with £1.25 million.

    On current estimates, it costs that much to run the Club for about six or seven weeks.
    So the dough is actually flowing out of RD's pockets rather faster than it is coming in.
    And the longer the take-over is stalled, the more money he loses.
  15. ElfsborgAddick

    ElfsborgAddick Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    I don't know how anybody takes notice of anything that individual says.
  16. lardiman

    lardiman Retired

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Where BB got his figure of 5,000 sales from I cannot say.
    Unfortunately as far as I know Charlton's current ST sales figures for next season are not a matter of public record, so fans are left to guess for themselves or go by what the ITK contingent have to say.

    My point of course was that even if Charlton had already sold 10,000 or even 20,000 season tickets, Duchatelet would still have lost all of that money before we are halfway through the season.
    So you needn't feel too frustrated about the occasional poster on here confessing that he has already bought his ST.

    I have to assume that CAFC losing so much money has served Duchatelet's wider business interests in the past (some kind of tax thing) - otherwise four and a half years as our owner has proven to be a very expensive hobby indeed.
  17. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    The ITK bunch all seem to think his losses are mostly included in the sale price, so the bill for his incompetence will be picked up by others. Let's hope any potential buyers have deep pockets as blowing the money on buying the club would see is disintegrate fast.
  18. ElfsborgAddick

    ElfsborgAddick Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Bexley gets his info from planet wum.

    Whilst I accept peoples reasons for attending, seeing friends and family who they may not see other than on a Saturday afternoon, the biggest protest is to not attend.
  19. lardiman

    lardiman Retired

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Not if he doesn't sell it.

    The longer the sale is delayed the more money RD loses. He cannot just add that to the asking price, as he already wants too much (which is why there has been no sale so far). It's a vicious spiral, or a positive feedback circuit, depending on which turn of phrase you prefer.

    If he remains stubborn in his refusal to accept a big loss, the longer Duchatelet remains our owner the less likely it becomes that we will ever have another owner - except whoever RD leaves the Club to in his will. The only way Duchatelet can increase the value of Charlton Athletic is to invest properly in the team so we can gain promotion.

    However so much financial harm has now been done that even a return to the Championship in 11 months time will not make up the deficit. Only the Premier League offers the riches required for RD to avoid a thumping loss when he sells.
    And (despite what he apparently believes) we are not getting to the Premier League under Duchatelet even if he lives to be 100+
  20. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Like the famous Iraqi Foreign Minister, Murray is oblivious.

    You could almost spot his tongue up Muir's backside at the Play Off game when they were pictured together - if Charlton were playing in the Conference South in front of 200 paying supporters and Sue Parkes, Murray would still claim to be Life President.

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