If Belloumi is out on Sunday this might hopefully force Walter to mix it up (doubt it). Pandur Drameh - Hughes - Jones - Macca - Giles Slater - Omur - Palmer Burstow - Bedia (or Pedro) Basically two lines of 5 and no midfield so should Walter down to the tee. No diss on Coyle, Simons or anyone who drops out as the players all seem to be trying but we need to mix it up somehow.
I could be wrong here, but I suspect you're the only person on this entire board who'll put Giles in their starting XI for this weekend. I think there's a reasonable chance many wouldn't even put him on the bench.
Love your reply I don't gamble either (absolute mugs game). And, ok, I'll match that. Please remind me in 8 years time if it hasn't happened!! Hopefully we're both still around!
Good post...Yepp, old father time is moving on, too quickly, if you ask me...If I remember in 8 years I'll let know you. Chances are I might not even remember my name!!
Oxford United manager Des Buckingham told BBC Radio Oxford: “This year has been about making sure we pick up points as we go and we’ve managed to do that in seven of the last nine games. “The win is always better, especially at home, we know how important that is to keep us where we want to be. It was a different type of performance with a different set-up, and that was the pleasing thing that got the result. “We knew Hull would want to play and we did a bit of work on that last week. “We know we are one of the smallest clubs in the league and so have to be extremely smart in the way we set up.”
Just watched replay, and the goal we conceded... Giles can't control ball, loses it. He does not run back to cover mistake, his man, his zone is empty, 3 to 2 situation in penalty area because of him and score comes from area he needs to cover. Just a lack of effort and it is 10 minutes from half, he should be fresh enough.
On this thread we always state the need of a striker. I accept this but we also need a new captain. Coyle gives it all and although he is highly rated in the dressing room he is not what is needed on the pitch. Does anyone think Ashbee would have let the players give up after conceding a goal which happened against Oxford.
Under Phil Parkinson for example, yes probably. Ashbee was brilliant but he was still human. We had crap games then too. He and other senior players didn't like Parkinson and never really played for him. The way modern players are held up against Ashbee is unhelpful. Coyle is a brilliant captain.
It was Parkinson's training methods the team didn't take too. Could there be a similar problem under Walter?
Parkinson was right all along. A lot of them complained about Rosenior’s pre-season regime last summer being ‘too hard’ and Rosey was in the right then too to prepare them for a long, hard season. The players need to get a grip.
Ice baths in a Biffa bin, how very novel of Parkinson, so novel Barmby told him to shove it. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
The point isn't whether they're right or wrong though. It's whether it works. If whatever you're doing turns the players against you then it doesn't matter that it might be based on good science. The personality side of the job is just as important. In Walter's case we know very little, there's just a suggestion that they might be unhappy about some things. No real reason to believe it's that they don't want to train so hard, but it's possible.
He was probably ahead of his time then , Ice baths weren't a big thing then but certainly got a lot more popular