Even though you lost, that has to been as a positive result still! You really had them scared. Could you foresee Iceland realistically qualifying for a tournament any time soon?
The young newer players are a good group but we lack depth. The population is only the same as Coventry or Leicester and they can buy new players, we have to find and encourage them from 320.000 We really scare a lot of teams but give up in the last minutes and lose. Norway, Denmörk and now France. For qualifying the next world cup we are with Norway and Sviss with SlóvenÃa. The other small teams are Kýpur and AlbanÃa. Only Kýpur are worse seated in the FIFA rank. So I think not. Perhaps if we are lucky.
SvÃþjóð - Ãsland Lið Ãslands:Hannes Ãór Halldórsson HallgrÃmur Jónasson, Kári Ãrnason, Ragnar Sigurðsson, Ari Freyr Skúlason Rúrik GÃslason, Aron Einar Gunnarsson, Helgi Valur DanÃelsson, Gylfi Ãór Sigurðsson Birkir Bjarnason, Kolbeinn Sigþórsson. Varamenn: Gunnleifur Gunnleifsson (M), Hjörtur Logi Valgarðsson, Eggert Gunnþór Jónsson, Jóhann Berg Guðmundsson, Hólmar Ãrn Eyjólfsson, Eyjólfur Héðinsson, Alfreð Finnbogason, Stefán Logi Magnússon (M). Lið SvÃþjóðar: Andreas Isaksson Andreas Granqvist, Olof Mellberg, Jonas Olsson, Behrang Safari Sebastian Larsson, Rasmus Elm, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Kim Källström, Ola Toivonen Markus Rosenberg
The bad news is I am at work and will finish at half time. I will not be here for the start of the second half.
ga - if I back your campaign for your own international board, will you put in a good word for me with Hornette_TID? I love her madly and I think she's devine!
SvÃþjóð - Ãsland 1:0 2. MARK - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 1:0 A very good start for the locals. c-d I am not sure what Mr Hornette would say but she does have a harem of followers. You could join that!
SvÃþóð - Ãsland 2:1 30. 2. Mark - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 14. Mark - Ola Toivonen 27. Mark - Kolbeinn Sigþórsson
Hálfleikur SvÃþóð - Ãsland 2:1 2. Mark - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 14. Mark - Ola Toivonen 27. Mark - Kolbeinn Sigþórsson
I am home from work now. SvÃþóð - Ãsland 2:1 75. 2. Mark - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 14. Mark - Ola Toivonen 27. Mark - Kolbeinn Sigþórsson
SvÃþóð - Ãsland 3:1 90. 2. Mark - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 14. Mark - Ola Toivonen 27. Mark - Kolbeinn Sigþórsson 77. Mark - Christian Wilhelmsen
Leik Lokið SvÃþóð - Ãsland 3:2 2. Mark - Zlatan Ibrahimovic 1:0 14. Mark - Ola Toivonen 2:0 27. Mark - Kolbeinn Sigþórsson 2:1 77. Mark - Christian Wilhelmsen 3:1 92. Mark - HallgrÃmur Jónasson 3:2