Since 14th February we been hearing all about it. How it was someone elses fault. How it was the leagues fault. How it was the SFA's fault. How it was every other club in Scotland's fault. Wattie Smith was moaning - all clubs should beware. No Wattie, Rangers should beware. We've all had enough Mcoist now moaning how it is an absolute disgrace to impose fines and bans on rangerswhen they are in admin. Sorry Coisty, these are the rules. You voted for a 11-1 system and still currently retain a vote. You deserve all you get.You along with your ugly sisters have bled the game dry. Fans all talking about protesting at the SC final...good luck with that one when you'll have 50K from Edinbro through who hate you. That is just a disaster waiting to happen. Also of protesting by boycotting Scotland games??? Ha ha, don't make me laugh. The vast majority of Scotland fans are not OF biased. I could of course be wrong. Then we have Stadler and Waldorf (sorry Duff and Phelps) moaning.... Why are you moaning? You get paid either way. Bottom line....let them go to the wall, demote to D3 and make them beg for our help... Thems the rules, thems the reality, thems the consequences of being a bully
BigDodge, Far from being fed up, I'm fascinated! Imagine the possibilities if Rangers are liquidated. There are at least 3 people or groups interested in buying Rangers (4 if you count Brian Kennedy who can't make up his mind). What if more than one of these decide to start a New Rangers and acutally form teams and apply to the SFA/SFL/SPL? Who gets selected? Another issue, Rangers are still owned by Whyte. If he decides to sell, he stands to make a bunch of money. What if this whole thing is just a backdoor way to have a Glasgow team play in an English league? Rangers go bust, Whyte starts a new team in Glasgow but somehow manages to use the license (if that is the proper term) for the English team he gave 250k pounds to as an entry point to the English leagues. The team then moves its way up year by year until they are in the EPL. It might take years, but if you take a long term view could be very profitable.
I'd be interested in hearing Killie fans' opinions of your chairman's recent comments about the Rangers situation: "Members see the commercial benefits of having Rangers, even as a newco," Johnston told BBC Scotland. "The clubs are mindful of a sporting integrity aspect but the commercial benefits may outweigh that." Does this reflect your views? Is finance more important than integrity?
I read the Dundee Utd article where the chairman(?) spelled out just how much the club would lose if Rangers were not part of the SPL - several 100k pounds. Integrity is important, but so is staying in business. My suggestion is that the chairmen cut a deal with Rangers that says that if they want to part of the SPL, they have to give up something. My suggestions - change the 11-1 voting structure, European ban that extends beyond 3 years, up front cash to clubs for tickets to away games, changing the income distribution to reduce the gap that currently exists between the first and second place finishers and the rest of the league, and a stipulation that Rangers pay the entire anount of any transfer fees up front when their transfer ban ends. Like a lot of other fans, I would like to see Rangers dropped to thirsd division and work their way back up, but we have to be financially responsible as well. Watching several other SPL clubs go to the wall doesn't strike me as a smart way to punish Rangers.
It doesn't reflect my view. IMO a newco has to start at the bottom of the tree. If that means all the other teams struggle then so be it. If that means that the SPL has less income then tough, we (the other clubs) would all have to spend less.
Yeah I think a newco / new club have to start in division 3 and work their way up the leagues earn their right to be there. However if its in the rules at the moment that a newco can get into the league then I think you have to let them in and change the rules after season. Dont feel happy with changing the rules during a season to hit any specific club because of any incident as it happens. Although that argument will no longer exist come 5 on Sunday so if its a newco send them to division 3. I also think their should be rules brought in for clubs that get a CVA - they have spent money they will never repay and that should be reflected in so many points a £k. If they complain this much about these discussions and the sanctions from last meeting I cant wait to see thir reaction to the even heavier sanctions if/when found guilty of double contracts and lose big tax case!
I think most "decent "rangers fans would accept that they should be demoted, then when they inevitably gain promotion they can hold their heads high.It will be a tough 3 years for them but that would be fair punishment for their lapses. The over the top punishment of no transfers for 1 year should and I believe will be reversed.If they repay the SPL clubs that they owe then they should be allowed to trade as normal.How the other Euorpean clubs involved would react to this is another matter. The dilemna faced by the other SPL clubs as per the proposed "newco" club will tear apart the fans of the game, whether it is irreversible remains to be seen.I have read on other forums that many fans will never return to football if the newco gains admission to the SPL.This I suspect is keyboard talk as already in Scotland the fans that now go to games regularly are the core supporters and not many clubs have a large proportion of "walk ins". M Johnston has I believe made himself out to look like an idiot with his U turn on the newco admission to the SPL he has this penchant for self righteousness that looks likely to backfire in this case.Threatening to gang up on rfc with his pals then backtracking hasnt done his or our clubs image any good.It was as empty a gesture as the Sandy Jardine speech on the steps of Hampden although to be fair the fans that did the "walk" at least demonstrated their loyalty and a fair few will indeed make those that "hurted " the gers pay !!!! My shadenfreude type personality hopes rfc goes to the wall and are never seen again but then again reality dictates that compromise will win out
BB, I won't attend another SPL match if the newco is not demoted. Every season I find it harder to go to matches knowing that from day one, the best we can hope for is 3rd or 4th, but in the past I have accepted that that is the fate of the diddy teams in Scottish football. To learn that for years now one half of the old firm has been so dominant because of fraudulant actions on their part is unacceptable. They must be punished.
How about they lose their voting rights....That should be a minimum when you put all else to one side. That might make it better for the other teams to get more cash out of it.... I too am all for Rangers being hammered. If they are not, it sends out the wrong message AND sets a precedence. All this talk about this will happen and that will happen should Rangers disappear for a while is just what people suppose will happen. The truth is no-one knows. I say let it happend and see how we all get on. Would Sky really risk losing 1000s of subscriptions if there is no SPL on the box? Would those who don't have Sports packages maybe take one out IF there were less games involving OF teams and more of the others including their own teams. I for one DO NOT subscribe as there isn't enough Killie games involving non OF teams. In the main, i don't particularly like to watch the OF take apart the others. I would definitley watch games that were more open and balanced.
Whether a Newco is let in or not I will always support Killie and go to as many games as possible, but I wont be going to any killie v newco games and wont watch any on tv or go to pub when they are on. As you suggest dodge if there were more killie games on Sky I might actually consider taking sky out!