Rubbish - just check the return address for your season passes - "Hull City Tigers" it says. Anyone who thinks that the swingeing increase is due to AA's being knocked back on the name change is clearly a casualty of Hull's appalling school system over decades. AA is using the club as a vehicle for his childish overweening ego trip - maybe he's a tad insecure about his height or looks etc - who can tell? And since I'll now be required to change my seat to accommodate his latest wheeze after many years happily sitting there throughout the divisions - I'll say..."Stuff it." I ain't a pawn for this turgid egoist to move around - so it's adieu Hull City and maybe bonjour Ferriby.
Over reacting, situation twisting, hysterical big girls blouse. As long as we survived, ticket prices were going up regardless this season. We knew that even before the name change saga began. The fans being moved has been in motion for years, since before the Allams even bought the club, it's finally now come to fruition. It's not some sort of scheme to scatter to name change resistance around the ground and into vocal obscurity. (I know you didn't say that but I can't help but think that was part of your motive). Cancel your pass if you want, but it will be you who misses out on what is without doubt the greatest period inte clubs history and bound to be built upon in the coming season, for what reasoning you have posted is futile and very mistaken. Just one thing to keep in mind, say an historical away draw at the San Siro, or even Camp Nou in the unlikely event Barcelona should drop out of the CL group, no season ticket, I doubt you'll get a ticket. Keep that in mind and have a long think before pressing the red button. Do you really want to miss what's coming?
I don't think he's over reacting. I've said many times that everyone has their own personal line in the sand at which point they say enough is enough. For me, the quality of the opposition team has always been secondary behind enjoying the whole matchday experience. That's why I enjoyed the fourth division, loved Wembley, and hated most of last season.
Check this info in the link. Did you notice the company name? Not that this is news as it was well reported at the time. I mean how dare he ask you to send your passes back to the company. Did you expect them to be sent to Scunthorpe United's offices instead?
A fair few missing your point Cool, either by accident or design. Divide and conquer. After millions of pounds spent building it, Allams legacy is being thought of as the madman that tried to kill Hull City.
He's calling the team Hull City Tigers, not just the company. The renewal form has eight references to the team, they all state Hull City Tigers, Hull City are not mentioned once - 'Hull City Tigers matches', 'Hull City Tigers programmes' etc etc