The ****s have got a full blown fire going causing smoke to waft into a nearby office building. With any luck they'll accidentally set fire to all the caravans and die horribly. Might sound a tad harsh but I hate free loaders that seem to be able to do what they like unlike us law abiding and tax paying citizens? Anyone else got any peg sellers nearby? I'm half thinking of going down at lunchtime and letting them have it with both barrels. Keep an eye on the local rags tomorrow, The Depressing Journal and The Evening Distress.
Unlike you lily livered liberals I would have them shot. It's because of politically correct ****ers like you this country is in the state it is. Go hug a tree Tarquin.
Go and drill a hole in a tree and get your end away. It's not as if any woman is going to sleep with you. Hell, your ex-wife found you so dull she ran off with another woman.
We had tarriers up our way years ago. The ****s used to ****e outside They got moved for a housing development. The same one Lochrie wanted to move into. Dream on Bazza, 500k+ houses
Go stand accross the road at Richard Irvins, take a pic & put it up here. The cooncil put toilets & bin next to the ****s and they still ****e ootside & lob all their rubbish on the grass.
They won't even **** in their own caravans (The ones with toilets) why the **** would the council think they'd put it in a bin.