so much for my high scoring game,,it shows we are not as good up front as i seems we just are not good to beat the top teams, even with home advantage.MM has said he has got enough players in ,well if thats the case,as i have said befor,we will be in this division for along time.,with no hope of going up ,but a slender chance of going down.I dont thinkME is going to spend any more money on this club ,lets hope he puts it up for sale, for some group with investment money to move the club forward.With MM not saying what his intentions are {if infact he knows himself} this could have a knock on effect to the club , players ,and most certainly the fans .all we can do as fans is sit and watch ,and each week get more and more confused as why o why are we standing still and not going forward,little wonder the gates each week are falling .