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Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by Cyclonic, May 29, 2017.

  1. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Best player of the tournament goes to Spain's No 6. Best young player of the tournament goes to Spain's teenager and Best GK of the tournament goes to England's Earp (why we only lost 1-0). Can't argue with those. Some very talented individuals in that Spanish team and well deserved World Cup winners
    Pilgrim and SwanHills like this.
  2. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Well done Spain, a deserved success. <applause>
    Pilgrim, Bustino74 and Ron like this.
  3. Bustino74

    Bustino74 Thouroughbred Breed Enthusiast

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The best team won. They closed us down, we didn't close them down, they passed crisply, we were pedestrian in our passing most of the time and they were far more skilful.
    Well done Spain. Hard luck England.
    Pilgrim and SwanHills like this.
  4. Bustino74

    Bustino74 Thouroughbred Breed Enthusiast

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Brilliant run by Josh Kerr to win the World 1500m Title.
  5. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Certainly was, a real gentleman too. That big-headed Norwegian (can't spell his name) was nowhere to be seen after the race. Bad loser, and like most in the stadium, and elsewhere, very happy to see Josh Kerr 'take' him in the run to the line. <applause> Josh!
  6. Pilgrim

    Pilgrim Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    A complete turnaround in the situation of Carlos Rodríguez. After his great performance in the Tour de France in which he made his debut, Ineos has made a counteroffer to the rider after they had not reached an agreement for the renewal of his contract (due to the lack of interest of the team). The rider had already signed a pre-contract with Movistar for the next two seasons, but will now sign a four-year contract with Ineos. For this change, Ineos will have to pay a millionaire compensation to Movistar.
    redcgull likes this.
  7. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    So the 2023 Rugby World Cup starts today with an absolute cracker-jack of an opening game in France, the holders of the whole tournament, taking on the might of the New Zealand All Blacks, can't wait...!! It looks to me, on paper that is, a tournament that any one of four top teams in the World rankings could win the whole thing but frustratingly for these four teams they are all in the same half of the draw, meaning that the final could have an upset (It will if the Aussies or we get there and somehow pull it off...) or it will be a one sided blow out (if the Aussies or we get there and get pummelled...!!)

    The draw for this World Cup was made ages ago, and also the seedings, which is a bit strange as it means that England and Australia got a seeded draw. But things have changed since three years ago and now and both these sides are currently ranked 8th & 9th in the World rankings, Fiji are sat in 7th place so that tells you where these two teams sit at the moment. But if results, a bit of luck, and a boost of team confidence as the tournament moves forward, could see one of these teams could make the final...!!

    As it happens, after scribbling down on the back of a piece of paper, my extensive research has the following playing out...

    Group A - Winners: France, runners up - New Z
    Group B - Winners: South Africa, runners up - Ireland
    Group C - Winners: Australia, runners up Wales
    Group D - Winners: England, runners up Argentina

    Q1: Aussies v Argies
    Q2 - South Africa v New Zealand
    Q3: England v Wales
    Q4: France v Ireland

    Semi final 1: Australia v New Zealand
    Semi final 2: England v France

    3rd place play off: Australia v England (Why they have this match i don't know but they do...!!)

    Final: New Zealand v France

    The Argies could be the real fly in the ointment if they turn England over in their match up thus throwing the fixtures right open, but i think that we will just squeeze past them, but that's not with any real confidence at all...!! Plus they could turn the Aussies over in their potential Q1 match up as well. Either way, they look a tough team to beat, but they always seem to come up short in the end...

    Bottom line is a couple of big match ups will be played out in the earlier rounds of the tournament and it could throw up a few strange results. But i think the opening game of the whole thing could be a per-curser to the final which will be just perfect in my eyes...

    Should be a great tournament, looking forward to it, let the madness begin...!!!!
  8. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    RU World Cup 2023:

    France 27 - New Zealand 13

    Random comments!
    Never played Rugby in my life but over the years have taken a great interest in the game. Some of my remarks are in fact a question for the knowledgeable members on the forum. Here goes:

    It is not often that one sees the All Blacks so comprehensibly beaten, but it would be stupid to write them off at this earls group stage. They are smarting from this defeat and will do all in their power to correct the situation. The South African referee wasn't bad at all and kept a fairly tight hold on the game. I could not understand some of his hand signals, however, as often when his right arm went up it was not always for a penalty? Couldn't figure that out at all?

    So, for what it's worth, I think the eventual champion will come from Ireland, South Africa, France, and Argentina, in that order of preference.

    (I hummed and hah'd over Scotland, who have an excellent squad, but have seemed to be unlucky in crunch games. Might regret not including Scotland in final four choices, instead of Argentina?)

    Crikey, do hope England acquit themselves with a decent performance against the Pumas this evening, and don't get thrashed. Must not be a coward though, and will watch it regardless. :emoticon-0107-sweat :emoticon-0100-smile
  9. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Yep, Swanny, the match was a good one if a bit stop start at times but that heat was obviously causing both teams to reign things in a little in the end. I thought that the All Blacks were the team most trying to play that expansive style rugby more than the French, and looked like that they could at times have run in a couple of tries had things gone their way. But the French have a very pragmatic way of playing, curbing that natural flair, style and passion that they are known for, and only when they smell blood do they really open up which resulted in them pulling away with a bit to spare in the end.

    I did think that the ll Blacks might have just pulled off a close fought win just because of it being the opening World Cup fixture at home and all that, and for small parts looked comfortable. But once they went down to 14 men they sensed that they had them from my point of view and went for the kill, even though they didnt really open up until they were back to a full 15...
  10. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    What i will say is that the All Blacks pack isnt as strong as it has been in the past but the backs all look very strong and very quick so they will cause a lot of teams a few problems. The French pack on the other hand look monster big, monster strong and all have pace, and so they have to be the favourites and my tip to win. The Irish can match them in the pack, just, and have the skills to go toe-to-toe with them but i feel that they will just come up short in the end.

    The South African pack are their biggest weapon and can dominate all teams if they are allowed to, but i just feel they lack something in the back line so will count them out on just that.

    It's all intriguing as it should be, and as you rightly say, any one of 3 could win it, the French though after last nights performance will be the ones to beat...!!
    SwanHills likes this.

  11. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Enjoyed last night’s game though I have a feeling tonights not so much!! For all the positive media speak coming out of the England camp the stark facts are they’ve only beaten Italy, Wales and Japan in 18 tests since the start of 2022. They are a mediocre team in terrible form. That said the quirk of the draw pitches all the out of form ‘top’ sides in the same 2 groups- Wales, Australia and England. So at least one of those has a very good chance of reaching the semi final. In some ways England stumbling their way to a SF could be bad long term as it will allow the authorities to pat themselves on the back and carry on as before.
    SwanHills likes this.
  12. Bustino74

    Bustino74 Thouroughbred Breed Enthusiast

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Great game and a fine performance by both sides Watched it in a bar in France.
    redcgull and SwanHills like this.
  13. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    RU World Cup 2023

    South Africa 18 - Scotland 3

    Phew, what a tough game. The crunching tackling of the South Africans must have left many of the Scottish players nursing some pretty hefty bruises over the next day or two? Together with some dynamic running by the South African backs (what speed they showed), SA were just too much for Scotland, who, it must be said, stuck with it and were very brave.
    redcgull likes this.
  14. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    The Scots should have been playing against 14 men from the 3rd minute. Unbelievable that the match officials missed the head on head. Just to be clear i think the rule is bonkers but if Curry gets a red last night Kriel’s was nailed on.
    redcgull and SwanHills like this.
  15. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Was just a minute or two late in tuning-in, so I guess I missed this infringement. .I did think Currie's red card was as harsh as hell, but you can see how the powers-to-be are so concerned with this head injury business, and so they should be. But it does give rise to the occasional questionable penalty verdicts?
    Chaninbar likes this.
  16. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    There’s no consistency Swanny. Curry’s was incredibly harsh imo but folk who know far more about the current laws of the game seem to think there was no intent but it was a red. So they’ve got themselves in right old pickle with it because every clash of heads someone will be looking for a red card. Coaches will be (already are) instructing players to feign injury in such circumstances. Rugby is a hard physical sport. Since professionalism the focus is on relentless power and 8 subs each means their aerobic fitness isnt as key as before because half the team can be changed after 50 minutes. The 3 ‘head’ incidents were all accidental imo. There was other thuggish behaviour that went under the radar too. The only player to get knocked out appeared to be a kiwi who got his head in the wrong position when tackling and got a knee to the temple for his troubles. I was taught the stupidity of that in my secondary school which was hardly a rugby hotbed.
    SwanHills likes this.
  17. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Completely agree with you Chan, and your point about the subs is something one of my mates has been going on about for a long time now, and i agree with both you and him. As for the head on the wrong side of the man tackle, you will hurt yourself if you don't have your head in the correct position, and yes sometimes you have no choice as the game is a lot faster, but it's still stupidity...!!
    Chaninbar and SwanHills like this.
  18. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Hi Red, I honestly fear for the future of the game. Nobody wants to see folk with head injuries and long term side effects but I’m not convinced the current rule changes will make any difference whatsoever.
  19. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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  20. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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