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Quinny's groundswell and the follow-on

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by 56Danny, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. 56Danny

    56Danny Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I watched maybe 45 minutes or so of Quinny at the government select committee meeting yesterday. I can see why he and his words appeal to us fans but also how he could easily be torn apart by a hostile and clever interviewer. He speaks from the heart and government is not a place for honest heart-felt stuff. Spin is king.

    By contrast, David Gill is a confident and smooth businessman and can do the management-speak stuff. But I know to whom I would rather listen and with whom I would rather have a few pints.

    Strangely, I was most impressed by the Stoke CEO who sat in between them. He had a bit of both Quinny and Gill about him. Might invite him along for the beers too.
    David Miliband’s appointment may well be prove to be a stroke of genius in grooming Quinny for more professional and successful engagement with governing bodies of all kinds.

    Anyway, I was thinking today that Quinny has built up quite a strong groundswell of renewed interest and support for all things SAFC. The early fan annoyance at his “despise” remarks seems to have been put straight by his and Steve Walton’s meet-the-fans tour, by him and Brucey on Goals on Sunday, by his parliament appearance and by the forthcoming Ellis Short interview on SAFC TV. My guess is that it has contributed to the sell-out for LFC. Let’s see how that continues for, say, Wigan’s visit to the SOL and the arrival of their three mini-buses of fans.

    I wonder if all this new good public-facing stuff is as a result of some new PR advice. I hope it will continue because I love it. The connection between fans and club is probably the most important element of raising attendances. I don’t get to many games (distance , travel costs, other half had to quit work) but if SAFC can manage to put in place a 12-month payment plan for season tickets, I would happily join up and give my ticket away for the games I could not attend. That’s the buzz that Quinny has sparked in me and I bet something similar is sparking off in the hearts and minds of many other supporters.

    Keep it up, big fella.
  2. davrosFTM

    davrosFTM Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think that David Milliband could be great for Sunderland. Unlike Quinny, he is a proper politician, and on matters concerning SAFC, will use his head to counterbalance Quinny, who we all know, speaks from his heart.
  3. Pontsafc

    Pontsafc Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    All good stuff and encouraging for the future. I do believe the Club should be proactive in increasing the fan base rather than rely only on traditional loyalties. It grieves me that places like Washington, Birtley, Chester-le-Street and Durham have such a high number of Newcastle fans. We can't change the diehard supporters but we should be after the kids and the uncommitted. The Club should be getting around the schools, plastering billboards with SAFC promotions. Perhaps above all they should be lobbying for better Public Transpart links to Sunderland. Here's an idea: re-instate the South Shields-Sunderland rail link as part of the Metro system. Here's another: Let's have a Wear Metro line that is on both banks of the river and goes as far as Durham and sweeps in places like Chester-le Street, Birtley and Washington. Use the old mineral lines if necessary. Good for business, good for the environment and great for the Club.
    Think big Chairman, get lobbying Mr. Millband, plan for big European nights at a 70000 capacity SOL Mr. Short.
  4. 56Danny

    56Danny Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Great points, Ponty.
    Thinking big and planning big ideas costs nowt.

    I bet that the board are way ahead of us but cannot reveal their thoughts and plans right now.
  5. Durhammackem

    Durhammackem Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The other night at Sedgefield Steve Walton said it was too late to change the payment scheme for next season but they were actively looking to change it for the season after, with 12 monthly payments. And the Club wants to make the season cards better value too.
  6. Steven Royston O'Neill

    Steven Royston O'Neill Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I enjoyed watching that and agree that Quinn can have you heart in mouth at times with his honesty but how rethreshing, a club chairman who is honest. If the club could spread the season ticket payments to a monthly basis over 12 months would add a lot of extra season ticket sales IMO.
  7. Canny Crack

    Canny Crack New Member

    Mar 10, 2011
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    I like the sound of that ^^ Pity it couldn't be done for next season like, as I'm struggling to find a way to pay for next season ticket even wi the DD 4 payments. But, hey ho, never felt better than at this time during my time supporting the lads :emoticon-0115-inlov:emoticon-0115-inlov Good team, manager, chairman, owner all seems/is rosey.:1980_boogie_down:
  8. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wow Pont brill, you should be in politics a councillor in the making.

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