What is Reputation Power? Your Rep Power determines the amount by which you can increase (or decrease, if you want to be nasty) someone else's Rep Power. If you award Rep to someone then for each 1,000 of your Rep Power you will increase that person's Rep Power by 1. To whom can you give Rep? You can give Rep to anyone but until they have made at least 50 posts their Rep Power will not be displayed How do I award Rep to someone? At the bottom of each post there are some little icons. If you click on the star it will normally allow you award Rep to the poster by ensuring "I Approve" is checked and clicking Add to Reputation. Why would I award Rep to a poster? The intention was that if you really approve of a post you use this facility to express your appreciation. Please note you can also express appreciation by clicking the "Likes" icon but this does not affect the poster's Reputation Power. However, some forums have set up "Rep Brothels" where you can boost each others' Reputation Power simply by selecting any post and awarding Rep. When can I not Rep someone? You can attempt to award someone Rep at any time but in some situations it will not be permitted: You will not be allowed to award Rep more than once to the same post Once you have awarded Rep to someone you will not be allowed to award any more Rep to the same person until you have awarded Rep to at least 20 different people. This is known as "spreading" and you will receive the message "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xxxxx again." In any 24 hour period you will only be allowed to award Rep to 10 people. If you attempt any more you will receive the message "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." How do I know who has awarded me Rep? Many "Reppers" post that they have "Repped" someone but in any event, if you look in your Control Panel it will show you the last 5 people to have awarded you Rep and the post on which they added the Rep. Can I see anybody's Rep Power? Yes. If you click on "Community" at the top of the screen, then click on "Experience" you will find all sorts of information. Clicking on Ranking will display a list of everyone's Reputation Power and other things These Rep Brothels may seem pointless but in fact they can lead to meeting new friends outside your main forum and in turn to joining in on games etc that these forums may be running. Of course the more your Rep Power grows the more Rep Power you can pass on to someone else. Where can I find a rep brothel The original Rep Brothel was conceived by Albert's Chip Shop on the Newcastle Forum. Due to its incredible success further expansion is planned with branches already opened in Burton and Wycombe. For ease of access here is The Rep Brothel Directory Head Office Newcastle Main Branches Wycombe Sub Branches Burton Fleetwood Newport York Help. If you have any questions on this topic, or any other aspects of the Forums, please add them below.
There's now a lease agreed on a Newport Branch http://www.not606.com/showthread.php/222065-The-Rep-Brothel-Newport-Branch?p=5092668#post5092668
And a York Branch http://www.not606.com/showthread.php/222066-The-Rep-Brothel-York-Branch?p=5092686#post5092686