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Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by The Gills PegLeg, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Good to have some options for changes.
    alwaysright likes this.
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I want to still be as kind as possible about our performances... I said, after the Notts County game, that the first 15 minutes were 'OK.' - but - after the first goal, we reverted to extreme lethargy - which has plagued us for several seasons.... lethargy is the real reason for the eventual result of many games...
    ... We have a good number of young, quick ( tricky ) loanees... which, if added to 'our own' Gbode and Gale, there is every chance that the pace of our play will move into 2nd or possibly 3rd gear - as opposed to being stuck in reverse - with at least one of our players (( the one greeted by the Rainham End )), being consistently 'stalled.'
    brb likes this.
  3. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I'm still a tad puzzled by our transfer strategy this window. Agbinone completely makes sense as we needed speed in wide areas and have had to rely on Clarke all season to supply us that spark with Rowe unable to stay fit and Nolan being a shell of the player of last season. Morgan again completely understandable signing on the basis we needed another striker and the lad does at least look like he can pop up in the right areas, providing he plays as a striker and not out wide.

    Then we have Khumbeni we were told would be signed as a defensive midfielder has basically been playing as a 10 since he joined and as of yet hasn't looked an improvement on what we had and if only, limiting Little to be less marauding than he was under Bonner. Smith looks to have been signed at the detriment of Gale, unless Masterson is out long term and the club are keeping that hush hush. And then finally we have Corness, yet another midfielder with limited game time. Do we need another midfielder when there's some in the ranks not even getting a look in?

    I get the young and hungry attitude but I still feel scarred from the spell under Evans when he followed the same formula and signed lads like Medley & Coyle from Arsenal, Robertson from Celtic, Dan Phillips from Watford, Dan Adshead from Norwich & Charlie Kelman from QPR. None of which worked out or improved us imo.

    To add to that, we now have a really large squad and we still have players like Euan Williams, Jonny Williams, Jacob Wakeling & Oli Hawkins who clearly aren't liked by the management team and are collecting wages that can be spent elsewhere. I appreciate paying players off isn't easy, but the Wakeling situation is headscratching to say the least and surely E.Williams could have generated interest in a loan to a NL side easily enough. I just don't really understand the decisions that have been made with some of these. We aren't going to achieve anything this season so whats the benefit to having something like 28 senior players in the squad for a nothing 20 odd games?
    gioblues, alwaysright and brb like this.
  4. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Sure we can still loan players out to non league clubs so expect that will happen. I read that the Liverpool lad can play as a left back so maybe he will. Hope Gale keeps his place in the team as has shown he deserves a good run. So wonder if Ehmer could finally be dropped especially after what happened with Rainham end.
    alwaysright likes this.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    gioblue... ( & others)
    I don't think Ehmer's continued inclusion in the team is good for either GFC, the fans or for Ehmer......... and not just because of my personal bias.

    It has been obvious that, for some time, Ehmer's relationship with an increasingly larger section of the fans, has been toxic - and is getting worse.
    Never in my 62 years of coming to Priestfield, have I heard such hatred by the fans - towards a player- as was shown by the Rainham End towards Ehmer -- when they invited him to ' go forth & multiply. '
    Ehmer has had it coming to him - for his attitude towards the fans during and after several games this season... He certainly learned a lot, from Mr. Scally about Human Relations.

    Ehmer is supposed to be the captain - a leader ! (( don't make me laugh. )) He is supposed to bear the flak on behalf of the squad - and to be professional in his responses.... and that might have to begin with being brutally honest with the commitment of the players ..... starting with his own.

    If anyone wants to defend Ehmer - perhaps by saying that footballers are not known for their verbal eloquence - then, perhaps he would do well to say nothing - rather than abusing the fans and insulting their intelligence ...... You might be tempted to say that Ehmer doesn't deserve personal abuse - and is merely responding .... like-with-like - BUT- he is being paid ( with my money ), to give 100% commitment to his job.

    Ehmer has descended into a 'slanging match' with a section of the crowd - instead of being 'professional' and concentrating on his job.... On Saturday, I could see that Ehmer had, for some minutes at least, lost the plot... He was too preoccupied with deliberately winding up the crowd - and seemed to be playing 'to the crowd' instead of leading the rest of the Gills side.... 'Baiting ' The Rainham End will never end well.. It was no surprise to me that the fans became nasty ...... I desperately wanted Coleman to withdraw Ehmer - I thought there would be a bloodbath of scoreline - and - I feared that a nutter in the crowd would 'explode' - leading to something I'm not prepared to print.

    Ehmer's position, not only in the squad - but - at The Club has become untenable. For his sake and his personal safety, Coleman needs to remove Ehmer from the dressing room -- in fact - from Priestfield.

    Max surely cannot be enjoying his season. He cannot be comfortable with the breakdown of his relationship with many fans.... He surely cannot relish matchdays - and goodness knows what damage it does to his mental health as soon as we concede the first goal in games.... If he's going go into meltdown - as was evident on Saturday, I don't want the fans' toxicity against Ehmer to spread to the other players.... I'd rather Gills play with only 10 than have Ehmer on the pitch.................. and I wouldn't wish any personal harm to Max Ehmer - but - there are nutters out there !
  6. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    What Ehmer did was stupid. The captain should not get involved with his own fans. It's a real shame as he has played more than some legends at the club. If he does continue playing I hope this doesn't become personal again. I do think this should be his last season though.
  7. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I think players should have the right to reply, much as fans have the right to boo and some abuse.

    As a long serving experienced player he not only has his own position to defend but that of his team mates who are also on the end of supporter disdain.

    Just my view lads nowt more.

    I hate to say this but since we went up to the Championship fans tend to have this unrealistic expectation of a team that has been at best a L1 side most of its existence, and that's being generous.

    New owners brought with them new expectations, but we all know by now how Gillingham roll, and I'd never of bought this club even if I had been able That's not me not being a fan, that is me being a fan, one that has realistic expectations in life.

    I don't mean any of this as an insult to anyone, but I can feel Ehmers pain, even if it's not the best way or time of expressing it, I have empathy for his situation.
    The Gills PegLeg likes this.
  8. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Go on then, I'll bite to offer the alternative view. Some of it has been completely blown out of the water, some of it is preposterous and some of it is justified.

    There are sections amongst the fanbase that always have to have a scapegoat, and it seems that once again Max Ehmer is the underlying victim in this tale of said scapegoatism. The response from Max, may be deemed unprofessional as some, but I think as @brb has stated he has a right to reply, and as Captain, probably he more than anyone should be able to do that. To be continually abused for weeks in his workplace which he has, would cause the strain on anyone, even a player with over 500 professional appearances to their name. I think the fact he responded shows he does have passion for what he's doing. That he's taken time out to clap back is showing more professional pride than most of the rest of the XI has rubbed together.

    Is he captain material? Perhaps not in many people's eyes but I ask who is a better option out of this terrible band of players? Armani Little? Don't make me laugh, he's been exceedingly poor since before Christmas and just because he stamps his feet like a child when a referee makes a call against him doesn't make him a leader either. Glenn Morris? Probably the most qualified but doesn't resolve the issues on the field when the going get's tough. Nevitt? Might run around a lot but his confidence is shot to bits so need to work on that before even think about giving him the armband. McKenzie? Works hard but goes about his business quietly, not sure he's the captain people want either. The rest are either too young or too spineless to even consider so that's where we are.

    As for his playing ability, I still ask you to look at the goals conceded column of the table where we concede a considerably low amount of goals despite our horrific league position. Defence is not the issue and Max is a mainstay within that defence. He's a League Two defender for a reason, he has flaws in his game, he isn't particularly fast and he his passing range is either sideways or long, but we've had far worse, in fact we have far worse in the current crop of defenders available even now, one can't get in the side and for reasons that fail me another is continually picked at RB, and he's far more reliable at CB than the evergreen Shad Ogie who is loved in some quarters. Max has probably been our best CB this season in all honesty, that probably goes to show he isn't all that bad after all.

    Its probably his last season with us so you'll get your wish in the summer @alwaysright, but please note a lot of the comments you make about him are completely wide of the mark. No he's not a Barry Ashby, Adam Barrett or Steve Bruce type, but he's been an incredibly good servant for this club over a difficult 11 year period which Paul Scally was more responsible for than any other person. Max deserves a hell of a lot better than the vitriol that gets thrown his way, even if it is clear he's coming to the point in his career where he's physically getting slower.
    gioblues and brb like this.
  9. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    The everygreen Shad Ogie, that genuinly made me laugh/smile...reminds me of the days and discussions about Cody and nearly forgot his name...Martin. I'm happy to say I was wrong in them days to.
    The Gills PegLeg likes this.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The GillsPegLeg, I won't make excuses for my total honesty.
    I respect your thoughtful insight on Max Ehmer... and I respect any assessment of my viewpoints.

    My previous post was created with my usual objectivity of the current situation at GFC.... The same objectivity that I have given when, on several occasions this season, I have voted for Ehmer in the 'Star Player' thread (( despite my 'overall' reservations re Ehmer in the side. )).... In fact, at the start of this season, Ehmer was playing very well ---- but --- is that because the ball ( and other players ), spent more time in the opposition half ?.... more on that point a little later.

    Scapegoat !! - that is your choice of wording... But, as Captain, Ehmer has responsibility to account for the performance of all the team... Unfortunately, as Captain, it is easy to be singled-out for all the criticism - which isn't helped on the occasions when his individual performance has not been good enough.

    A Captain needs to possess other qualities - other than footballing skills. A Captain needs to be a Diplomat and have tact in abundance - and has to avoid, at all cost, inciting the anger of the fans.... I am sure that you can point other qualities that all Captains need to possess.

    Ehmer - and any player - let alone Captain, is /are entitled to respond to criticism from fans .... particularly if the type of criticism is inappropriate or disproportional.... but Ehmer - any Captain - any player, should be guarded from descending into an exchange that is the specialist subject of morons. All the players (( not just Ehmer )), need to always remember that it is the fans who pay their wages ---- and fans won't continue to fork-out good money for infinite crap....particularly if the player hasn't got his head 'on the game!'

    I consider myself as a fan with blue blood and GILLINGHAM written into my bones - just like seaside rock !.... therefore - 'walking away' is a thought that I don't want to make... Personally, I am too foolish to consider the amount of money I have 'wasted' on GFC - BUT - I resent even one second of wasted time when players do not have (( or do not show )) ,any passion and little commitment.... I can accept limitations regarding skill levels - but - that is no excuse for not giving 100%... I can accept any defeat if the players have 'tried.' ...... what I won't accept is my time wasted by seeing players engaged in a verbal spat with the fans - and then performing to his own political agenda - to disenchant (( P off )) the fans in a deliberate attempt to wind them up - that - is inexcusable....... and when that sort of nonsense happens -

    -- commitment is out of the window ! - is it then any wonder that subsequent criticism will be exaggerated - and even (( perhaps )) a little disproportionate... and if a player retaliates , rather than respond with the ball, then fans will use the stupidity of the player to do what morons do best - to mentally destroy the player...... rather than showing greater sense than the player(s) - by staying away and not continuing to waste their time and money.

    Being Captain, at present, isn't doing Ehmer or GFC any favours. Max, I believe, is suffering a mental strain that will only get worse. I believe the 'nutters' in the crowd will become more toxic towards him...... For what it's worth, I think that McKenzie is probably best choice for captaincy.

    Regarding Ehmer's playing ability, I have stated that I have 'overall' reservations. These have been applicable for much of his career with GFC - during which (( for most part )), Gills have endured much misery - including relegations.... My reservations are objective - and take into account a variety of factors - not just the number of goals conceded by the Club..... Max has been fortunate to play alongside John Egan - whose quality probably allowed Ehmer the luxury of being 'carried'.... I also believe that Ehmer (( along with wrong managerial tactics )), was instrumental in almost 'ruining' the career of Jack Tucker - who was slowly becoming Ehmer's clone.

    Pegleg, you say (( fairly accurately )), that it is the job of forwards to score - BUT- for that to happen, the ball needs to cross the halfway line - NOT be stuck in a perpetual circle of backwards, sideways, sideways, backwards passes - then HOOFBALL to 'nobody' - before it comes back to defenders who sit so incredibly deep......On these points, I will concede that the manager must take full responsibility - and, for once, Ehmer has mitigation - but - as captain, he has the responsibility of speaking with the Manager re tactics... is that happening ? - no evidence to support !!

    Pegleg, from your own chosen words, you recognise the individual limitations of Ehmer ( not just with a ball. ) I know that Gills have had plenty of 'bad' players - I have seen many in my 62 seasons. I have always been pragmatic about the skill levels of all players wearing our shirt... I have only ever asked for 100% commitment - even when we lose...... and it's certainly not me who is being paid for the privilege of being inside the stadium !.... and it's not as if I can get a refund when the product doesn't work !

    I repeat that my assessment of any player is always objective.... if I merely ' hated ' a person named Mr. Ehmer, he wouldn't have had as many votes as I have awarded !...
    Pegleg - you are perfectly entitled to give a personal assessment of any of my remarks - be they wide or blinkered - but - what they have been has always been brutally honest..... and I am fully aware that my level of honesty runs deeper than most.

    I raised the issue of the 'tenability' of Ehmer's position at GFC ( not just as Captain ), based on current circumstances (( the political nature of which do not please me ))... The Gallinsons, John Coleman & Ehmer need to urgently 'get-together' and have a frank discussion - and might do well to engage the services of an expert who could provide impartial public relations advice.......... otherwise the current toxicity surely can only get worse - with Ehmer now in full saddle-wearing mode - - waiting for the first nutter to jump aboard..............so -

    ...... in the current 'political ' climate at GFC, I still believe that Ehmer's position is untenable.....I believe Ehmer's temperament is at least, a little unbalanced.... I still believe it will get worse..... I still believe that Ehmer will be unable to restrain his emotions.... I believe it is not in the interest of Ehmer's mental health to remain with the Club - let alone on the pitch..... I'd very much like to give a different assessment of prevailing circumstances - but - I am probably too honest to change my mind - and, for that, I certainly won't apologise.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025 at 6:10 PM

  11. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Since your post @alwaysright the manager has come out and backed Max. There are some comments you've made that I do take umbrage with, especially around ruining Jack Tucker.

    Tucker blossomed because Max did the stuff Tucker needed him to do, Max has a way of occupying other defenders that goes unnoticed, perhaps by yourself as well that allows the nicer defenders on the eye to do the tidy stuff which Tucker was allowed to do. I will ask you to wind the clock back to the late 2000s when we had a partnership of Garry Richards and my profile photo of Simon King at the helm. They worked incredibly well together because they complemented each other's strengths. Richards providing the brutish head it, lump it, get it out and King did the nicer and prettier tidying up side of the game. No doubt King was destined for higher if it wasn't for that horrible injury, but if he didn't have the solid Richards alongside him then we may not have achieved what we did that season in 08-09. Fast forward to Tucker being sold to MK Dons, he was an ever present in another team that got relegated from League One, and has since struggled to play regularly under multiple managers for them in League Two. He had to join Colchester United this January in the hope of being able to rekindle his career. You can ask yourself why that has happened, well MK Dons plays a back three system, something we didn't do when Tucker was here so his mistakes are more likely to be found out because he's got a much larger space to cover. Harking back to, he was made better by playing alongside Ehmer. In fact Max has a very good ability of making most CBs he partners with look better because of the side of the game he does. Yes you can point to Egan, but you must remember for a lot of that first stint Egan played alongside Deji Oshilaja, and not Max, and again Egan was one of those rare finds destined for higher. Partnered with Gabby Zakauani he learned how to play that role and became a better defence. Connor Ogilvie, a LB by trade looked very good at CB because he was partnered with Ehmer. Max did the ugly side, Connor did the nice and tidy side and is now playing his trade higher. Tucker, already spoken about. When they reverted to a back four, him and Baggott looked absolutely fine together and guess what, Baggott is now playing higher. Him and Masterson as a pairing nearly saved us from relegation after the damage had already been done by Steve Evans. Last season we started like a train with him and Ogie as the pairing, he dislocates his shoulder and our form and defence slides until returns to the defence. This season, again I'll remind about the fact we are still one of the best defences in the league, even with our poor position, Max is still a part of that.

    The captaincy for me really isn't the be all and end all anymore. I think the modern game has changed from what it was. Its changed from the Pulis side that won us promotion in the 90s. Its changed from the Taylor side that took us to the Championship, its changed from the Stimson era and the Martin Allen era. Less and less footballers bark orders or give their teammates rollicking these days (even though Max has done this numerous times this season with Hutton, Clark and Ogie in particular). Players don't show passion the same way anymore. For me, blaming the captain for all of our troubles is just really wide of the mark. He's still just one man, four different managers haven't got a tune out of these players yet. If they're not going to listen to a Neil Harris, Stephen Clemence, Mark Bonner or John Coleman who are all very different managers, why do you think they'd pay attention to Max? Its scapegoatism at it's finest and people love to hate Max Ehmer. Leaders can lead with words, or actions, and barring him clapping back at people chanting "F*** Off Ehmer", he's led with performances when others haven't.

    Yes you pay your money and you're entitled to your opinion, I've never once said you aren't. I've agreed that he has flaws in his game and I've questioned attitude at times (until I look at the rest of the team and see them all looking just as nonchalant), and I would say he's looking slower than ever this season. I'm convinced its his last season with us so I'd be very much shocked to see him in a Gillingham shirt next season so you'll soon get what you want. All I ask is that people look at the wider aspects of the game of what each player contributes.
    brb and gioblues like this.
  12. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Very good summary. Tucker played his best football alongside Ehmer and hasn't reached those levels since. Question is could Gills go up with Ehmer in the team now a few years on. This season after are decent start where Ehmer looked good Ehmer has only looked good when we play a back 3. He has lost the pace and on many occasions has relied on others to bail him out.
    I think he has had a good Gills career and wouldn't have played so many games as he has. Time now to release him and say thanks.
    The Gills PegLeg likes this.
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Thank you. Pegleg – for grasping my ‘point’ – that (( as you agree )), Ehmer has no future at GFC …..THAT was the whole point of my post…….my work is (almost) done – just a few loose ends to tie-up!

    Pegleg – you say that Tucker ‘blossomed’ because of Ehmer’s influence – but – contradict yourself with criticism of Tucker’s multiple failings with several other L1 & L2 clubs…..has that failure also been ‘influenced’ by Ehmer ?

    You say that Ehmer has a way of ‘occupying’ opponents – which goes unseen… that will be all the arm pulling that somehow goes unseen by the officials (( not unseen be me. ) – and- as you know, I cannot abide cheating even from Gills players.

    You mention previous players….. shall we compare the ones I have seen since 1963 ? – there’s been plenty of rubbish – and Ehmer wouldn’t come very close to the bottom of my list ! – but – mentioning previous players would be a digression away from the point of THIS debate ((which, as aforementioned, you have shown to have grasped.))

    Regarding ‘Captaincy’ and the ‘evolvement’ of Football over the years…. We can all point to various changes – such as the pace of the game.. I believe that players have become better physical athletes – and that has enabled greater flair to be evident (( maybe not in L1 or L2. ))… I firmly believe that the role of Captain has NOT significantly changed. He / she is still expected to be a Leader… I want Ehmer to ‘bark’ at Hutton and Clark – nobody else seems to do so !.. A captain needs to be an inspiration to the side – especially when losing – and, Ehmer’s had plenty of chances to practise. A captain needs to inspire with his commitment…Andy Hessenthaler may not have won many trophies – but – I’d have 11 players with his level of commitment – and that’s before we discuss the inspiration Hess brought to the squad………

    ……. And one point that leads me to suspect that you might just be trying to wind me up more than brb - - How can you (basically), be apathetic to the lack of passion shown by players ? HOW?......... Passion / Commitment – call it what you will, is the very LEAST that (( in my unchangeable opinion )), that must be given for every minute of the game. For me, to accept anything less is akin to accepting lower standards – which is rife in every other department of life ((( but – let’s not get too political. ))…. Whilst I agree that 4 different managers have not been able to ‘get-a-tune’ out of the players – it is still my assertion that it doesn’t excuse any Captain from being openly inspirational – THAT – is the level of my standard bar ! …. I don’t ‘do’ apathy !

    You said, earlier, that Coleman has given Ehmer his backing !! I read that - - it was hardly a glowing reference - not one I’d appreciate from my boss ! – and you forgot to remind me that Coleman has also admitted that Ehmer’s performances haven’t always been ‘great.’……… you see, Pegleg, we can all ‘cherry-pick’ and skew the facts !...... I have always tried to be objective about Ehmer’s performance (( and ALL the other players )), after each match - - when it has been my pleasure to vote for him in the Star Player thread – just as I did for J.E.Thomas after his first 2 games – before he became a player that even I could cheerfully tell to ‘’F..Off.’’

    In your last paragraph you mention different viewpoints… It’s obvious that we have some different ones – as well as shared ones….. like the fact that you concede that Ehmer has ‘flaws’ and has become slow – and that you don’t expect him to be with Gills next season………. And here we come to the crux of your understanding of the point of my original post – that – in the prevailing circumstances at the Club (( particularly the ‘antics’ in which Ehmer is engaged on the pitch )), - under these circumstances, Ehmer’s position at the Club, is untenable.….thank you for understanding this situation…. My work is done!
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You guys, me trying to read your posts <laugh>

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    The Gills PegLeg and alwaysright like this.
  15. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I haven't contradicted myself at all, I made it clear that Tucker played his best football alongside Ehmer and hasn't looked as good since. You're the one who made the wild accusation that Ehmer was ruining Tucker when clearly Ehmer was actually covering up for Tucker's misgivings.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Curse of the 'vote-of-confidence !
    Well, well, well - The Gills manager, Coleman, has removed Ehmer as matchday Captain. He has appointed Little for the job... Coleman obviously agrees with me - that ((( in the present circumstances surrounding The Club, Max Ehmer & his association with the fans ))), Ehmer is not the right choice for Captain.....despite giving Ehmer his 'blessing' only a few days ago ! ,,,,,...... It seems that Coleman, (( if not some fans )), has understood my point of view!
  17. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I think it's been done to appease supporters after doing his job as manager in supporting Ehmer publically. It's all club and supporter relationship politics. I remember Neil Harris spoke out about a section of support at Millwall in recent months 'Thickos', I can't be sure if that was aimed at a section of fans, youtubers or whatever, but my thoughts were much along the lines of similar to Ehmer and supporter expectations, it didn't go down well.

    It's Coleman's decision and I have to respect that, but sometimes supporters need to be told, I don't expect anyone to agree with me, but I can see why Ehmer might want to remonstrate. I've seen this all before and the disgraceful behaviour of certain fans, going way back to Dover and the Scally out campaign. Why do I feel like this, well I just believe negativity breeds negativity, and I never see the booing of players as a way to motivate, even if they are the worst players on the planet, which they are not.

    But I respect it's all about opinions, so no offence meant to anyone. It is what it is now and Ehmer will have to suck it up, which he will, like Harris he is no snowflake.
    alwaysright likes this.
  18. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I assume we can all berate Armani Little for every game we lose moving forwards now? I feel sorry for Max that this has happened, I still don't believe he is to blame for the mess we're in and he's being scapegoated. If you look at the performances of the players individually since the Bromley 2-1 away defeat, Little has been continually poor whereas Max hasn't been. But because some people want their captains to stamp their feet in a game that he must lose the armband. Fine, its happened now, but I would have dropped Little for the drubbing against Barrow and certainly would have dropped him for tonight, because his performances have been poor for nearly 2 months. Midfield has continued to be a problem this season, and since he came back from his last injury/had his haircut he's not been the same player, and as much as I love the bloke, you can't play a midfield of just Robbie McKenzie and expect to think we'll be a successful side. I hope the armband gives Little the kick up the backside he needs, but if it doesn't and he continues to be poor, we've basically just promised ourselves 18 games of disappointment as he'll be deemed undroppable.
    brb likes this.
  19. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I'd agree it's midfield that has been our problem, signs of that for me is my constant saying we would be better moving Ogie up, and the reason I'm saying that has got to be because midfield are missing every game, they are not feeding the strikers, hence our constant absence of goals, and they don't help to cover in defence. I think we've got players up front and at the back who can do the job, but it's like having a car with no engine, we're trying to jump start something that's never going to kick in because of the missing mechnical parts.
    The Gills PegLeg likes this.
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I agree with what has become 'diversions' to my main original point ... and can therefore 'digress,' and say that Ehmer is not solely responsible for the performances on the pitch...I still feel that Captains bear some extra overall responsibility for the commitment by all players.

    If the point of my original post was to criticize the individual / and/ or collective performances of any or all players, then brb would be reading the extended version of ' War & Peace '! -- I am definitely not looking for a scapegoat - because Gills have too many players with hircine qualities - whether in defence, midfield or attack..... football, after all, is meant to be a ' team ' game.

    If I may be permitted to default to my original point - the tenability of Ehmer's position - - at very least, his unsuitability to be the Captain.....I thought that I had made it clear -- ' currently ' Ehmer's relationship with fans is toxic - mainly because of his continued public relations disaster when interacting with fans - even when any criticism might have been unfair and / or disproportionate...

    Ehmer's relationship with the fans was very quickly going the same way as Scally's 'love-in.'..... and we all know how that ended - although the difference is that the toxicity was beginning to mess with Ehmer during the game.... Even if ALL criticism of Ehmer's footballing qualities are unjust ((( excuse me whilst I duck for the porcine aviation squadron ))), what is inexcusable (( in my opinion )), is the manner of behaviour and dialogue ( on more than one occasion ), that Ehmer chose to use - and continuing to do so say when provoked... Ehmer's behaviour, rather like Scally's, was not appropriate. It is not 'becoming' of a Captain.... therefore, it is what Ehmer does with his mouth - rather than his feet, that makes his position as Captain to be untenable

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