Personally I won't be blaming the new owners for any delay. As far as I know (which isn't much) they are still expected to pay for the carnage wreaked by Roland on our club for the last 4+ years. They will be inheriting a threadbare squad which includes Sarr and Igor. The Belgian cvnt is still happily oblivious to the damage caused by his error-strewn ownership, and it will be a day of joy when he goes. I will welcome the new owners with open arms (and the cost of a S/T).
Agreed, although Oxford, Wigan and Sunderland have all undergone takeovers in the last year with 1% of this fuss.
For which I blame Roland. The previous Sunderland owner wrote off ALL the debt when he sold the club.
Sorry Chaps. I said a couple of months ago that ownership issues were not going to trouble me anymore. Like all of us I really want the summer to be over and our team to be competing again. The football is what really matters. But this unending take-over saga is enough to make many of us a bit jumpy at the very least. The early part of the closed season is always the dullest part, but worrying about the limbo state we appear to be in while the days tick past is making it even harder to bear than usual. I must learn to let the latest rumours and cryptic posts just pass me by... Red Henry's "Heard EFL have rejected it" has caused much agitation over on you-know-where. It's all getting to be a bit much to be honest.
Seriously getting worried that elf is involved with the deal - if you rearrange the letters elf he becomes the efl! Spooky or what
If Elf is involved in this deal, we had better hope that the woman at the EFL processing the paperwork is aged over 80 with a very saggy pair of knockers. Then it would have got his full attention.
or if you move the 's' from the back of Elfs! to the front you get ....Self! ..... but I'm not sure what this means
I have found myself getting far too wound up about this whole take-over business during the last few days. I'm going to take Elf's advice in his last post on here and chill out. Unless there is some verified new information I don't think I'm going to comment again on our 'take-over' threads. (I'm not disappearing altogether though, just taking a break from the hamster wheel of frustration at no news whatsoever)...
Duchatelet is selling the club in the same way he has “run” it for the last 4 years - with his heel on its throat & his hands tightly round its balls. As I said 3 months ago, the vainglorious old duffers from ROT were incredibly stupid to pay him another visit in Belgium a couple of weeks ago. RD holds all the cards yet Mr Sitter & Co poked him again with their peashooter. Certain Apologists are Seriously claiming that RD departs leaving us with no debt to the banks ...thank fvck for that when we owe Staprix £50m.
I asked admin to close my account, but obviously they haven't. So hello folks, hope we're all calm, and happy with the progress of the takeover? Hope you don't mind if I pop in from time to time. I'm normally on the Millwall forum of course ;-)
Hi James - pop in any time, all Charlton fans are welcome as far as I know (and fans of other Clubs who come in peace) The more the merrier, particularly in these strange times. Personally I'm avoiding take-over talk now until there is some verified news, but there are plenty of other things to chat about. On the 'snippets' thread for instance there have been some fascinating gardening posts of late...
Cheers Dick. No one will have a go at me for going to Millwall matches with Jimmy Seed in the sixties will they?