It appears I have been banned by this clown lambrettaman, so Im off, how this idiot is a moderator is beyond me, apparently he is allowed to abuse and name call and allow racist and other personal comments..but if a "moderator" don't like you,they have the power over free speech..he goes on everybody else's sites constantly..being abusive but won't allow free and fair comment on hull's its JA606 for me...bye lads...
Well it will be our sites loss - I ask you to reconsider, but you do make fair comment re OLM - I would like to see him banned from this board for crimes against the role of moderator, I wouldn't have an issue with him as a poster, but he really needs to either take his moderator role more seriously or resign it
Is this the same Lambrettaman who on a night out in Hull met a woman and asked for sex and when she replied "I can't I'm on my menstrual cycle" replied "Thats OK I'm on my Lambretta Cycle"
Im sure OLM would reconsider this, things have been getting silly between us and Hull but it would be a sad day if you left, anyway JA606 is almost as quiet as the Forest forum In short, please reconsider.
I agree wholeheartedly. Frankly, I don't know how he can moderating anything on the Hull site when he's on our boards all the time. Don't leave Mr Fallen. Your puns make me laugh! Don't let the idiots win. By the way, I've noticed we still don'y see much of Stourbridge lately. The damage done by one pathetic individual is startling.
Don't be such a big girls blouse. You have spent the last two days posting juvenile nonsense on our board, I asked you this morning if you'd just reign it in a bit, as I'd had a dozen ban requests, I believe Proud_Fox also asked you to do the same yet you chose not to and have been posting that you couldn't give a **** about being banned all afternoon. You can hardly cry about it now. Anybody is welcome to post on the Hull board, they can post can post what they like as forcefully as they like, it will only lead to a ban if there's so many complaints that I can't ignore it and the vast majority of posts have absolutely nothing to do with football. I'm sorry a ban was necessary, but you really have no-one to blame but yourself.
WTF ? FFS Hull ban all Leicester fans & Leicster ban all Hull fans, sorted. There´s no point quiting 'not606' just because of this.
If you don't like the forums then leave. That's fair enough. Don't just ban all fans from each other's boards. That;s madness. If someone is constantly winding up the other board then ban them (if they are posting inane drivel all the time or being offensive). Ilike hearing from the Leicester fans, it's all part of footy banter! Admittedly I can get terse with some Leicester fans but I am the same with some Hull City fans at times too. Get a grip everyone and get soem perspective. We are all footy fans after all!
John, just think about this - Do you really want OLM and a bunch of girly Hull fans getting all chuffed and excited because They drove you off Not 606 - Come on man up and grow a pair
I can feel another Campaine like we did for Stourbridgefox coming on for I used to be John fallen Not leave there is more then the Hull board to this place
I don't blame people for not wanting to post on here anymore, it's become almost impossible to have a thread where the subject matter is stuck to. Banter is good when you can be arsed with it but I don't want the whole of the pissing Championship's opinions on every one of our issues. There's also as many wum articles on our board as sensible ones, and our fans are partly to blame for those too.
There has been an effort made by several posters this week(on both sides), to avoid much of the silly nonsense that's gone on over the past couple of months, it seemed to me that things were moving in the right direction, but unfortunately, not from all quarters. This is a multi-club board, the whole point of it is fans of all clubs can speak to their own fans, along with fans of other clubs and as a consequence the suggestion that people shouldn't post on other clubs boards is quite ridiculous. Sometimes, I only want to discuss topics with my own mob, in which case I only post an article on City Independent, I'm sure some of you also post on Foxestalk(or similar) and do the same. You have some very good posters and I think we do to, I try when I come on your board to keep my posts relevant and constructive, sometimes things degenerate into nonsense and I'm certainly guilty of rising to that and posting my own share of nonsense, particularly if I've had a few, for which I apologise, it's never my aim to get involved in a slanging match. I think things have gone too far, I'm not enjoying any of this daft bickering and I suspect you're not either. Despite having the third busiest board on this site, I've only ever banned two people, unfortunately, both of them were from this board. I regret that fact, I think that things should only be moderated in extreme circumstances and I wish that no-one had been banned at all, but neither has been banned without several warnings, unfortunately, all those warnings were completely disregarded. Anyway, despite our differences IUTBJF, I hope you stay on the site and continue to converse with your fellow foxes. (and JA606 is ****)
Without wanting to open up a very old argument (during which I was on the opposing side) JA is a very, very dull place to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!