One Direction star Louis Tomlinson has been arrested for allegedly attacking a photographer at an airport while collecting his luggage. The 25-year-old star had been returning from a week in Las Vegas with his partner, fashion blogger Eleanor Calder, when photographers spotted the pair. The incident, which happened in Los Angeles on Friday night, saw him attend a police station on Saturday morning. It is alleged the photographer had been taking pictures of the pair when the star is accused of knocking him to the floor, leading to the man sustaining injuries to his back and head. Nice lads though.
Based on the fact that the only reason I've heard of them is because they're usually the butt of all jokes , I find that unlikely.
After Luvgonzo colonised Burnley and we ended up winning we've decided that in order to win matches we have to colonise the rivals boards prior to a game. Burnley was already empty so no problem with colonising it. @Paulpowersleftfoot is here, but he's a nice guy, I don't think he minds residing in a Liverpool colony. When we set up colonies we tend to help the natives by introducing democracy, build roads, schools and churches. Sure, we force the natives to take opium so we don't run a trade deficit, but I think that's only fair.