If Wycombe slip up you can still get the automatic spot - but even if you dont , do you think you will get there through the play offs?
I am supremely confident that Shrewsbury will better Wycombe's result in front of a sell out crowd on Saturday. Justice will be done.
hey no cheating matster , sheep dont count as part of the crowd thats cheating just because they have four legs dont try and boost your attendance and count them as double
http://www.shrewsburytown.com/page/TicketingInformation/0,,10443~2351772,00.html - posted this morning, 8200 tickets sold. Supposedly over 9k tickets now. Shropshire's probably got more cows than sheep, you must have seen the Muller adverts? Hope the smoke from all them wildfires down your way don't get in your players eyes and make them cry!!
do hope the wobblers have lightening conductors strapped to their kit as jelly is not a good conductor of electricity. come on you shrews
Wycombe will get a score draw, leaving the door wide open for Harrold to score a last minute winner for the Town!
Even more confident this morning. Graham Coughlan has avowed to helps his old mates at Shrewsbury by beating Wycombe. Officially a sell out according to the online ticket site. The last few in Block 1 went this a.m.
best of luck to all the teams in our division on saturday,i just hope its my team that get promoted ,but if it is the shrews i will congatulate you on your achievement