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Just Do It/Just Don't

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mick O'Toon, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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  2. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Mind The Duck and Mick O'Toon like this.
  3. Strange Nipples ST

    Strange Nipples ST Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Yes, show your concern for the downtrodden and oppressed by buying trainers made by women and children working 12 hours a day for two dollars.
  4. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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    please log in to view this image
    gas, Ciaran, DUNCAN DONUTS and 7 others like this.
  5. pineappleupsidedown

    pineappleupsidedown Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2018
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    Nike are ****e ...

    Adidas loyal
  6. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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    I concur, buddy <ok>
  7. Strange Nipples ST

    Strange Nipples ST Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    I buy all my footwear from Decathlon.
  8. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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  9. The Cunnilungus Connoisseur

    The Cunnilungus Connoisseur Official POTY 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018 & 2023

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I wear sliders 99% of the time.
  10. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Getting a pair of these for the winter,pricey dough
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  11. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Are they even a pair? They look different colours to me.
    Void, Mind The Duck and Mick O'Toon like this.
  12. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    You can change the soles to match your nightie
    Toley Fart, Void and monacoger like this.
  13. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    BTW Thinking of going to Blackklansman tonight,anyone see it yet?
  14. Strange Nipples ST

    Strange Nipples ST Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    It's ****e.
  15. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    ok,I'll go to Incredibles 2 instead:emoticon-0148-yes:
    stopmeandslapme and Void like this.
  16. Strange Nipples ST

    Strange Nipples ST Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2016
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    That's ****e too.
    Toley Fart likes this.
  17. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Nope, I haven´t seen it, but I have put together this summary of the film for your perusal...

    In 1979, Ron Stallworth is hired as the first black detective in the Colorado Springs, Colorado police department. Stallworth is initially assigned to work in the records room, where he faces mistreatment from his coworkers. Stallworth requests a transfer to go undercover, and is assigned to infiltrate a local rally at which national civil rights leader Kwame Ture is to give a speech. At the rally, Stallworth meets Patrice Dumas, the president of the black student union at Colorado College. While taking Ture to his hotel, Patrice is stopped by patrolman Andy Landers, a corrupt, racist officer in Stallworth's precinct, who threatens Ture and sexually assaults Patrice.

    After the rally, Stallworth is reassigned to the intelligence division. While reading the paper, he finds an advertisement to join the Ku Klux Klan. Stallworth calls and pretends to be a white man, and speaks with Walter Breachway, the president of the Colorado Springs chapter. Stallworth recruits his Jewish coworker, Flip Zimmerman, to act as him in order to meet the Ku Klux Klan members in person. Zimmerman attends a meeting and meets Walter, along with the more radicalized member Felix Kendrickson. Zimmerman also speaks with another member named Ivanhoe, who cryptically refers to an upcoming attack.

    Zimmerman and Stallworth continue to cultivate their relationship with the local Klan chapter. Calling Klan headquarters in Louisiana to expedite his membership, Stallworth speaks with David Duke, the Grand Wizard, with whom he begins regular conversations on the phone. Kendrickson makes Zimmerman take a "Jewish lie detector test" at gunpoint, but Stallworth throws a rock through the Kendrickson family window to distract everyone. Stallworth begins dating Patrice, but does not tell her that he is a police officer.

    Duke visits Colorado Springs for Stallworth's induction into the Klan; over the real Stallworth's protests, he is assigned to a protection detail for Duke. After Zimmerman, masquerading as Stallworth, is initiated, Felix's wife Connie leaves the ceremony to place a bomb at a civil rights rally. Stallworth realizes her intentions and alerts local police officers. Acting on Felix's backup plan, Connie tries to plant the bomb in Patrice's mailbox; finding that it will not fit, she leaves it under Patrice's car instead. Stallworth tackles her as she tries to flee, but uniformed officers detain and beat him over his protests that he is working undercover. Felix, Ivanhoe, and bomb maker Walker (who had recognized Zimmerman from a prior arrest and conviction) arrive and park next to Patrice's car. They set off the bomb, not knowing where Connie had hidden it, and are killed in the explosion. Zimmerman arrives and frees Stallworth, and Connie is arrested. While celebrating the closed case that night, Stallworth wears a hidden microphone and tricks a drunken Landers into bragging about his assault on Patrice; with the confession on tape, Landers is arrested.

    Police Chief Bridges congratulates the team for their successful operation, but orders them to end it and keep all details from the public. As he is packing up, Stallworth receives one last call from Duke. Stallworth reveals to Duke that he is a black man before hanging up. Later, Patrice and Stallworth discuss their future together, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. Through the window, they see a large flaming cross on a distant hillside surrounded by Klan members.

    The film closes with footage from the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, including footage of the white supremacists, David Duke giving a speech to the attendees, counter-protesters, the car attack, and President Trump's statements after the events. The film ends with a memorial to Heather Heyer, the car attack victim, and an upside-down American flag, which fades to black and white.
    Ponders Revisited likes this.
  18. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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    FFS I suppose you´ll be wanting a summary of that too then?

    Three months after defeating Syndrome, the Parr family pursue the Underminer. Although the villain robs the Metroville Bank and escapes, they manage to stop his out-of-control drill tank from destroying City Hall with help from Lucius Best. However, the amount of collateral damage caused by the incident prompts the government to shut down the Superhero Relocation Program, leaving the Parrs without financial assistance from the head of the program, Rick Dicker. After Dicker learns that Violet's date, Tony Rydinger, is aware of her superhero identity, he has that part of Tony's memory erased. That night, Lucius informs Bob and Helen of an offer presented to him by Winston Deavor, the owner of DevTech, a telecommunications corporation. Winston and his sister, Evelyn – the genius inventor behind DevTech technology – propose a publicity stunt to regain the public's trust in Supers.

    Winston chooses Helen to spearhead the stunt under her old identity, Elastigirl, citing insurance purposes as their rationale. Winston provides the Parr family with a new home, and Bob offers to look after the kids while Helen is away. Bob struggles with his new role as a stay-at-home parent: Dash is having trouble with math, Violet becomes withdrawn after learning that Tony had his entire memory of her wiped by Dicker, and Jack-Jack begins to display his various superpowers in an uncontrollable manner, requiring him to be temporarily babysat by Edna Mode, who develops a suit to help control his abilities. Meanwhile, whilst on her missions in the city of New Urbem, Elastigirl confronts the Screenslaver, a mysterious supervillain who projects hypnotic images using television screens. She eventually tracks down and captures the villain, who is unmasked as a pizza delivery man with no recollection of his actions.

    At a DevTech party celebrating the Screenslaver's arrest, Winston announces a summit with leaders of various countries to legalize Supers once again, to be hosted aboard his luxury hydrofoil ship the Everjust. Unsettled by the ease with which she captured the Screenslaver, Elastigirl investigates further and realizes that he was being controlled by screens within a pair of mind control goggles. Before she can alert anyone, Evelyn forces the goggles onto her, revealing herself to be the mastermind behind the Screenslaver. Evelyn reveals that her hatred for Supers stems from the murder of her father, who was shot by house burglars while trying unsuccessfully to contact his associates, Gazerbeam and Fironic. Evelyn plans to sabotage her brother's summit and cause a catastrophe that will tarnish the reputation of Supers. Using a hypnotized Elastigirl, she lures Mr. Incredible into a trap, then sends other hypnotized Supers invited to the event to subdue the Parr children. Frozone arrives at the house to protect the children, but is overwhelmed and placed under Evelyn's control as well.

    Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack escape with the help of the Incredi-bile, a high-tech car once owned by Bob during his time as Mr. Incredible, and reach the Everjust. On board, the hypnotized Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone recite a vindictive manifesto on air to paint Supers as a threat. They subdue the ship's crew members and aim the high-speed ship at Municiberg before destroying the controls. When the Parr children find them, Jack-Jack removes Elastigirl's goggles, who in turn frees Mr. Incredible and Frozone. The Parrs and Frozone proceed to release all the other mind-controlled Supers by destroying their goggles. With Mr. Incredible swimming underwater to turn the rudder and Frozone creating layers of ice, they slow the Everjust enough to prevent it from crashing into the city. Evelyn tries to escape in a jet, but is captured by Elastigirl. Following the incident, Evelyn is arrested, and Supers around the world regain full legal status.

    Sometime later, Tony accompanies Violet and her family to see a movie. Outside the theater, the Parrs spot a high-speed pursuit between police and gunmen. Violet leaves Tony at the theater and promises to be back in time for the movie, before the Parrs don their masks, ready to give chase in a refurbished Incredi-bile.
    Ponders Revisited likes this.
  19. Gambol

    Gambol George Clooney's wee brother

    Jan 22, 2010
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    Can I have a synopsis of the summary please?
    DevAdvocate likes this.
  20. monacoger

    monacoger POTY 2021

    Feb 2, 2010
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