I only use JA for the predictions league The sad thing though is that I've been finding FoxesTalk less annoying recently.
Its sad to say but this nonsense has been occuring increasingly now for the last few months and its the reason i started to come on here less. I too am mostly on Foxestalk now because of this crap....Shame really because it could have been a good forum without the minority of idiotic WUMS and OP Mods.
Why have you posted the same thing on three different threads? You are starting to get more and more pathetic.
You're being a child and you're sticking out like a sore thumb. You'd be alright on the Dull board if you want to 'blend in'.
We dont have to put up with this muppet much longer. Who wants to kick off the petition to get i used to be john fallen back?
Drama queen or what! First he tries desperately to get banned, then he posts this 'I am john martyr' thread. Sounds a bit gay to me.
As I've posted before - not in favour of banning people full stop - if we are not careful we will end up with a board merely for ourselves on which we are all politically correct and scared to mention that our team is, from time to time, ****e ... in case we then get banned too for such extreme views and the distress we have caused to those more sensitive members (and yes there is a pun intended at the end)! The scroll bar is vey handy for bypassing the most purile posts ...
At the end of the day, we are all football fans typing words on a computer. What is the fuss about? If I see a Hull fan making stupid comments on our boards, I just think " you t***" and that's the end of it. Could you imagine us all meeting face to face. I bet no one would say a word and try to laugh it off!!!! Come on people, we're not 8 years old!!!! Keep the banter coming, but keep it clean. We all support our teams for our own reasons, so let's enjoy the boards without comments resulting in saying my dad is bigger than yours!!!
^^^^^^^^this i agree i dont see why all the arguments and slating each other has to start were all human at the end of the day cant we all just get along and as much as im sure someone will say something to me but i dont care IUTBJF dont go as ive seen your wanted by your board and i dont wanna see people leave even from other teams boards! its a forum for freedom of speech!
So he should be, multiple accounts are not permitted. But can we get rid of this black and amber cretin? He's ruining every thread. At the very least, I think we should just ignore the attention seeker completely, to avoid ever other post being a response from him.