Quadrans explained ~ 4 catergories - 'Guess the Result' - ' Guess the Gate' - ' Guess the Time of First Goal' and ' Guess Halftime Score' The winner will be the player who accrues the highest points total from the combined games at seasons end. please log in to view this image Bristol City FC Championship Games Only. please log in to view this image How to play. A) Guess the overall crowd size (Home and Away) B) Guess the half time score ( 45 mins plus added xtra time) C) Guess the final score (90 mins plus added xtra time) D) Guess the time of first goal either side goal count Points Crowd/Gate 25 points for exact total/ 10 points for closest Half Time Score 10 points for correct score (0-0 counts) Final Score 10 points for correct score (0-0 counts) Time of First Goal 20 points for exact time/ 10 points for closest Special Bonus will be offered during the season Christmas & Easter - Winners Get Double Points Bumper Bonus 30 points for exact prediction or 20 points for closest (For Games Won) Predictions will remain unchanged until seasons end 31/o8/24 Final Entry Date Rules 90 minutes plus awarded extra time Championship games only Anytime upto k/o for predictions or changes League Table based on points Accrued. please log in to view this image Just do a prediction down below. Game 30 v Oxford Utd (A) Saturday, 1st February - k/o - 12-30pm Game 29 RedSquid..20.....260 AshtonRd..17......190 One4.........23......190 Massive.....21......190 Brooksy.....18......180 Raver........20......180 RedRobn...25......170 RealRed....22......160 Squasher...22......160 Wiz............17.......130 Wings........19.......130 Angelic......19.......130 Supcon......21.......130 Manx........18........120 smh...........17.......120 CJS............16.......110 Game 29- Winners FG - 15min - 19min RealRed/Wiz- 10pts HT- 1-1 - Wings - 10pts FT - 2-1 - Wings/Squasher/AshtonRed/RedSquid - 10pts Att - 20945 - 21524 RedSquid- 10pts Buster Bonus Games Won Last Year - 17 Games Won -10 Games Pd - 29
Game 30 RedSquid..20.....270 AshtonRd..17.....200 Massive.....21.....200 Brooksy.....18.....190 One4.........23......190 Raver........20......180 RedRobn...25......170 RealRed....22......160 Squasher...22......160 Wings........19.......150 Angelic......19.......150 Supcon......21.......150 Manx........18........140 smh...........17........140 Wiz............17.......130 CJS............16.......110 Game 30 - Winners FG - 61min - 57min Supcon - 10pts HT- 0-0 - Angelic/Massive/Wings/RedSquid/AshtonRed/Supcon/manx/smh - 10pts FT - 1-1 - smh/manx/Wings/Angelic - 10pts Att - 11430 - 11439 Brooksy - 10pts Buster Bonus Games Won Last Year - 17 Games Won -10 Games Pd - 30